I think we have crossed wires here FM, I did not say there was a god who designed the universe.
I don't believe in god either.
I put this to people who ACTUALLY BELIEVE in intelligent design.
If there is intelligent design by a god, well I can only see two ways it could have happened.
(1) A "god" created everything and controls everything. (This is your basic religious view, is it not.)
(2) A "god" created everything and then let it find it's own path.
By all means call (2) "theistic evolution". That doesn't conflict with what I
was trying to point out to the believers of I.D.
Nor has what I was saying anything to do with evolution.
Read again.
If (1) is right then "god" is one harsh bastard to torture his creations as he does when if he is so powerful he could have created a utopia for them or just have sent them straight to heaven & bypassed all the pain & suffering. So if (1) is right, then "god" must be a sadist.
If (2) is right, then "god" just rolled the dice and said c'est la vie, he's sitting somewhere maybe smoking a cigar & saying to himself "Whatever".
So he's either a bastard or doesn't give a **** one way or the other.
So WHY oh WHY do some people worry so much about him.
So I was basically asking believers of god & I.D. , why they would be
bothered worshipping a god (designer) who either loved torturing
them or at best was indifferent to them.