Igm…let’s take this slowly.
Since I have entered this discussion with you…only one assertion regarding the existence or non-existence of god or gods has been made…and it was made by you.
The assertion was: There is no creator god.
Following your advice, I would have to default to “there is a creator god”…and wait for evidence to refute that.
Atheists often want the only assertions to be the assertions of theists. They even try to offer a definition of atheism that pretends that no assertion is being made from the atheistic side.
But that is not so. By doing what you are suggesting to the perceived theistic assertion “there is a god” you are defaulting to the position “there are no gods.”
I am saying that the agnostic position “I do not know” is superior from a logical and rational standpoint.
I would say that same thing if a theist were arguing that because an atheist like Edgar asserts “there are no gods; no possibility of gods”…I should default to “there are gods.”
The suggestion truly makes no sense to me…and seem contrived so as not to have to acknowledge agnosticism.