@reasoning logic,
RL…thank you for your response. Obviously we are not going to resolve anything here, but it is fun to engage in some discussion on this subject and I appreciate you indulging me. I hope you enjoy it also.
You answered:
Quote:I would say No. I arrived at that conclusion by not having any evidence of a God.
(I realize I am dealing with just part of your response, but this is the important part and we should treat it separately from the rest of the response.)
I find it surprising that you would prefer the answer “no” to “I do not know”…and I wonder about the reason you give for the preference of “no.”
It seems as though you are saying the default answer to a question where no evidence exists FOR something is that the thing does not exist. I don’t see the logic in that…and I’d like to discuss it for a bit.
Perhaps taking it to a different subject might make my point.
If I were to ask you: “Is there any sentient life on any planet circling the nearest ten stars to Sol?”…
…would you actually respond, “NO…and I arrived at that conclusion by not having any evidence that sentient life exists on any of those planets?”
Wouldn’t you think it more logical to respond, “I do not know?” In fact, wouldn’t you consider it illogical to reply, “NO…and I arrived at that conclusion by not having any evidence that sentient life exists on any of those planets?”
For certain we have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that any life exists on any of those planets…fact is, we don’t have any evidence that there are any planets circling those particular stars. We know planets circle some stars…and can infer that planets probably circle many stars (maybe even MOST stars), but making the jump to “there IS sentient life on any planets that may exist around those stars" is quite a stretch—and I doubt any reasonable person would make that stretch.
I also doubt any reasonable person would make the stretch in the other direction…that there are NO sentient beings on any of the planets that may be circling the nearest ten stars.
The only logical, reasonable answer to that question would be: “Beats the **** out of me”…wouldn’t you say?
“I don’t know” makes much more sense than “no” despite the lack of evidence. (If you disagree, we should discuss it.)
Even though there is no evidence the sentient life exists on those planets…to suggest the proper default would be to say, “Therefore NO sentient life does exist there”…is unreasonable and illogical.
Apply that thought to your response to my question about gods…and see if you come up with the same answer you did before. If you do, we can discuss it further.