That's a version of the Emperor has no clothes.
How can you separate religion from the physical/social/psychological manifestations of religious practices when nothing but human beings have religion and nothing is subject to the physical/social/psychological manifestations of religious practices apart from human beings and nothing outside of human beings has a cultural history?
Given human beings in a complex social collective there will be physical/social/psychological manifestations of something. I presume you accept that. What do you propose the something should be if we get rid of religion?
It seems to me that you are criticising the human condition and claiming that you are above it and are smarter than the average. You seem completely unaware of the important role hypocrisy plays in all societies.
Quote: and I challenge you to provide proof of the theistic reality of religion in the pragmatic sense.
I hope you don't go around too much in your social circles with that one. It is so old you would hardly believe it. And it's as naive now as it was a few thousand years ago. It's a hermit philosophy.
Are you able to distinguish between "dress" and "clothing". Only the latter is pragmatic. The former is entirely based on belief. The retail trade is now dependent, through high gearing, on something called "consumer confidence" which is a spiritual concept. Have you any idea of the cascade which would be set in rapid motion if we only visited shops to provide ourselves with pragmatic necessities however luxurious.
Are you ready for everyone, yes everyone, to become converted to your position on hearing your irrefutable argument. You ought to be. It doesn't make any sense if you are not. You could be an overnight, runaway success and everybody looking to you to find out what to do next. They would all say why didn't I think of that. They would all say what fools they had been to think that a marriage ceremony had disguised the sordid transaction they had engaged in. There would be no advertising. Clothes would be dished out like they are in the military. Chocolate would be sold on cocoa %. How much might shareholders save if the higher echelons in corprations dined and excreted in the same place as the lower as pragmatic sense would dictate. And if we applied pragmatic sense on the interface between the sexes I think you might find life somewhat changed.
Why do you single out religious practice for a rigourous subjection to pragmatic sense and leave out all the other spiritual matters.
A few glib sneers are not going to change the history of our culture. If you wish to do that I suggest you stand for election and with such common sense pragmatic arguments as you deploy you would be bound to sweep to power surely. Then you could really get to work.
The Dow would, of course, go through the floor. We are totally dependent on the physical/social/psychological manifestations of beliefs of some sort.
Maybe you should start a new religion based on the philosophy of pigs or monkeys. They operate pragmatically I think. They don't have christenings, marriages or funerals.
You might consider reading the thread or trying to retain what you have read. Your points have been thouroughly washed a good few times. I refrain from entering a lot of threads on these matters because I'm not prepared to keep starting again.
Can you define electricity or do you confine yourself to the physical/social/psychological manifestations of it?
As no-one else on here has been prepared to describe a religion free society perhaps you might give it a go then we might see what the physical/social/psychological manifestations of that would look like.
We might even choose it if you sell it good.