@reasoning logic,
Not so, spendi's only purpose in any debate, is to highlight spendius, not the topic. HEs a narcissistic douche bag with vast untested depths of misogyny. He's only ever involved himself in a debate in oprder to counter the iimmediately preceeding post. Thats boring and quite predictable behavior.
Hes added nothing important so far (Several people seem to be impressed with his ability to quote unconnected symbols and authors, thats because he has a half-vast collection of google inserts to choose from.
CI talks from experience, spendi talks from a barstool.I especially love it when spendi had proposed an opinion about something hes never experienced and would try to counter what someone like CI would state. CI has years of world travel under his belt and spendi has a walk to the pub and back, with frequent visits to his bookie.
You may be impressed, many are not, I count me with the latter group. Ive got him ignored and dont miss any of his "Spice" . The meat of this discussion has been , for several hundred pages, the shallow deformed ego of spendi, not the titled topic.Thats unfair to those who dont give a rats ass about the sodden life of one confused brit who lusts after womens underwear and is oprwting under several dozen false assumptions of history and science.
BUT, thats not my problem.