Wed 25 May, 2005 07:45 am
Is it just me or do the young people today have a really bad attitude problem?
Like the kid who complains they can't do anything fun. They don't have the things they want. Not enough freedom. Their parents are horrible, nasty, mean spirited people. No one respects them. No one listens to them. The kid who thinks the world owes them something; like they should automatically get onto a sports team, or a car at 16, or get the video game they want because "everyone else has it".
Why can't they even say thank you? Is that still an acceptable form of gratitude? Don't bother to hold the door for a teenager because you won't get even a glance back for your troubles. And if you are older and don't have a seat on the bus, don't expect a teenager to get up to offer you their seat. And in the service industry....please don't expect to be treated like a guest. You are not a customer, only a nuisance sent to interrupt their play time at work. And that is if they even have a job.
I am so disgusted by the lack of self respect teenagers have. And the lack of respect they have for those who know better than they do. Maybe teens have always been unruly, but I was never this bad and neither were my friends. It seems that today's kids have taken teenage rebellion and made it an excuse to be a**holes.
What do you think? Do you think things have changed or do you think teenagers are the same as they've always been?
I think the behaviors you are talking about stem from the outta control hormones thier bodes are producing. Some of it really isnt thier fault.. I mean, raging hormones are awful. You feel outta control and angry all the time.
This is no excuse.
I too am disgusted with some of the things I see teenagers doing.
The other issue is ' WHY' do they think it is ok to do these things? Hmm.. home life has a BIG part in that. If they are not taught at home to respect others , they wont do it outside the home. That isnt 100% true... teenagers rebel sometimes for no reason no matter what the home life, but it does apply.
As a teen we dont always see our behaviors as others do. Hell.. as an ADULT we dont either.
It is entirely possible , as teens, most of us were as bad if not worse then the ones we see today...
I completely agree but at the same time i can see why they are like that (although I dont think it should be an excuse for bad behaviour).
The word 'respect' is bounced around so much today.Sadly the word respect applies to kids if they have the guts to beat up an old person or, as you say act like an a**hole.
Kids like to be in gangs and impress their friends to get this 'respect'.They dont want to work for it, they want it to just happen.
They think labelled clothes make them cool, smoking at the age of 10 makes them look older,walking with a limp means they are in a street gang, wearing hooded tops makes them intimidating, not saying thank you makes them makes them look like loutish 12 year olds who dont deserve anything.
I can understand why they are like that a bit.
Being a teenager isnt much fun.
Its seen as too dangerous to play outside, going places costs money(more than it used to)so much pressure having to pass exams, get good grades so they can become the doctor that their parents want them to become.They must feel like the whole world is against them.
I think the majority of kids are ok, its just these stupid groups of kids that hang around on street corners which are giving the others a bad press.
Im sure I used to be a moody teenager, Im a moody adult at times but never as bad as the attitudes that are around now.
I was on my way home earlier and a group of boys walked past, they all had a bag of chips n I saw one of them drop a finished sachet of ketchup, I wanted to yell at him to pick it up but didnt,I may get kneecapped.
I think its now known as the 'Yob Culture'
I really had an attitude when I was a teen, I'm starting to get over it now though.
Damn kids! Stay offa' my lawn! (shakes fist vigorously)
material girl wrote:
Im sure I used to be a moody teenager, Im a moody adult at times but never as bad as the attitudes that are around now.
I was moody too. We all were. But never so nasty as the kids seem today. Maybe I've just turned into a cranky adult?
Yeah, Its strange growing up.
I used to really defend teenagers a few yeras back but now I call them pikey chavs etc(not to their faces of course).
Bella, we can be cranky adults together, lets start complaining about the price of bread.
I think the problem really stems from adults.
Adults glamorize gang life - more kids join gangs.
Parents indulge their kids every whim - kids think they derserve things for doing nothing.
Some kids listen to their family scream and argue and they think thats the way the whole world is. They grow up with disrespect - they disrespect in turn.
Sports teams don't keep score, everyone's a winner, everyone gets a trophy.
I've heard that some schools no longer give grades because it made some kids feel bad.
People are yelling "I'm gonna sue" to every tiny infraction and wonder why kids talk back.
Kids are mimics.
What is that line from The Incredibles -- something like "They keep finding new ways to celebrate mediocrity."?
That pretty much sums it up.
Good observations boomerang.
I think those observations are good -- but I also think we're getting old.

Maybe it was just my peers, but I can remember them (uh, yeah, them) doing all of that stuff. And lots of the kids I actually meet these days are quite nice.
I think every generation bemoans the younger one -- I think there's definitely something to it, but I'm not sure they're all that much worse.
I dont think I was ever intentionally rude, just very moody which could be seen as rude.
If i was in a mood it was because something was seriously getting me down and other people didnt realise or didnt know how to help or just didnt want to, and as a teenager I wouldnt go out and look for help.
Sometime I look back to how I was in certain situations and shudder at my behaviour adn think how embarrasing/awful it was for the person on the other end.
I wasnt being rebellious tho, it was just the way I was.
Some teens definately look at their parents or older people to see how to act.Sometimes I hera my friends little girl bossing her younger sister around, saying things that she could only have heard from her mum.And they are said with such venom, its horrid to hear!!.
They wouldn't pull it if it wasn't allowed. I'm with Boomer and blame the parents, mostly. I've seen it with my own eyes way too many times, watched the mess develop from the time the child was born until now where they're unruly and out-of-control and the parents, my peers, seemingly helpless, can't do anything about it. There's several ways to create a monster but what I see most often is parents who give their kids absolutely everything and demand nothing from them like decent grades, doing chores around the house and simple respect.
You know you're getting old when...
"kids these days."
kids these days make me feel old...
grumpy adults?
Shall we start our own support group? heheheh
You can't join yet She, but in a few years you might be eligible. (kids raising kids, sheesh)
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. [/i]
-- Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910)
I used to laugh at people way back in my waitressing days, who would insist the children say please and thank-you and then order me around as if I were an incidental object.
As a people, we have forgotten civility.
very true ceili... I have seen that too.
These parents tell thier child not to be rude, love everyone, always do good.. blah blah..
then they yank thier kids away when a homeless person comes with in 5 miles of them and insult people who are fat, not dressed well, who have bad cars.. etc.