Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Mon 6 Nov, 2006 07:54 am
Your opinion is observed Farmer.

However, I have noted several times when the learned faction have not quite deciphered Spendi's meanderings as he meant them to be interpreted.

He does enjoy shilly-shallying with his own words of wisdom and this would on the surface, appear to baffle yourself and your merry co-horts accordingly.

So far as I can see, you alone may be in a position of relevant comfort to the process of evolution, I can concur with your sentiments.

However, he senses a need, possibly a divine need for the encouragement of teaching along the lines of 'creation'

There are many who would be lost in a cess pit of their own construction without the guarantee of absolution and eternal life. Spendi may possibly be championing the causes of the ignorant but faithful, he questions your right to educate on The Darwinian Theory and evolution as it is processed for our benefit by the sciences.

Your President no doubt kneels seeking forgiveness and encouragement for his actions, don't you support his spiritual requirements?
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 08:20 am
Listen Mathos-

They can't even answer this-

Try answering this one-

Can you not see that by using assertions you empower others to do the same unless you assert that only your assertions have validity.

which is simple enough.

That's about six pages pages back and all they've done about it is fanny around with a snow machine of their own devising.

They daren't give the obvious answer. It leads them into territory they have no wish to explore as "critical thinkers". They only explore the world in the hands of professionals who "lead them to safety" like the teachers do in fire drills.

Anybody who reads this thread will be struck by the constant repetion of the same trick which is itself another assertion to the effect that the dear readers are stupid.

Watch this space.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 08:30 am
Mathos wrote:
However, I have noted several times when the learned faction have not quite deciphered Spendi's meanderings as he meant them to be interpreted.

That's because reading a Spendi post is like walking through muck in search of a diamond, only to find a turd.

His posts are not only devoid of any value, but they are laced with intellectual jealousy and adolescent insecurities. One of the things the 'learned faction' has learned, is not to waste our time.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 08:33 am
Immediate confirmation Mathos.

Imagine it with power.

You have to laugh don't you. Saying it's a "waste of time" is a bit silly isn't it when you consider the ratings of this thread.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 08:36 am
Spendi is fond of assertions.

He observes that everything we say is an assertion, even while ignoring that our assertions are supported by the evidence of his own posts.

Meanwhile he asserts wildly without even a shred of support for his own vapid view of things.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 08:40 am
In case you don't follow it means ros is "learned" and doesn't waste his time reading here. Puts in too many commas as well.

How does a "learned faction" get round to having learned something. It's already "learned" surely?

"Laced" eh? Like corsets.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 08:42 am
Perhaps you should be more liberal with your posts Spendi, after all they are American educated which is a parrot fashion system of mainly morality veiled in allegory and illustrated with diagrams and sketches.

You create various points of interest which on the surface appear to confuse their communication habits, they would in course delineate the teachings, or cause the same to be done by others.

Now, from the extremely commendable spirit you have on several occasions shown, I too can relish in your frustrations at their lack of adherence to the points of participation required in such a poorly educated world.

That they would more especially study many of your points of concern does result in neglect of the sensationalism one is bound to attribute to the duties of a moral and not scientific approbation.

You cannot possibly contaminate or apply those rules to the already defeated, they will simply put to flight.

And twice a day he smoked his pipe,
And drank his quart of beer:
His soul was resolute, and held
No hiding place for fear;
He often said that he was glad
The hangman's day was near.


Snow ploughs indeed!
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 08:44 am
Try answering this one-

Can you not see that by using assertions you empower others to do the same unless you assert that only your assertions have validity.

which is simple enough.

They've ducked again. And gone on another assertion binge. And "binge" is appropriate, unlike "laced", because assertions do intoxicate.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 08:53 am
Give them time Spendi, they have no doubt witnessed the rather supercilious outburst of quagmire drivel entered by their learned colleague Ros, they don't want to be associating their educational prowess by force, do they?

Heavens above the Winchesters and Smith & Wessons will be out next!
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 09:34 am
However, I have noted several times when the learned faction have not quite deciphered Spendi's meanderings as he meant them to be interpreted.

Thats the difference between format and substance . SPendi loves the former and adds nothing of the latter.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 09:42 am
Mathos wrote:
Heavens above the Winchesters and Smith & Wessons will be out next!

Did someone call me? heheheheheh Wink
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 09:47 am

Blair accused of complacency on classroom creationism

(It is interesting that rosborne made the same point about Blair a week ago.)
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 10:32 am

It may well be interesting for you. That is the result which, according to evolutionary theory was inevitable, of your nature/nurture conditioning which is, in it's complexities, specific to you.

It isn't specific to me. I am the result of another nature/nurture conditioning which, while it obviously is somewhat different to your own, does have some fundamental similarities of the Sancho Panchez type. These are,as you no doubt know, "No work, soft beds, pots of ale and voluptuous women."

My "nurture" side, and the less said about the "nature" side the better, has included some rather eclectic reading material mostly penned by men who's names will live forever, assuming your lot go down to ultimate defeat, and, not being one to take their word too easily, some fieldwork,which I must say confirmed the consensus of their findings.

That is the probable explanation of why you found ros's point, if such it was, interesting and I found it uninteresting.

It could even be the reason you thought he had a point in the first place and thus the only interesting thing about the last post is that it was seemingly making the same point that ros had made so stylishly which in itself is even more boring than the point.

So in the end the argument is about the difference in our nature/nurture conditioning and an asserted claim to the superiority of the assertion mode of government and its lackeys and lickspittles.

We are each trying to reshape the other's nurture.

I explained what Mr Blair meant last week. Did you not read it? Or remember it? Nobody argued about it.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 10:48 am
spendius wrote:
I explained what Mr Blair meant last week. Did you not read it? Or remember it? Nobody argued about it.

I read your explanation, spendi. However, rosborne's post made a far greater impression (and by using far fewer words).
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 11:11 am
Very good wande--I'm glad you like short meaningless sentences.

To a question from fm last week about my quoting Joyce in public I answered-

Never quoted Joyce out loud 'cept once when I declaimed, slightly actoriliy, "Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls" I think it was. It made a couple of butchers laugh.

but I failed to say that I did the whole paragraph which reads-

"Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with crustcrumbs, fried henscod's roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine."

I was slightly concerned that you might think I mix with butchers who are too easily amused.

At least that gives a bit of local colour to c.i.'s asserted generalities about our village. Which were, as is the nature of such things, meaningless to anybody except c.i.
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cicerone imposter
Mon 6 Nov, 2006 11:31 am
spendi, You just haven't been digesting almost everybody else's posts about you and your beliefs. That's what makes you so endearing; a drunk and a poet.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 12:01 pm
That's another A. (I'm fed up of typing out the full word over and over.)

How do you know what I'm digesting from the posts of others.

I quoted a snatch of a Marie Lloyd song somewhere-

"Every little movement has a meaning of its own,
Every little motion tells a tale."

I have little doubt that she undulated to the rhythm at the same time.

The A mode leads to gratuitous generalising and missing it all in the swipe of a billposter's brush. You did that to my village which is a very complex object and like villages everywhere in many respects. You only need read Peyton Place to know that.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 02:30 pm
This is what happens Spendi when discourse with possible Missouri Delta ****-kickers, comes to a point of impasse, assertions and other such trivia of unskilled proprietaries through lack of knowledge regarding the necessity to keep certain aspects of our being under-wrap.

One might consider the average better educated American would see the pit-falls beholding his nation without the presence of 'God' regardless of the entity being legitimate or other.

The denunciation of 'christianity' in America would no doubt lead to a large, if not massive swing toward Islam and the flag atop The White-House.

Little do they realise the badge of christianity entitles them to be liberal in the arts and sciences, but never to bite off the feeding hand.

The moral truths of of virtue combined with religion and the social moral attributes would be a loss of major proportions resulting in anarchy and evil beyond the realms of their imagination.

They are of course, as American citizens well acquainted with moral and social values, no doubt with or without God, the better educated being more advanced in evolvement through their birth. Surely they are aware that such a disastrous course of action during days such as these are well out of reach to mankind in general.

There are millions on this planet of ours, totally oblivious to the workings of a running tap, sewer or electric light bulb, take away their God, you rob them of all they possess, and open another box of tricks which will take some capping.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 03:49 pm
Mathos wrote:
There are millions on this planet of ours, totally oblivious to the workings of a running tap, sewer or electric light bulb, take away their God, you rob them of all they possess, and open another box of tricks which will take some capping.

None of which changes the simple facts of science, which is all we are trying to promote.

Spendi has repeatedly declined to start his own thread on the social implications of evolution, preferring instead to leech off the success of Wandel's thread for greater attention.

But you seem to be carrying a torch for Spendi, so maybe you would like to start such a thread for him?
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cicerone imposter
Mon 6 Nov, 2006 03:51 pm
The spendi-Mathos' thread has a ring to it.
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