personally i think you're all starting to sound like old misers (in a nice way

) i'm quite sure you were all polite and friendly (if a little moody) when you were teenagers, but that doesnt mean everyone was the same, i'm sure you had your thugs and hooligans and just as many snotty, angry, spoiled little so and so's as my generation has (or had, i'm 20 now so i s'pose i dont count, i could be "twenteen" for the sake of argument) i've always been as polite as i could, friendly and outgoing, i've never been rude or set out to hurt people, i have manners and help others, i'd hold a door open for you and if you didn't do it for me just because you think young people thesedays are little bas**** s i wouldn't be impressed. but on the other hand i'm from a pretty rough area and 99% of the people i grew up around were assholes so i understand that there are a lot of people my age who aren't that nice. it just kinda winds me up when we all get lumped with them because we are young, people locking car doors when i walk past, or the looks i get walking past people at night etc.