First of all I'd like to apologize for conflating my arguments and not making it clear who I was speaking to in my last post. The first part was for Setanta, however the defences from the 'Guide to Discrediting Intelligent Design' was intended as a more general observation.
Ok, where were we:
Quote:Setanta wrote:
A theory of evolution is not an example of ideological dogma.
In your opinion. There is much evidence to suggest that it is more of an ideology than many acknowledge. For instance- with the highly recognisable 'icons of evolution' (ie. Miller's experiments, Java man, the embryos), these were all the primary 'proof' that evolution was a valid theory. However, when scientific discoveries found them to be incorrect, there was too much at stake to let the entire theory go, so scientists started using the theory of evolution to justify the 'proof'. This is circular reasoning at its' finest, and a suggestion that, perhaps, those with a stake in evolution (athiests, perhaps- after all, evolution is incredibly important for them to be able to feel 'intellectually honest'), are less than willing to let go of their ideology.
Quote:The rise of "intelligent design" can be directly traced to the defeat of attempts by religious fundamentalists to have creation myths introduced into school curricula.
Again, your opinion, and your (somewhat biased) assesment of the situation. Some statistical evidence to satisfy your points might be useful here.
Quote:I find it hilarious that you inferentially suggest that science is capable of studying anything other than material mechanisms.
This simply reveals your ignorance of science.
Quote:This thread was posted to Science and Mathematics precisely because this is a scientific issue.
Agreed, the only people desperately reaching for religious connotations are you guys!
Quote:...although i understand how important it is to you to belittle your opponent in debate when you're losing on all fronts.
Obviously you do because this is your primary tactic.
Quote:This is a rather incoherent fragment of a sentence.
Thanks for the spelling lesson, I'm sure you have never made a typo in your life.
Quote:no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.
I'm not American.
Quote:You see, i could care less what a fanatic like you thinks, i just want to make sure the silent readers get more than just your narrow views.
Ha ha ha!!! How noble of you! You are tirelessly typing away, day in, day out, all for the 'naive young readers' who won't be able to make up their own mind on the issue. I give people who read this forum more credit than that. Obviously you are also under the illusion that you have the 'qualifications' to 'set people straight' on this issue- I'm afraid this is just a forum, Setanta- a sharing of ideas. And while I'm sure in some cultures it may be a valid qualification for one to shout out his opinion 22,000 times in the same place... where I come from it's called 'self-obsessive' and indulgent.
Quote:Gender, of course, has nothing to do with it.
Quite right. I'm sure, though, you realised that the phrase 'boy's club' has greater connotations than gender.