Turning PBS into another propaganda tool

Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 10:18 pm
chiczaira wrote:
Are you an English teacher? You know, of course, what Voltaire said to the priest that came to attend his last rites. When the priest said--"My son, I come from God"--Voltaire replied, "May I see your credentials"?

May I see your credentials, dyslexia?

I find it curious that someone who claims to be an expert in the English language sports such a pejorative name as Dyslexia.

This is one of the worst tangents among many really bad tangents that have graced this thread, Chic. If I set out to catalogue the language "errors" found here at A2K, I'd have to quit my day job and hire a small entourage. [I doubt that you'd be one of them]

But let me fill you in on how language works. The register used here at A2K does NOT even remotely approach formal. Dys is not writing an academic abstract nor is he even writing newspaper English. These are fundamentally different styles of usage and I'm surprised you don't know this.

We ENLs have tremendous latitude in using our language because, as the sole users of this language in the entire universe, there is no one else to tell us how to use it.

Dictionaries are merely catalogers of English and, this is important, so listen up, they can't possibly be expected to list the thousands of everyday casual usages.

But to deflect the argument by attacking ONLY those you perceive to be on the "other side", while ignoring the same "egregious errors" from those on your side, illustrates just how devoid of rational thought you are.

Woiyo tried this same nonsense some time back. It's a cheap trick worthy of you cons.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 10:19 pm
JTT wrote:
Notice how pointedly Lash and Chic are avoiding the issue. When cons, [how apropos] don't like the facts they use tangents, throw the facts out or studiously avoid them.

Notice how JTT, closely followed by his alter ego Atkins, go about belching forth personal comments about posters, but never says anything of value toward any issue any time.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 10:22 pm
JTT wrote:
[But to deflect the argument by attacking ONLY those you perceive to be on the "other side", while ignoring the same "egregious errors" from those on your side, illustrates just how devoid of rational thought you are.

Unfounded and sweeping criticisms like that one are generally a hallmark of a small, and justifiably insecure mind.
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Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 10:22 pm
JTT- You may be correct. However, there are many who disagree with you. I urge you to note the responses to some of my posts by such worthies as Setanta, Blatham and Parados.

I will refrain from any comment on "language" and or Spelling as soon as they do!!

Not before!!!
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Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 11:28 pm
Lash wrote:
JTT wrote:
Notice how pointedly Lash and Chic are avoiding the issue. When cons, [how apropos] don't like the facts they use tangents, throw the facts out or studiously avoid them.

Notice how JTT, closely followed by his alter ego Atkins, go about belching forth personal comments about posters, but never says anything of value toward any issue any time.

My arguments seem to have convinced Chic, [twice, wasn't it?], just in the last several postings.

Lash wrote:
PBS thread page 11

Bill Moyers is a red-faced, spittle spewing rabid Marxist-Leninist lefty.

He is openly anti-Republican and has no business masquerading as a journalist.

NPR has finally been called on the carpet BY DEMOCRATS who admit NPR is too one-sided in their reportage.

A Jew never did anything good per NPR.

NPR=National Palestinian Radio.

They should have to present a balanced view.

I nearly split a gut when they said they may have to call in.....Fox News....to learn how to report in a balanced manner.


Lash wrote:
page 12

Daniel Shorr---ALWAYS ANTI-BUSH.

I really hate that old geezer.

Lash wrote:
page 14

I'm sure I'm not the only conservative who is seriously concerned that many young adults think Jon Stewart is a news anchor.

Lash wrote:
page 14

I'd be satisfied that what is actually news is regarded as news, and that people knew the difference between news and entertainment.

But, that's just me.

Lash wrote:
page 14

Dan Rather would be one interesting case in point.

One of three major (or 4) coveted and historically respected iconic positions; men who are charged with straight dissemination of the news.

He was a major Democrat fundraiser, constantly attacked Republicans, and I think he massaged himself to orgasm whenever he interviewed Bill or Hill. He fell all over himself lauding them.

He ran with a story he had no credible source for--because he wanted to cause Bush to lose the election.

Could we start be saying he tried to influence voters?

Blatham had to mildly admonish Lash for trying to take the discussion so far off point.

Blatham: "Hold off for a bit lash. Let's try and get some basics in on this one."

Lash wrote:
page 16

OK, let me try to be serious for a second.

I would deeply love to witness, or take part in a thoughtful, ordered examination of this issue wherein we all check our preconceived biases at the door.

I will make a concerted effort not to buzz in with quips.

Could someone start a convo on the parameters, or method of the discussion?

So after all this diversion, Lash tries to get involved in the discussion and promptly shoots herself in the foot.

Lash wrote:
page 16

It seems that blatham measures the level of influence, rather than the job description--and seeks to apply a parallel level of responsibility to adhere to the Journalistic Code.

It may seem unfair that one can say whatever he pleases--and another is censured heavily--but that is the nature of Journalism contrasted to a Commentator.

I think it is just irritating to those on the end of the political spectrum opposite the heavy hitters--O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity... The heroes of the opposing group are unfortunately people who ARE bound by the Journalistic Code. They are not Commentators, but reporters and anchors.

chiczaira wrote:
I have read this entire thread and have learned something. I have learned that if I am wise and balanced and thoughful and eager to find the truth as Blatham sees it, I will be blessed. However, if I am bigoted and close minded and filled with error like McGentrix, I will be damned.

Since I want to be saved I must ask Blatham how he found the truth. What is the way to enlightenment,O great one?

To which, in the very next posting, Lash responded,

Lash wrote:
That's what I was thinking....<LOL>

Caught up as they were in deep and reasoned thinking, in order to better advance the discussion, neither Chic nor Lash noticed that Blatham wasn't arguing with McGentrix, he was arguing with Rayban. But any old diversion will do.

Freeduck could no longer contain duckself, so ...

FreeDuck wrote:
I have never seen someone contort themselves so much to avoid seeing a point.

I think this was pointed at Rayban, but it could have easily applied to every far right conservative in this thread, or at least the usual suspects.

Lash then continued with her usual inane distractions but we're coming to the best one of all.

Lash wrote:


If Coulter wrote that, it was one of the best things she's ever written. Thanks for bringing it!!

And, GOOD FOR YOU for pointing out blaring hypocrisy of others who have the nerve to accuse you of trying on what they do. (!!!!!)

This little celebration was for an article written by A Coulter, posted by McG. You'll have to search for yourself to find Lash's extensive discussions re Ms Coulter's arguments.

I think I've probably gathered Lash's best of the best for this thread.

I am constantly amazed at the depth of her thinking, of the reasoned and well thought out argument she offers, of the things she brings to these threads.

In closing, let me just requote two of Lash's quotes from early in the thread.

Lash wrote:
page 14
I'd be satisfied that what is actually news is regarded as news, and that people knew the difference between news and entertainment.

But, that's just me.

Lash: I would deeply love to witness, or take part in a thoughtful, ordered examination of this issue wherein we all check our preconceived biases at the door.

I will make a concerted effort not to buzz in with quips.

Measure these against her gushing over Ms Coulter's article. I think that we can all agree that without Lash this thread would have been a complete waste of time.

I must also point up how careful Lash is in following her own "promises", and I'm suitably impressed by her "deep desire" for "a thoughtful, ordered examination of [any] issue".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 11:39 pm
He's proved my point again. All that space used up by JTT for nothing other than personal characterization.

That's weird.

my post--
It seems that blatham measures the level of influence, rather than the job description--and seeks to apply a parallel level of responsibility to adhere to the Journalistic Code.

It may seem unfair that one can say whatever he pleases--and another is censured heavily--but that is the nature of Journalism contrasted to a Commentator.

I think it is just irritating to those on the end of the political spectrum opposite the heavy hitters--O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity... The heroes of the opposing group are unfortunately people who ARE bound by the Journalistic Code. They are not Commentators, but reporters and anchors.
was the content that prevailed. You don't follow so well. Maybe that's why you spend so much time (all your time...?) discussing people rather than issues.

Blatham seemed unaware of the difference in commentators and journalists. Now, he knows...

Can you find any issue and discuss it without resorting to insulting characterization of a poster?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 11:59 pm
Lash wrote:
He's proved my point again. All that space used up by JTT for nothing other than personal characterization.

That's weird.

Can you find any issue and discuss it without resorting to insulting characterization of a poster?

Such hypocrisy Lash. Drawing from the well of factual material to prove my point really gets under your skin, doesn't it? I must note that this is all too typical. Whenever Blatham got too close to truths y'all disliked, the spin came out in full force.

Would you like me to document that for you?

You've picked the one cherry off the Lash tree that illustrates this overwhelming desire of yours to address the issues, to get to the truth.

The whole thread was about PBS and all you did throughout was cast aspersions with zero documentation to address the overall issue; does a liberal bias exist?

I wasn't able to find any posting that directly addressed the poll numbers showing that most (78%) find no bias. Could you direct me to those postings, please, yours, Rayban's, or anyone's will do fine?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 12:03 am
JTT-=Lash is right. Why don't you get off of your rhetorical high horse and PROVE the truth of your statements using EVIDENCE. Or are you unable to do it?

Do you want to know how? Do you need a model? Go to the thread on Global Warming. You appear to be restricted to tossing layers of meaningless bovine excrement around.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 12:09 am
I've not heard anything from the right wingers casting about for explanations as to how a Republican dominated Congress could vote as they did, a 2 to 1 margin, if I'm not mistaken.

Another interesting point I came across, correct me if I'm wrong; PBS viewers identify themselves roughly 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 as D, R, Ind.

Ya think THEY might've noticed the polls?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 12:09 am

Will you stop using this hokey duo to provide Keystone Cop back-up and make your own argument?

I entered the conversation when you revealed you didn't know the difference in commentators and journalists. No poll anywhere addresses that.

Lose the bozos.
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Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 12:17 am
Oh ,Lash, I am sure you are mistaken. Blatham knows the difference about everything and anything. If you don't believe it, just ask him.
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Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 12:25 am
LOL!!! I swear. It's funny every time you say it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 12:35 am
In the last four pages, since I posted the article about Congress keeping PBS funding in place, Lash has written eight postings. None of those postings have addressed the central issue of this thread.

Chiczaira's topped Lash by one posting. Nothing from him either.

I rest my case.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 12:43 am
Hey. Why should we??? You never do.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 01:02 am
JTT thinks he is exempt. Some day he will be on a post where I will use Evidence to eviscerate him, lash. Someday, he will get into an argument with me in a area that requires empirical evidence.Then we will see whether he will continue his erroneous preaching.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 01:08 am
He'll be gone before long. Don't waste the effort. He's some alter for a cowardly member who's only brave enough to speak vicariously through "someone" else,...or has need of a self-made posse to back him up.

That is truly one of the most depressing, psychotic spectres of the www.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 09:09 am
Of course, Lash is unwilling to admit that she was single handedly responsible for a thread closing through her use of obscenities.

Lash accused me of writing as JTT on this thread. She's accused me of being other writers on other threads. Paranoia? Projection?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 09:17 am
Nah. Observation.

In order for someone to be unwilling to admit something, they have to at least be asked if it's true...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 09:19 am
Lash wrote:
Nah. Observation.

In order for someone to be unwilling to admit something, they have to at least be asked if it's true...

How many points has this poster's IQ slipped today?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 09:46 am
How many negative characterizations has Atkins made?

What is his/her post/insult ratio?
0 Replies

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