Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Sat 4 Nov, 2006 12:20 pm
Well c.i. there's a couple of Parish councillors come in the pub most nights and I haven't heard of any problems apart from dog **** and overhanging branches scratching the school bus from them.

Perhaps you might be good enough to identify what they might be if you think we should be concerned about them. I'll pass on your ideas for their due consideration.

They can't do much about "more problems than I can imagine", with an imagination like mine, if they don't know what they are. Is an asteroid heading our way?

I think you might benefit from chanting three times, three times a day, after meals- "I must try to stop myself continually make assertions which my own fancy has conjured out of nowhere, so to speak."
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cicerone imposter
Sat 4 Nov, 2006 12:35 pm
spendi, As the first clue, all of you live in seclusion from rest of the world at-large. Your's is a village unique to outside observers.
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 02:17 pm
Well-obviously. Every village is unique. Our's has 14 letters in it's name, is 238 ft above sea level at the pump, has one pub with 42 spaces on the car park, 10 tables,a ratio of chairs in purple plush to bench seats of two to one and a landlord who's name begins with D who has Spock ears.

If you can't find another like that we must be unique. Invividual atoms are unique.

You've been reading travel brochures again c.i. Don't you think you should read scientific literature rather than waxing poetic if you are to be taken seriously defending science.
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cicerone imposter
Sat 4 Nov, 2006 02:32 pm
spendi, I'm only talking about the occupants of your village.
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 03:00 pm
I'll inform them later on. I feel sure they will all be pleased that you are talking about them and how unique they are. It's not every village in England that gets talked about in California.
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cicerone imposter
Sat 4 Nov, 2006 03:22 pm
For sure!
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 04:01 pm
spendius wrote:
... It's not every village in England that gets talked about in California.

cicerone imposter wrote:
For sure!

And for good reason, no doubt.
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 04:32 pm
I wouldn't know.

c.i. hasn't seen fit yet to inform me of these problems he has detected.

He is building on argument based upon a production out of his own conk which he must expect to be believed on his say so.

I think that's how religions are born isn't it. With a wise guru. Whether c.i.'s new religion based on the infallibility principle will take off I don't know.

Personally I doubt it as I don't think his rhetorical skills are enough to sell it to all that many people although I daresay his next-of-kin at least pretend to be converts in order to get a little peace.
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cicerone imposter
Sat 4 Nov, 2006 04:37 pm
spendi, I'm not trying to "sell" anything. Only you have that perception; wherein lies one of the uniqueness of your village. You shouldn't let that great imagination of yours go to waste on a2k.
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 05:46 pm
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!

All in all it's just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 05:47 pm
No pudding for you, wandel.
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 06:01 pm
Oh- I don't know Dawgie.

If I was a dinner lady (the mind boggles) I would would give him another ladle of warm maple syrup over his spotted-dick for that one.

I'm not a Pink Floyd fan or anything mind you. They took too long to say something obvious. Bob's a bit faster.
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 08:47 pm
Ha, I always thought the last lines were more assorted . When I listen I hers

All in all its just another brick in the wall.

all in all youre just another prick in the hall

Somethimes lyrics are better left to the listeners ear.
Anyway, Ray Charles said it best
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Sun 5 Nov, 2006 07:48 pm
806 pages. What's the verdict, Darwin was full of **** and Ted Haggard has it all right?
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cicerone imposter
Sun 5 Nov, 2006 07:52 pm
Ted's surname reveals all we need to know. LOL
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Sun 5 Nov, 2006 10:12 pm
Who is Darwin and Haggard? We were discussing Pink Floyd and Bob Dylan.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 05:40 am
JTT wrote-

806 pages. What's the verdict, Darwin was full of **** and Ted Haggard has it all right?

"Every little movement has a meaning of its own,
Every little motion tells a tale.". . . (Marie Lloyd).

There can be no verdict in the intellectual sense. Only a political decision.
The one given by Judge Jones pushes us nearer to Big Brother but anti-IDers are in denial of that as well they might be.

They see themselves as functionaries in the elite ruling cadre and their principle mode of discourse is the assertion which only awaits the joy of power to become directive. The new Presbyterianism. Roundheads.

Darwin is certainly not full of **** (apart from pigeon **** that is) but his opus is an abstract conception in the mind unrelated to social activity and human nature. His rejection of an afterlife might be the cause of his insistence that his wife suffered hell in the there and then.

I never heard of Ted Haggard before so I Googled a bit and, at first glance, he seems to be Darwinian to the core along the lines of Leo Taxil who was, in 19th century France, first an anti-Church pornographer and then a religious charlatan. The struggle for existence holds no surprises.
Only a vast range of different forms, which are gasped at simply because of rarity or size or colour, and all as equally banal as any leaf on any tree. The ant and the whale being simply different products of different ecological niches. Inevitably determined.

Why does the human female use all the arts of display but in the animal world it is the role of the male; the female being a drab creature in the main. Whence the temptress female in human affairs?

The Venus of Willendorf is no Salome or Delilah or, indeed, an Eve. Argive Helen gave them something to think about. And she wasn't the last by any stretch of the imagination.

Evolution theory lacks a certain Oooomph! Every strip joint contradicts it.

Imagine the Venus of Willendorf doing the can-can. (No, don't!). No corsets or cosmetic surgery for her.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 05:48 am
A difficult situation to appraise I see.

Farmer is resorting to finding pricks in the hall, Spend is covering spotted dick with maple leaf syrup (in his other life as a dinner lady), Wandi appears to have exhausted all subjects of concern to re-print on these pages, Jock is, as ever fumbling with his sporran, Timber appears to be suffering from migraine, and I am receiving correspondence from the local Catholic Church enquiring as to my spiritual stance on Christianity.

Perhaps you Yanks should take comfort in a six pack apiece or even some of that fancy Bourbon you manufacture over there, (the one tasting like thinners) it could be beneficial. Spendi can get his zimmer-frame out and rumble down to the Dog and Ferret, they might not know him there and he could hold court in 'The Vault'.

Tis a little bit like the Bible Stories this thread, it keeps dying and then resurrecting itself in a splendour of fan-fare, complete with all the Christmas trimmings.

As to Spendi winning the debate, I shall reserve my comments, however, he certainly appears to have brow beaten all of you into a state of utter confusion and rambling phonetic meanderings one would have considered more applicable to a government rehabilitation centre for mis-fits and anti-social behaviour miscreants.

In case your interested;- 'There is no God'
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 05:48 am
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Mon 6 Nov, 2006 07:42 am
As to Spendi winning the debate, I shall reserve my comments, however, he certainly appears to have brow beaten all of you into a state of utter confusion and rambling phonetic meanderings one would have considered more applicable to a government rehabilitation centre for mis-fits and anti-social behaviour miscreants.

Youd best watch it mathos, your beginning to go a rambling into the land of disjointed prose just as our friend spendi. AS far as "winning or losing", lets just say that many of us spend time merely trying to "correct" spendis lack of comprehension.
His trik is to wander around the barn and , while purposely avoiding the topic, try to inject some new unrelated topic of his own. SOmetimes they do make sense, but mostly, they are just hogweed.
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