Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Fri 3 Nov, 2006 09:32 am
fm wrote-

You may continue until you become sufficiently bored and begin a new discussion of "What have the Romans Reaaallly Done for Us?"

I never get bored. Everything is as interesting as everything else. Even boredom is interesting.

Only subjectivists could possibly think otherwise. Only what interests them (how they get their living as Marx had it) is interesting to them and everything else is by their circular reasoning thus boring and they project that onto others by their presumption that everybody is like them and that would really consitute intolerable boredom.

HCE. A chord in German music. Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker. Howth Castle and Environs. Haroun Childeric Eggeberth. Hush! Caution! Echoland! 'hence, cool at ebb'. Humme the Cheapner, Esc. Ecce Hagios Chrisman! (behold the saintly Christman). Hunkalus Childared Easterheld. Hill-cloud encompass us. Honophrius is a concupiscent exservicemajor.

-Hail him heathen, heal him holystone!
Courser, Recourser, Changechild.........?
Eld as endall, earth.........?

Hell's Confucium and the Elements.

Backwards eh- Eternest cittas, heil!

and many others but not forgetting Here Comes Everybody.

That thermodynamics is a piece of piss. Here Comes Experts. Howl cackophrawns eezydoshie. Heehee cloutwerks orangouthanged!
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 09:38 am
Mathos wrote-

Did you have anything to do with this slur on our American and German colleagues Spendi?

It weren't me guv! I was at home sleeping off yesterday.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 09:56 am
spendius wrote:
I never get bored. Everything is as interesting as everything else. Even boredom is interesting.

Now there's a heartfelt paean to the benefits of being among the easily amused ...
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 10:06 am
A friend of mine was married to a young lady who was difficult to amuse.

He had to kick her into touch but the daftest thing was that he married another who was just as bad.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 10:14 am
It is a theory of mine that media goes out of its way to recruit women who are difficult to amuse so that they can propagandise the peccadillo and thus render the geegaws it advertises more necessary and increase the sum of human misery palliatives for which are then sought in media productions.

It's a brilliant trick. A few hundred of the most difficult to amuse ladies can work wonders on an economy containing 300 million ordinary people.

There is nothing more difficult to amuse than the white space that is a newspaper before ink is inserted.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 10:15 am
Fancy importing outsiders into the country to count your votes for you!

It could be the downfall of America, you know, off loading important decisions to people who don't have the Nations interest at heart.

Perhaps Spendi himself has noticed this, he doesn't want you to stop going to Church or to revival meetings. They have many such meetings in America. Every body appears very happy and folk sing, they talk in tongues and clap their hands. The 'Pastor' usually heals a few of the lame, casts out evil spirits and cures a variety of diseases which the medical profession are unable to assist with.

Then he passes around Bankers Standing Order or Direct Debit Forms, the more you give, the better seat you get when you go through the 'Pearly Gates'

My, my, my, it comes across as being better than a win on The Lottery.

I rather think Pastor will be making diligent entries of cash received on his revenue return disclosures, do we have any idea how much the clergy pay in tax, or is it all outside the scope?

You wouldn't want to be spitting on the floor when you learn how to spit on the ceiling would you?

Thermodynamics eh Spendi, whatever next?
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 10:29 am
fm wrote-

We took a vote and decided that we didnt want to look like Brits so we invested heavily in blue jeans and proper dental hygiene.

That's not the half of it mate.

You decided you didn't want to look like Brits so you stopped the ball from bouncing in the bat and ball game and you allowed the forward pass in the ball handling game and what has evolved you are on your own with.

But you do all seem to have very, very nice teeth.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 11:44 am
We all have very nice teeth because its damn hard selling English cars to people with a lick of sense.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 12:08 pm
Some bits of Joyce on the topic-

Bloom's "stream of consciousness".

Observations on communion.

"The priest bent down and put it into her mouth, murmuring all the time. Latin. The next one. Shut your eyes and open your mouth. What? Corpus. Body. Corpse. Good idea the Latin. Stupifies them first. Hospice for the dying. They don't seem to chew it; only swallow it down. Rum idea: eating bits of a corpse why the cannibals cotton to it."


"Look at them. Now I bet it makes them feel happy. Lollipop. It does. Yes, bread of angels it's called. There's a big idea behind it, kind of kingdom of God is within you. First communicants. Hokypoky penny a lump. Then feel like all one family party, same in the theatre, all in the same swim. They do. I'm sure of that. Not so lonely. In our confraternity. Then come out a bit spreeish. Let off steam. Thing is if you really believe it. Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion and the Knock apparition, statues bleeding. Old fellow asleep near that confession box. Hence those snores. Blind faith. Safe in the arms of kingdom come. Lulls all pain. Wake this time next year."


"Some of that old sacred music is splendid. Mercadante: seven last words. Mozart's twelfth mass; The Gloria in that. Those old popes were keen on music, on art and statues and pictures of all kinds. Palestrina for example too. They had a gay old time while it lasted. Healthy too chanting, regular hours, then brew liqueurs. Benedictine. Green Chartreuse. Still, having eunuchs in their choir that was coming it a bit thick. What kind of voice is it? Must be curious to hear after their own strong basses. Connoisseurs. Suppose they wouldn't feel anything after. Kind of a placid. No worry. Fall into flesh don't they? Gluttons, tall, long legs. Who knows? Eunuch. One way out of it."

Want more fun?

"--O God,our refuge and our strength. . .

Mr Bloom put his face forward to catch the words. English. Throw them a bone. I remember slightly. How long since your last mass? Gloria and immaculate virgin. Joseph her spouse. Peter and Paul. More interesting if you understood what it was all about. Wonderful organisation certainly, goes like clockwork. Confession. Everyone wants to. Then I will tell you all. Penance. Punish me, please. Great weapon in their hands. More than doctor or solicitor. Woman dying to. And I schschschschschsch. And did you chachachachacha? And why did you? Look down at her ring to find an excuse. Whispering gallery walls have ears. Husband learn to his surprise. God's little joke. Then out she comes. Repentance skindeep. Lovely shame. Pray at an altar. Hail Mary and Holy Mary. Flowers, incense, candles melting. Hide her blushes. Salvation army blatant imitation. Reformed prostitute will address the meeting. How I found the Lord. Squareheaded chaps those must be in Rome; they work the whole show. And don't they rake in the money too? Bequests also; to the P.P. for the time being in his absolute discretion. Masses for the repose of my soul to be said publicly with open doors. Monasteries and convents. The priest in Fermanagh will case in the witness box. No browbeating him. He has his answer pat for everything. Liberty and exaltation of our holy mother the church. The doctors of the church; they mapped out the whole theology of it. "

Anybody got any new ideas? That's 1937.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 01:26 pm
Try to put that in your own words. Summarize Finnegan.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 01:27 pm
Try to put that in your own words. Then why dont you Summarize Finnegan.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 03:22 pm
fm wrote-

Try to put that in your own words.

Daft as it is it makes people feel-

Not so lonely.

and it-

Lulls all pain.

Not unlike peering at fossils or Hubble pictures.

I don't know. A cornduncestayshun of anti-Iders minus the intolerance.

Then why dont you Summarize Finnegan.

A musical never-ending dreamscape of chuckles based on a theme by Vico, and a lot else, performed by a virtuoso of learning, memory, imagination, observation, humility and honesty in honour of ordinary people and their commonplace doings and settings. A must. Cheers!
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 04:27 pm
A stray thought from the soaker-

"If my thought dreams could be seen
They'd probably put my head in a guillotine
But it's alright Ma
It's life and life only."

A dream of Vico's timeless and spaceless ricorso for ever and ever, allmen with the Liffey as female principle and the city as male divided between action man and dreamer. (The author). Shoves your ego up your arse fartcefully.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 06:16 pm
We'll leave Rembrandt out of it for now.

He wouldn't "make a deal". Try "staring into the vacuum of his eyes."

There were no eyes before Rembrandt to stare into.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2006 06:18 pm
Go to bed, youre scaring me.
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cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Nov, 2006 07:06 pm
He'll only reappear as dracula. LOL
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 04:17 am
fm wrote-

Go to bed, youre scaring me.

What? A hairy arsed adventurer like you scared?

Strike a light!

There are university departments which study Joyce and Rembrandt. And Dylan. They contain ladies too.
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 06:07 am
Youre just a creepy guy spendi. Maybe Im alone in that assessment but somehow I dont think so.

How many topcoats do you own?

Do you ever quote Joyce out loud in crowds of people?

Can you recite "What have the Romans really done for us"? in LAtin"?

Do you have even one Brugels or Redon repro?

Do you think that a great party would be to sit around listening to the entire "Der ring des Niebelungen"?

Can you speak Klingon?
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Sat 4 Nov, 2006 08:00 am
Sorry to disappoint you fm.

I'm dead ordinary. It is possible that ordinariness is creepy these days seeing as how everybody seems to be so extraordinary. What can I do about that. Or what you think. Fossils are a bit creepy when you learn how to look at them properly. And some. A glimpse back through the umbilicals an evolutionist would say. Adam and Eve is bad enough but back to bloody 600 million year old bats is really freaky in my book. That's enough to have made Flaubert raise his eyebrows.

Taught by priests. Scientific Civil Service after usuals. Military. More SCC. Lecturer. Sports lover. Businessman in where there's muck there's brass world meeting contacts all the time. Pub every night for last roundup. Avid readers of only the best. Used to play golf off 4. Name up in gold letters (twice). Detest feminism on the grounds it ruins women but that's an opinion I'll admit. I'm not against women, I'm for them. Don't like to see them being run over a cliff by a tiny "elite" who gain from having them all strung out. They are strung out in case you don't know.

Sheesh- I'm a flat-ribbed ordinary gofer all the way from the sofa and back again. Quite popular too if you don't mind my reporting an obvious fact which I have observed.

Most intellectuals think evolution theory is very creepy. It's not so much the theory itself but the people who bother with it. I mean fm!-- a bunch of blokes peering at a bat fossil and making learned speeches about the extended meta-tarsal or whatever old bats had and it's significance in proving intelligent design is all bullshit! What can you say? Traffic whizzing past outside the window, totally oblivious to this dramatic discovery, working on building hotels on Mars and holding the frontiers down and feeding everybody and keeping them warm. They are all ordinary too. Most of them at least. Just like me. More or less.

I have no topcoats.

Never quoted Joyce out loud 'cept once when I declaimed, slightly actoriliy, "Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls" I think it was. It made a couple of butchers laugh.

No. I did Latin of course but the priest who took it could easily be led into remembrances of things past. All that's left is a vague feel for it.

No paintings by the artists you mention. I have a few by unknowns though. Real ones. I prefer beautiful sopranos and contraltos singing beautiful music. That does inspire me. Ever heard Kathleen Ferrier sing Mahler when she only had a few months to live? Incredible. Me? a woman hater? you must be joking! Pretentious women are a different matter of course. I'm so ordinary I only like slags. Somebody has to love them. Not many have computers so their voice doesn't get heard on here.

No about the Wagner. Bit serious for my taste. Joyce dealt with some similar themes only more lightheartedly. Like other end of the spectrum.
I'm a bit suspicious about that Bayreuth mob. Something to do with a need for power. That's city-flattening creepy.

I can't speak Klingon but I can get it off a pallet of something and I read about a lady who liked being wrapped up tight in it. It takes all sorts.

Here Comes Everybody.

Anyway-- doesn't Able 2 Know imply the seeking of a challenge to one's way of thinking? If one is going to call a challenge "creepy" one is left to wonder what one came on Able 2 Know for in the first place.

And I wouldn't call you "creepy" even if I thought you were because I'm too polite and ordinary and because it would tell me that I had come on Able 2 Know to gob off and because it doesn't mean anything.

Able 2 Know has been a learning experience for me. Never stop educating yourself I was told by the Latin master. Not just me. Everybody he met. Quite often. Played centre-half in the annual boys v priests game.
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cicerone imposter
Sat 4 Nov, 2006 10:59 am
spendi, If you're "ordinary," your village has more problems than you can imagine.
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