I guess when it comes down to it, most actors, models, etc. who participate in racist ads and/or promote racist products don't really care about ethics or morals.
They're in it for the money, and/or they want the attention.
I feel sorry for the KIDS who get involved. Often, if I'm not mistaken, the parents FORCE them to get involved.
I think it's highly inappropriate for parents to let minors star in or be featured in R-rated movies.
That makes me wonder what kind of impact will their film experience have on their development, and how that will affect them once they become adults.
There was an R-rated horror movie I've seen called
Orphan. The star of the movie was a
12-year old. What I DIDN'T like about the movie was that the 12-year old girl was playing a VERY mature role.
There was an R-rated psycho thriller movie I've seen called
Hard Candy. That was about a 14-year old girl who took it upon herself to take down a pedophile. The man did not know how CRAZY the girl was. That was very unrealistic. I watched the movie and I thought to myself, "Where were the girl's parents when all the mess that transpired in the movie was going on?"
I was maddened at the ending of the movie.
***Spoiler Alert***- the girl drives the man to literally kill himself by hanging, and the girl just walks away from the man's properly and brushes it off like nothing happened.
I was also maddened at a scene in the movie before that.
***Spoiler Alert***- the lady next door hears a bunch of commotion going on in the man's house, and the girl comes out of the front door of the house and addresses and addresses the woman. If I recall correctly, the woman asks her if she was okay, and if she was home by herself, and asked her what all that noise emanating from the man's house was.
The girl hesitates to answer her and she makes up some stupid LIE about what that noise was the woman heard, and the woman buys it and leaves.
If I had been the neighbor, I would have CALLED THE FRIGGIN' COPS if I heard a bunch of commotion going on in that house. But I'm not the one who WROTE the movie.
It's inappropriate to have minors appear in an R-rated movie especially if there's nudity involved, and especially if the minors are required to play MATURE parts. The kids should not be displaying inappropriate sexual behavior and wearing sexily-suggestive attire.
The kids shouldn't be in the movies cussing either.
This type of stuff doesn't surprise me- the parents of these kids are obviously NOT Saved.
Getting back to this:
I haven't owned or played with any gaming consoles in years. The last one I ever owned was an N64.
I certainly don't want to buy a console from a company that uses occultic images and symbolism like upside-down crosses in their ads.