Quote:. Really? what are your metrics on this dumass statement?
The historical record. Documents, artefacts.
You're heckling again fm. No meaning in your post. If you can't read Spengler what am I supposed to do? I've taken you through it before in broad brush. You put it on Ignore. The Bigot Button.
The Bishop of Brixen. (1450). I think Spengler has it wrong when he said that it was "an instinct that guided Nicolaus Cusanus from the idea of the unendingness of God in nature to the elements of the Infinitesimal Calculus."
I think the Bish got the idea from the Gospel of Luke. Jesus on the lightning flash comparison which, at the time, was high treason. Pythagoras had been persecuted.
Quote:Leibniz himself, who two centuries later definitely settled the methods and notation of the Calculus, was led by purely metaphysical speculations about the divine principle and its relation to infinite extent to conceive and develop the notion of an analysis situs---probably the most inspired of all interpretations of pure and emancipated space---the possibilities of which were to be developed later by Grassmann in his Ausdebnungslebre and above all by Riemann, their real creator, in his symbolism of two-sided planes representative of the nature of equations. And Kepler and Newton, strictly religious natures both, were and remained convinced, like Plato, that it was precisely through the medium of number that they had been able to apprehend intuitively the essence of the divine world order.
Dawkins ain't science. Darwin ain't science. The NCSE ain't science. You're flattering yourself fm. You're powdering your nose and straightening your seams. Geology isn't science. Every technique of geology rests on the science of the Christian project.
Grassmann was the son of a minister of religion and studied theology at university. Liebniz's father was a professor of moral philosophy.
And compare the architecture of cultures. What a difference between a cathedral, a light machine, and a mosque. Or a totem pole. Listen to Bach sometime. Study Rembrandt.
That straw man of yours that Christianity is holding us back is so vast that if you took it to bits and sold it off the bottom would drop out of straw futures.
And you have ducked the question, again, of driving moderate Islamic opinion into the hands of extremists by promoting an opinion they will never embrace.
And your posts are infantile. Blather, blurt and bombast. You might cow your neighbours but you won't cow me.
I think primitive savagery is ahead of atheism. And 93% of Americans believe in "something". And 10% of them approve of the secular Congress.