fm wrote-
Quote:Spendi, at least Im IN the trenches. What've you done ? Ill bet NOTHING is the answer. (It would mean sobering up, shaving, , showering, and finding some clean clothes to wear.)
What does being in the trenches mean?
One thing I have done is make this thread what it is. I know anti-IDers have played their part, a discreditable one in my view, but the thread wouldn't have lasted long with a bunch of anti-IDers agreeing with each other.
As the focus of opposition I have brought you all together a little and possibly more than that. You have arrived at the point where you have never criticised each other no matter how stupid some of the posts of fellow anti-IDers have been.
By studying various aspects of this subject I have learned a great deal myself which I wouldn't have done without this thread.
I also take into account viewers of the thread who don't enter the debate.
Someone might look into A2K, like one of my posts, and go back and read them all. That's roughly how I choose my reading and viewing material. For such a person, and they would have an open mind by definition, I provide pointers in other directions (Dylan, Joubert, Veblen, Arnold, Spengler, Homer, Shakespeare etc) which might be as useful as a university course to anyone who is grabbed by them and who follows the trails they suggest. The staff in educational institutions are generally in that category which is said to appear on earth at the rate of one per minute. The fact that I don't know who the few (a Stendhalism) might be or even if any exist is neither here nor there. I prefer to eschew publisher's hype and corrupt reviewers. They may be not even here yet. The record remains for them when, or if, one or more do arrive.
It is worth an unquantifiable price to learn to avoid assertions. Indulging in them, and they are indulgencies and easily become ingrained habits, will damage all the relationships a person has.
Your motives for being "in the trenches" could be suspect.
Now- "sobering up" as a recommendation is contrary to one of the world's most famous, oldest and respected philosophies (Bacchus etc). It is a Roundhead proposition and I'm a Cavalier. I think it was Braudel (another pointer) who said that the discovery of the fermentation process was mankind's greatest achievement and Dean Martin said, about being sober, "imagine feeling like that all the time", with a shudder. And beer is decent food. Drinking the harvest and paying a lot of tax. The teetotal non-smoker is just about the worst company any man can keep and I am happy that they huddle together for comfort and reassurance and have an agreement whereby they take turns in pretending to find each other's holiday snaps, invariably the most dire pictures one ever sees, fascinating. The phoney bastards.
As for shaving- what could be more anti-evolution than that. Shavers must think that the beard has no biological function. It requires the most humiliating procedures and postures, it clutters up the bathroom with extraneous kit, some of it rusty, it injures the hair and the skin, it often draws blood and it renders the male visage similar to a baby's bottom or a very ugly lady's face. Throughout the ages it has been the mark of a slave. It is also expensive considering the above disadvantages. And time consuming with the added pisser of seeing your silly self in the mirror.
Showering is a useful method of washing the body for those who fear lying back in a hot tub for half-an-hour risks them falling into contemplation. It is almost impossible to contemplate things in a shower and you are breaking one of the golden rules which says never stand up when you can lie down. And it doesn't open the pores properly nor does it ratchet the thirst up to where it ought to be by 10.00 pm. It's real Roundhead stuff and is congruent with other activities too tiresome to mention which also inhibit contemplation.
All clothes are a bit suspect on the cleanliness side when worn by Roundheads. "Dirty" and "clean" are relative and nebulous terms. Hospitals, when I have seen them, sparkle and gleam and, according to the authorities, are a breeding ground for some very nasty little busybodies. You are talking about surface appearences I think and certain consequences of your mothering experience.
Suppose one of the "few" read that and liked it. He could follow my back tracks and study those people I suggest and I can't see it doing him anything but good. It has done me good anyway. I have survived and I have seen more go under than I care to think about.
Who knows? One can only run it up the flagpole. Who salutes is not my choice. If anyone salutes the anti-ID flag they have my sympathies but also my best wishes.