What's this rubbish doing on My Posts? I only engage in serious discussions about important matters. It is discussions about serious matters that got us to where we are today. Under the very long-winded Matriarchy there were no serious discussions about important matters which is why it stagnated for so long. It was only when the division of labour principle emerged as a consciously chosen adaptation that it became obvious that if men's lot were to be changed for the better we should sit around in the sun discussing important matters and the women should do the other tasks so that our minds would be uncluttered by mundanities.
And it worked. Plato would be flabbergasted if an ancient science-fiction writer had published a papyrus describing us lot. Take an ice-cream van for example. And there was a bonus. It worked for women too. Their lot was improved out of all imaginable scope as well. Not for them being scarcely able to contemplate the coming day. They have diaries now which help them look forward in anticipation to the coming year.
But when we see women now, and so often, sitting around discussing important matters it is bound to give us pause for thought and particularly when men seem more and more concerned with mundanities, such as building an authentic currach out 0f the latest hi-tech gizmo fixers and having their hair styled.
If we are over-turning the original division of labour choice we are saying that it was mistaken and anyone saying that should eschew ice-cream vans and seek to lap their refreshment from a puddle.
The problem is that the female mind is actually mundane. And rightly so. It is misogynistic to think otherwise or to think there's something wrong with it being. Hence it is incapable of contemplating the sort of important matters which produced our cornucopia of goodies.
That'll teach fm to blurt his way to the top of My Posts when he has nothing useful to say.