spendius wrote:The trouble is my dear that if we asked you to provide an answer to c.i.'s request we can be quite certain that an intellectual will markedly resemble your very self.
Look Pussycat, why don't you start the day with a truth for once and admit you have no idea, and are consequently unable to answer the question.
Alternatively you could take your normal stance of utter twaddle, references and Zimmerman quotes, thinking (as you have previously pointed out to all of us) that somebody is going to take the trouble to read your foolish inconsistent meanderings in the future.
I note euthanasia is likely to become legal in Britain later this year.
The Home Office is also working on a fleet of pilotless spy drones which will be flying above our cities and towns recording our every move.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are going to be 'priceless' in the fight against crime and terror!
Both of the above are AID instigated proposals with favourable looking objectives.