Settin' Aah-aah wrote, and it will take a while to dry out and set-
Quote:"ID" stands for "intelligent design,"
False. The assumption made is that intelligent design is an American idea which it isn't.
Quote:It's an attempt to sneak creationism in the back door of education, all the while denying that it is creationism.
False. Nobody on here, least of all me, believes in what is known as Creationism. And that has been obvious from the beginning.
Quote:Spurious here is a contrarian.
False. Unless a contrarian is defined as somebody disagreeing with the handful of half-baked anti-IDers on here. The last poll I saw quoted showed 97% (of those polled of course) somewhere on my side of the fence which strongly suggests that this handful are the real contrarians.
Quote: He disagrees with the other members here for the sake of disagreeing, and not because he knows anything about the issue of science in the "intelligent design" brouhaha, because he has consistently shown that he doesn't understand the science.
False. There are hundreds of threads where it is easy to disagree for disagreeing's sake. There is no science, apart from social science, in the intelligent design concept. If there was any science there would be no debate.
Quote: It is not because he understands the American educational system, because he has shown that he knows nothing about that.
False. There is no such thing as the American educational system unless the word "education" is properly defined. And I have read numerous books about the subject which it is quite plain Settin' Aah-aah hasn't. All true educational systems are the same. Indoctrination and conditioning are another matter. And I have referred to these sources many times.
Settin' Aah-aah knows full well that these abbreviations have been used on here, and not just by me, as a convenient way of avoiding typing out long screeds of explanation each time we post. He is simply being pedantic.
I'll admit that I have a lot to learn about the judicial system in the US but it does seem to be run on behalf of vested interest groups.
The Dover taxpayers were victimised.
Quote: Of course, he considers that those who sued the school board to remove "ID" from the school curriculum were the victimizers, rather than the school board members who attempted to introduce creationism into the science curriculum under false pretences).
According to what wande informed us at the time it was a mere question of reading out a few paragraphs to biology students at the beginning of the year's course. It was not an attempt to introduce Creationism into the science curriculum. It was simply to point out that evolution had a few questions to answer and that is a point of view held by large numbers of people.
Settin' Aah-aah hardly ever appears on this thread and that causes him to not understand the debate as it has developed. He's an interrupter and that is ignorant. So you take notice of the ignorant if you wish OGI. It's a free country. He did used to contribute in order to display his grasp on constitutional problems and historical incidents but vanished probably due to being unable to hack it. So you take notice of the stamina challenged if you wish OGI. Politics is all about stamina. Dilettantes sit at home and brood far from the action.
And he's a serial asserter to boot.
His post is one long, tiresome mish-mash of assertions not one of which is backed by any beef. And it is all abstract and bears no relation to what goes on in the thousands of real-time classrooms or the thousands of teacher recruitment procedures in States of widely differing economic and traditional backgrounds.
In reality the post is contentless. It's actually trolling if I have understood that word correctly. It is aimed at the innocent. It would be laughed out of court in any proper debate about education. It thus insults the intelligence of the many viewers of this thread. It loses sight of people. It assumes this debate is a waste of time and not just on this thread. It is superior in tone which is always a sign of insecurity. It's just a sloppy, solipsistic mess.