It's a nice enough song fm. Not great but nice.
But really- one can't expect an anti-IDer to appreciate Bob Dylan. In fact one would expect them to turn away from him.
The original anti-IDer is Julien de La Mettrie. Your only martyr. The guy who inspired de Sade so much and he had read everything.
La Mettrie claimed that the idea of the soul not derived from the senses is inconceivable and that the soul developed and decayed with the body. He thus made the two words synonymous and by doing so invented psychology, and psychoanalysis, which have now reached the materialist theory of mind stage.
He is said to have invented modern science as well with his No1 heresy that the object of science is the discovery of truth by evidence and experiment. He had to run for his life and was eventually killed by food poisoning in Fredrick the Great's court where he had been granted asylum because of his wit. And he is credited with inventing modern medicine with the idea that man is a machine and thus fixable. From little acorns....
He said that the dualism of Descartes and Liebnitz was unverifiable and therefore untenable. Both top of the range scientists.
So anyway-
It is obvious that an anti-IDer could not make head or tail of this-
Quote:She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe
"I thought you'd never say hello," she said
You look like the silent type".
Then she opened up a book of poems
And handed it to me
Written by an Italian poet From the thirteenth century.
And every one of them words rang true
And glowed like a burnin' coal
Pourin' off of every page
Like they were written in my soul from me to you.
Tangled up in blue.
No soul- nothing to write on. Which seems to me to mean no messages from the past and calls to mind the stolen post-office and the locked mail-box of Memphis Blues Again. Probably the Memphis of long ago.
What the media and Mummy and Daddy and their surrogates say is all you have to go on.
So one can see that an anti-IDer would turn away from that and also see why Mummy and Daddy might interfere in education to make sure only what they said has value and that nobody might put any funny ideas in the heads of the little monsters they are relying on to prove their genetic material is of the best grade. And Philip Larkin will put you in the picture on Mummy and Daddy if you Google This Be The Verse.
Mr Cash just tickles you under the chin. All assertion. The only ring of fire I ever saw was when the alsations jumped through a burning truck tyre at the Police shows. Still I don't eat hot curries so I might have missed the point.
Lok out kid- they keep it all hid.
So fm- you are right from your side and I am right from mine.
PS. Somebody told me that the only things in the hardware shops not made in China are china cups.