Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Wed 9 May, 2007 08:54 am
The Rebranding of Intelligent Design
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Wed 9 May, 2007 11:07 am
That stuff is unreadable wande except for diagnostic purposes.

Unfortunately, what they call "evolution" is not evolution as evolutionary biologists understand it.

Well tell us how they understand it then. As it stands it is hardly even an assertion. It's an innuendo which is a word or words possessing a more defamatory implication than their ordinary meaning.

As such it has no place on a science forum. The fact that it is on one tells me all I need to know about the scientific credentials of those involved i.e.- they haven't any.

I would imagine that if the Pepublican Party is not a home for pragmatists it would be long defunct. The only other explanation is that the American voter is stupid.

By the side of my two previous posts (the long ones) it is sheer infantile drivel. The whole of it.

Nothing took a drubbing in Dover except the Dover taxpayer and their poor kids.

Have you nothing to contribute yourself wande on this thread. This stuff you bring up is nothing but propaganda from the anti-ID side. And pretty shallow and repetitive to boot.
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Wed 9 May, 2007 02:01 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Since we seem to be speaking in 3rd person mode, I think Rosborne desperately NEEDS to believe that all ID-ers are religious wackos with an agenda else he is unable to justify his prejudices. This prevents him from seeing the reality that is mostly 100% opposite from what he chooses to believe.

I was responding to FM. If you want to respond to me you don't need to respond in 3rd person.

I didn't say all ID'ers are religious whacko's. I said that a majority of ID'ers are not of the 'purist' persuasion.

Foxfyre wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
She has repeatedly described her own position as one which does not attempt to promote ID as any form of science, but as just another non-scientific theory.

I describe my position as one that does not attempt to promite ID as any form of science because I do not attempt to promote ID as any form of science. Again, one not blinded by his own prejudices would be honest enough to acknowledge that.

That's exactly what I acknowledged and wrote (and which you quoted).

Foxfyre wrote:
However, she refuses to see all non-science theories in an equal light. She seems to think that ID is somehow more valid than any other supernaturally derived theory (I had been using the "Gnomes and Fairies" theory as an example, but it really could have been any supernaturally grounded theory)

And here Rosborne is blatantly dishonest in presuming what I do or do not refuse to see which places his views in the ad hominem category. The one element that he leaves out of the equation is the one no dedicated Atheist fanatic can acknowledge which is the experience claimed by many millions of witnesses who base their beliefs on that experience. Only by denying that experience can they push their Atheistic religious doctrine with any credibility and, in so doing, look quite foolish to those who know the truth.

I'm not being dishonest Fox. I'm just being clinical and precise. If you can't handle the fact that personal experience is not scientific evidence, then tough luck for you, that's just the way it is.

Foxfyre wrote:
There is a huge difference between admitting that religious belief looks no different than belief in gnomes and fairies to oneself and presuming to tell another person that he or she has not experienced what s/he testifies that s/he has experienced. The first is honesty. The second is presumed demagoguery.

You can believe whatever you want to believe Fox, but it doesn't change reality. And the reality is that even though you experienced something, and even though you're convinced of something, it doesn't make it true. And the ONLY place it makes it any different from any other superstition is in YOUR mind, nowhere else. That's just simple clinical fact.
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Wed 9 May, 2007 02:04 pm
I think it's quite a slippery slope to say that the threshold for a delusion to become truth is determined by counting the people who believe it.
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Wed 9 May, 2007 02:06 pm
stlstrike3 wrote:
I think it's quite a slippery slope to say that the threshold for a delusion to become truth is determined by counting the people who believe it.

Understatement of the year. Smile
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Wed 9 May, 2007 03:20 pm
ros wrote-

I said that a majority of ID'ers are not of the 'purist' persuasion.

That's true. And on a science debate forum you should be engaging with the 'purist' and not with the others who it has been so convenient for you to take on. One might engage them in the pub or at an election but surely to avoid the 'purist', as you have done so far, slagging him off actually, in this place is rather ill-mannered and debases the forum.
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Wed 9 May, 2007 03:22 pm
ros wrote-

I'm just being clinical and precise.

That's true too. That's how you avoid the 'purist'. By being clinical and precise who to take on.
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Wed 9 May, 2007 07:15 pm
stlstrike3 wrote:
I think it's quite a slippery slope to say that the threshold for a delusion to become truth is determined by counting the people who believe it.

"If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."- Anatole France

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Wed 9 May, 2007 07:18 pm
spendius wrote:
Have you nothing to contribute yourself wande on this thread. This stuff you bring up is nothing but propaganda from the anti-ID side. And pretty shallow and repetitive to boot.

The essay I quoted today presents new information. The Discovery Institute is coming out with a new textbook: "Explore Evolution". The new tactic is to redefine evolution so that "design" is a major element (misrepresenting what evolutionary theory actually says and ignoring evidence that is not compatible with 'design").
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Wed 9 May, 2007 07:31 pm
wandeljw wrote:
spendius wrote:
Have you nothing to contribute yourself wande on this thread. This stuff you bring up is nothing but propaganda from the anti-ID side. And pretty shallow and repetitive to boot.

The essay I quoted today presents new information. The Discovery Institute is coming out with a new textbook: "Explore Evolution". The new tactic is to redefine evolution so that "design" is a major element (misrepresenting what evolutionary theory actually says and ignoring evidence that is not compatible with 'design").

They say History is written by the victor. I wonder how much the present can be written by the most vocal.

Media and Internet have exacerbated a condition in which volume and visibility of information outweigh veracity of information in the eyes of the general population. It's an interesting problem.
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cicerone imposter
Wed 9 May, 2007 07:40 pm
To me, it's not just an interesting problem, but dangerous for the future of our children and survival. It's another form of information armageddon.
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Wed 9 May, 2007 09:37 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
To me, it's not just an interesting problem, but dangerous for the future of our children and survival. It's another form of information armageddon.

The challenges to our survival will probably never cease. And survivable adversity seems to bring out the best in people.

Adapting to stress rather than eliminating it, is probably a healthier way for societies to evolve.
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Thu 10 May, 2007 03:11 am
wande wrote-

The essay I quoted today presents new information. The Discovery Institute is coming out with a new textbook: "Explore Evolution". The new tactic is to redefine evolution so that "design" is a major element (misrepresenting what evolutionary theory actually says and ignoring evidence that is not compatible with 'design").

Anti-IDers have been telling us about the DI since the beginning. What's new about this latest scheme to which you referred. I have been informed on numerous occasions that the DI is trying to slip creationism into the tent or the back door under another name or two and I accept it as likely true. What the DI has to do with this debate I'm at a loss to understand.

From what I can see the anti-ID coalition seems to be much the most vocal.

ros wrote-

They say History is written by the victor.

That's tautological. If History is defined as that which is written by the victors it is understandable why the "they", an undefined concept, say it is.
The statement is another innuendo and thus has no place on a science forum.

The tone of anti-ID on here is pessimistic. They'll be going around with placards soon saying "The End Is Nigh".
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Thu 10 May, 2007 03:43 am
A dog would not lick your post it if it was covered in gravy.
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Thu 10 May, 2007 04:02 am
I would take a wager on that to the amount you think fit Chum.
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Thu 10 May, 2007 05:00 am
spendius wrote:
One thing I have done is make this thread what it is. I know anti-IDers have played their part, a discreditable one in my view, but the thread wouldn't have lasted long with a bunch of anti-IDers agreeing with each other.

As the focus of opposition I have brought you all together a little and possibly more than that. You have arrived at the point where you have never criticised each other no matter how stupid some of the posts of fellow anti-IDers have been.

By studying various aspects of this subject I have learned a great deal myself which I wouldn't have done without this thread.

I also take into account viewers of the thread who don't enter the debate.

Someone might look into A2K, like one of my posts, and go back and read them all. That's roughly how I choose my reading and viewing material. For such a person, and they would have an open mind by definition, I provide pointers in other directions (Dylan, Joubert, Veblen, Arnold, Spengler, Homer, Shakespeare etc) which might be as useful as a university course to anyone who is grabbed by them and who follows the trails they suggest. The staff in educational institutions are generally in that category which is said to appear on earth at the rate of one per minute. The fact that I don't know who the few (a Stendhalism) might be or even if any exist is neither here nor there. I prefer to eschew publisher's hype and corrupt reviewers. They may be not even here yet. The record remains for them when, or if, one or more do arrive.

It is worth an unquantifiable price to learn to avoid assertions. Indulging in them, and they are indulgencies and easily become ingrained habits, will damage all the relationships a person has.

Your motives for being "in the trenches" could be suspect.

Now- "sobering up" as a recommendation is contrary to one of the world's most famous, oldest and respected philosophies (Bacchus etc). It is a Roundhead proposition and I'm a Cavalier. I think it was Braudel (another pointer) who said that the discovery of the fermentation process was mankind's greatest achievement and Dean Martin said, about being sober, "imagine feeling like that all the time", with a shudder. And beer is decent food. Drinking the harvest and paying a lot of tax. The teetotal non-smoker is just about the worst company any man can keep and I am happy that they huddle together for comfort and reassurance and have an agreement whereby they take turns in pretending to find each other's holiday snaps, invariably the most dire pictures one ever sees, fascinating. The phoney bastards.

As for shaving- what could be more anti-evolution than that. Shavers must think that the beard has no biological function. It requires the most humiliating procedures and postures, it clutters up the bathroom with extraneous kit, some of it rusty, it injures the hair and the skin, it often draws blood and it renders the male visage similar to a baby's bottom or a very ugly lady's face. Throughout the ages it has been the mark of a slave. It is also expensive considering the above disadvantages. And time consuming with the added pisser of seeing your silly self in the mirror.

Showering is a useful method of washing the body for those who fear lying back in a hot tub for half-an-hour risks them falling into contemplation. It is almost impossible to contemplate things in a shower and you are breaking one of the golden rules which says never stand up when you can lie down. And it doesn't open the pores properly nor does it ratchet the thirst up to where it ought to be by 10.00 pm. It's real Roundhead stuff and is congruent with other activities too tiresome to mention which also inhibit contemplation.

All clothes are a bit suspect on the cleanliness side when worn by Roundheads. "Dirty" and "clean" are relative and nebulous terms. Hospitals, when I have seen them, sparkle and gleam and, according to the authorities, are a breeding ground for some very nasty little busybodies. You are talking about surface appearences I think and certain consequences of your mothering experience.

Suppose one of the "few" read that and liked it. He could follow my back tracks and study those people I suggest and I can't see it doing him anything but good. It has done me good anyway. I have survived and I have seen more go under than I care to think about.

Who knows? One can only run it up the flagpole. Who salutes is not my choice. If anyone salutes the anti-ID flag they have my sympathies but also my best wishes.

Talk about blowing your own trumpet!!!

If you believe that little lot, your an even bigger blithering self possessed idiot than I previously gave you credit for!

If you had a lick of sense you would get this lot transferred to The Trivia pages were it belongs.

It's a bloody joke.
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Thu 10 May, 2007 05:29 am
That's the standard philistine blurt that those who have coasted intellectually all their lives and can't be bothered doing anything about it always give.

Fortunately not everyone takes such an easy option and such viewers will see the above remark as a futile attempt to persuade them to be like Mathos and all those who agree with him.

Such is life at the level of complacent reassurance of the self out of one's own mouth. It works well of course with an audience of worshippers but if I do have any readers it won't work with them and who gives a toss about those it does work with.

Carry on reading the papers old boy. They are packed full of intellectually challenging material I must say.
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Thu 10 May, 2007 06:07 am
You only keep adding to it to keep your name in lights..Big head..

I bet you do a song and dance routine every time the bloody fridge door is opened.

I might hasten to add, the family of threaders on the Trivia pages still await your guaranteed photograph of this dolly bird in the pub, you know the one with the low cut blouse, mini skirt and fish net stockings, who looks into your eyes, hanging onto every word you utter, especially when it's straw hats, bow ties, Terry Thomas and Don't Cry for me Argentina playing melodiously in the background.
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Thu 10 May, 2007 07:00 am
I don't listen to songs like that. Running on the spot songs sucking a syruped dummy is what they are.

Are you anti-ID Mathos? Or don't you like telling us? At the moment, in the context of this thread, you sound like one of those fans that has a bent blade catching on the housing.

The lady you are enquiring about is a bus driver and she's on late shift for a bit. Anyway, her boyfriend has been glaring at me and he's bigger than I am and a fair bit younger so you will have to show patience which I know isn't your strong suit.

You could try Dylan's Angelina if you want to hear something a bit grown up but not all at once just yet. You need to be prepared for stuff like that.
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Thu 10 May, 2007 07:36 am
Patience, isn't that a silly game the likes of which you play with a deck of cards?

Zimmerman is your answer to everything isn't he Spendi! I wouldn't mind wagering you have a shrine built to him at the bottom of your bed, where you kneel and pass the rosary beads through your delicate little fingers every night! Singing a repertoire of his melodies which you self acclaim to be the gospel according to Robert.

If I were to explain my thesis on being anti ID to you Spendi, it would leave you squirming, you couldn't handle it sunshine, I've seen how you wriggle and squirm with the Yankee egg-heads and they are all clutching at straws, intermingling their personal hypothesis with conglomerated self gloriously endowed wishful thinking. Take you and six of the best on here and you would all be out of your depth in a car park puddle at Tesco's, if half a dozen sixth formers from Queen Elizabth Grammar School at Blackburn laid into you.

The gospel according to Wandi is in tandem with any cutting he comes across from the LEP to The Sunday Guardian! How in the name of heaven and hell Farmer can justify his wandering minstrel attitude to evolution, with a set of bones and a dead bat leave me greatly amused, he might be better employed as a part time Shaman to a Laotian tribe, some of whom are settled in small mountain enclaves, not too far from where he lives I might consider.

Get real man, you could be a barker for a travelling freak show, 'Roll up, roll up. see the winky wanky bird, every time it winks it wanks, Don't throw dust in it eyes lady!'
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