We have seen on this thread many accusations against The Church for exploiting and repressing its followers.
Joseph Joubert (1754-1824) wrote this-
Quote:The pomps and magnificence with which the Church is reproached are in truth the result and the proof of her incomparable exellence. From whence, let me ask, have come this power of hers and these excessive riches, except from the enchantment into which she threw all the world? Ravished with her beauty, millions of men from age to age kept loading her with gifts, bequests, cessions. She had the talent of making herself loved, and the talent of making men happy. It is that which wrought prodigies for her; it is from thence that she drew her power.
Matthew Arnold comments on that after quoting this from Joubert-
Quote:She had the talent of making herself feared
"one should add that too, in order to be perfectly just; but Joubert, because he is a true child of the light, can see that the wonderful success of the Catholic Church must have been due really to her good rather than to her bad qualities; to her making herself loved rather than to her making herself feared."
And obviously so. What repressive and feared regime ever lasted the length of time the Church has lasted.
Thus the charge often made by AIDsers is false. The proof being the monumental nature of the Church and its longevity both of which facts show that the Church answers to a real and objective need in mankind to have some enchantment in their lives. That people in all stations of life have demanded it and that the Church has answered to this demand.
The boot is actually on the other foot. AIDsers are not just wrong-- they are ass-backwards.
And Joubert was quite familiar with the discourse of Voltaire and Rousseau.
And to finish-- another quote from the great and neglected man-
Quote: It is the subjection to irreligious spirits which alone is fatal, and, in the fullest sense of the word, depraving.