Elsie_T wrote:You are either wilfully misunderstanding me, or lack comprehension. It is definitely not a problem that the human mind wants to 'constantly question the world in which it is located'- I think this is a fantastic thing. The only difference I put forth is that some scientists no longer find it valid to be confined by the 'chance' propositions that evolution holds to. Yet when they seek to go deeper, Evolutionists cry bloody murder.
Your use of the term "evolutionist" is very revealing. A theory of evolution is not an example of ideological dogma. Creationist is valid because those who purport creation are acting from a dogmatic point of view. Those who practice science, and study evolutionary biology are not dogmatic propagandists, despite the attempt of creationists and IDers to so portray them.
Quote:Your defenses are straight out of a 'Guide to Discrediting Intelligent Design':
I'm not defending anything, i'm just pointing out how ludicrous your arguments are.
Quote:1.)Conflate intelligent design with creationism: Emphasize science as a great force for enlightenment and contrast it sharply with fanatical religious fundamentalism.
No conflation is necessary--intelligent design purports a designer. Changing the term creator into designer is just a dodge. The rise of "intelligent design" can be directly traced to the defeat of attempts by religious fundamentalists to have creation myths introduced into school curricula.
Quote:Then stress that intelligent design is essentially a religious and political movement.
When you attempt to introduce a religious concept into scientific teaching, it is more than a little silly for you to complain about people pointing out that your agenda is religious in nature. The concerted efforts of IDers to use political methods to force state boards of education to adopt ID in science curricula, including the full panoply of applying electoral pressure to members of legislatures makes it quite reasonable to ascribe political tactics to IDers.
Quote:2.) Argue for the superfluity of design: By artificially defining science as an enterprise limited solely to material mechanisms, one conveniently eliminates design from scientific discussion.
I have not in fact made such an argument, however, i find it hilarious that you inferentially suggest that science is capable of studying anything other than material mechanisms. Unless, of course, you have proof of a reliable method of demonstrating the immaterial--in which case your fortune is assured, and it is ridiculous for your to waste your time posting here.
Quote:3.) Achieve a scientific breakthrough: Provide detailed testable models of how irreducibly complex biochemical systems like the bacterial flagellum could have emerged by material mechanisms.
Once again, i've not made that argument. You'll need to address that silly quibble to FM, who is more than suitably qualified to make a shambles of your attempt to suggest that this is a false contention. Your use of the term "irreducibly complex biochemical systems" is a pathetic attempt to suggest that such a term has meaning outside the propaganda of IDers.
Quote:You know, these may have worked in the past, but it's getting a little stale now (emoticon removed in the interest of good taste).
That's rich--we've had the creationists and IDers coming out of the woodwork since this site was established, and their arguments haven't changed in the slightest. This thread was posted to Science and Mathematics precisely because this is a scientific issue. However, the great majority of threads on the subject of evolution are to be found in the Religion and Spirituality forum, because the god squad has their panties in such a twist over the topic.
Quote:One can moan about how the IDers have no credibility,
You've heard no moaning from me, although i understand how important it is to you to belittle your opponent in debate when you're losing on all fronts.
Quote: how they are only in this because they stand the possiblity that doubt might creep in,
This is a rather incoherent fragment of a sentence, but assuming you mean to write "they
cannot stand, etc."--yes, dogma admits of no doubts. Those who doubt dogma are branded heretical.
Quote:or that there must be only one IDer on here because 'no one could possibly be as daft as to think it's actually a credible theory',
No, it has simply been pointed out that we get a few at a time, they get shot down, and after a while, a new batch shows up. There are plenty more where you came from. H. L. Mencken wrote that no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. I'd extend that to point out that no one ever went broke relying upon the credulity of the dogmatically religious--or political, for that matter.
Quote:but the crux is- you keep coming back to 'shut us down'. Why? If we are so 'eccentric' and not worth it?
Because there are many here who read but do not post, and many young people come here seeking information. Therefore, many of us consider it important not to let your nonsense pass unchallenged. You see, i could care less what a fanatic like you thinks, i just want to make sure the silent readers get more than just your narrow views.
Quote:I'm sure you'd love it if it was a boy's club, all patting each other on the back for thinking exactly the same thing.
Gender, of course, has nothing to do with it. One of your sharpest critics here will be Lola, who assures us that she is all woman, and the evidence of the eyes of many who post here is that she is not lying. Again, you deploy sneers for lack of a credible argument.
Yes you are, and you should apologize.