Todays modern day remedy is chocolate.
Would you care for some too?
Yesterday evening , I went to a local softball field to volunteer my 3 hours to help the game along.
There was this woman.. well.. I will call her a girl. She was MAYBE 21? Had 2 kids, and a mouth even Andrew Dice Clay wouldnt kiss. . ..
Very strange way of dressing.. She tore her t-shirt sleeves up to her shoulders, and cut the necklines down to almost her bellybutton...and not in a 'stylish' way. What I mean by that is, it wasnt done to finish off a look.. it was done so her torn up bra could show..

Her hair was very dirty, long , greasy , and she looked like she had not bathed in a few days... Her shorts , well, I think they were actually long pants, but so much of the material had crawled up into her crack, they became super short...

Very loud, hateful, angry, and always..........ALWAYS had something nasty to say to the other volunteers when they gave her direction on what needed to be done. She was on probation for some little misdemeanor charge and was doing community service to pay it off.
After about 1 1/2 hours of listening to her, I was FUMING! I didnt talk to her much, I wasnt in a position to give direction last night.. thank goodness. All my job was to take orders for sodas..snacks.. etc.
She was so rude, so angry, and frankly sounded like she didnt complete the 5th grade in school.
It took me a while to just calm down and stop getting all worked up over her .. but when I did, funny thing, I thought about this thread.
The first thought that came to my mind was.,." where in the hell did she learn this behavior?" " I bet her parents are the same way".... Of course, my opinions and anger subsided a bit when I thought about this and wouldnt you know.....
in comes her dad.
( forgive my blunt, maybe rude description..)
Short, fat, angry, rude, ignorant, half drunk..
Mirror image.. his daughter was to him.
Amazing. I was REALLY thinking it was just her young age, and her dislike for having to DO community service . That is understandable ! But.. fact remains , you have to DO IT. And I was just about to contribute all that attitude to those simple things when her dad walked in.
oh my.... i actually feel sorry for that child . AND her children.