Intelligent design theory is religious
interpretation posing as pseudo-science. It is ego pretending to be spiritual.
The proponents of ID forget the precepts of their own religion. Key among these is humility.
But they are also being delusional. Science studies reality and is batting close to a thousand. To ignore reality is tantamount to delusion. Simple.
What the fundamentalist believer forgets is that there are so many different and conflicting interpretations, and only one can be right. But more terrifying to some is that none of those interpretations may be right.
I believe God created the universe. What exactly God is, I cannot say. But I've experienced being outside of this Homo sapiens shell and seeing the world around me with the same clarity found using my body's eyeballs. This happened during some particularly potent spiritual counseling (no drugs, surgery or physical trauma involved). What does this have to do with God? If the Creator is a non-physical, spiritual and immortal source of creation, then we might be similar to the Big Guy. In fact, Genesis 1:26 says that we were created in His image. Say that were true. That would make us baby gods, right? And the Nazarene teacher told his enemies who were about to stone him to death, "ye are gods."
That same Nazarene teacher said that we could do the miracles he did and even greater ones. And wouldn't you know, I've had some experience with this, too! I write about this in a HubPages article, "
Anatomy of a Miracle." Okay, this may seem to be chest thumping on my part, but think about it. If each of us can do such things, then my few meager miracles are nothing special. But logically, the implications are profound. A purely physical being cannot bend, break or otherwise circumvent the laws of physical reality. Only a non-physical source of creation can do something like that.
So, even though science usually only studies the realm of continuity (physical reality or the space-time continuum), some of the same logic can be brought to bear on the discontinuous realm of creation, faith and spiritual awakening.
It may be that the proponents of Intelligent Design have it all wrong, but it may also be that the key idea behind ID has been right, after all. God created the universe and His day of rest has now lasted for something like 13.7 billion years. Just a thought.