blatham wrote:tico
Quote:Newsweek "lied" as much as Bush "lied." I think both relied on the intelligence they had at the time. I think Newsweek is guilty only of shoddy journalism fostered by an intense desire to embarrass the Bush administration. I think Bush is guilty of being fearful that Saddam had WMD he hadn't accounted for, and might turn them over to terrorists, and took appropriate action in light of that concern. After both acted on the information they had, we learn that Newsweek's information was apparently wrong, and we still don't know where the WMD are/went.
Some of you folks on the right in modern america are such a curiosity. You simply can no longer think with any objective discernment at all.
Isikoff, of all people, is out to embarrass the Bush administration?! Newsweek MADE him write this article, using torture perhaps? The administration official who said he's seen the information (though not sure in which government document) is out to embarrass his administration? The Pentagon official who vetted Isikoff's piece is out to embarrass the administration? The brit memo is a fake/forgery or false in some manner - even while Blair describes it not in any of those terms but as "nothing new"?
Of course Newsweek was out to embarrass the Bush administration. That sells more copies, you know.
The Scrappleface article I copied above, while satirical, rings true when it said:
[i]For those unschooled in professional journalistic ethics, Mr. Whitaker explained that a retraction demands a higher standard of evidence than an ordinary news item.
"You don't just rush to press with a retraction until you nail down the facts," he added.[/i]
[quote="blatham""]You're not available, in any rational sense, tico. I do dislike this administration and the movement surrounding it, not simply because it has killed and maimed so many thousands of innocent people of the wrong color, or because it has totalitarian designs, but particularly because it generates people like yourself who so freely give away your critical faculties in exchange for esprit d'corps and certainty.[/quote]
I'm afraid you lack understanding if you genuinely believe the Bush administration has "generated" me. I like to think I first came around sometime mid-90's, during Slick Willy's tenure.