Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Fri 18 Aug, 2006 09:52 am
No spendi, my choice of words was carefully calculated based upon the number of orifii that the human body carries about. You have, consistently, proven that your thoughts are not generated within the cerebral=oral pathway. Therefore I can but assume that most (if not all) of your posts are but a big cloaca..
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 10:11 am
spendius wrote:
Why don't you try answering the point instead of simply declaring it "irrelevant".

Perhaps were there a point to be addressed as opposed to an irrelevancy to be recognized, identified as such and dismissed, a point might be addressed.

Since when have posts been "irrelevant" when responding to a previous post.

By way of example, A compendium incorporating a plethora of of same[/url].

fm- try a bit harder will you please. You don't need to have got out of first grade to be able to think up lines like your "talks out his ass" flippancies.

You must surely be aware that our viewers know by now that it simply means you are stuck for words but retain the urge to find some no matter how pointless.

An amusing jibe, coming from an acknowledged master of intellectual flatulence.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 10:12 am
You are perfectly free to assume what you wish fm. As are the neutrals.
I have no need to resort to your jejune methods as you convey the message quite adequately all by yourself.

Is there a correlation between anti-ID and approval of "sex education" by teachers chosen for their respectability.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 10:16 am

Seemingly, like all anti-IDers on here, you have a bad case of assertivitis.

Your quasi-fancy verbal constructions do nothing to hide the obvious symptoms.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 12:48 pm
Anthony Burgess wrote-

Gurt topfloor ararakis wertle dick dock

With the comment- "This is written to please me, and to hell with communication"

It's the same with assertions such as-

Anti-IDers are as guilty of as wretched a gallimaufry of phoney aesthetics and scruffy underdog self-serving whinings as ever steamed up from the dog-end-littered floor of an Alexandrian brothel on the night Monty's battle-hardened men had arrived.

Keep practicing boys but do,oh please do, try to improve.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 01:36 pm
I do so enjoy irony - spendi, you're a jewel.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 03:12 pm

(Below is an excerpt from a "letter to the editor". I am posting it because it specifically mentions the affected federal regulations.)

Stop ACLU from collecting fees
Friday, August 18, 2006

To the Editor:

As you and your family celebrate summer this month, please take a moment to contact your senators and urge support and quick passage for S. 3696, the "Veterans' Memorial, Boys Scouts, Public Seals, and Other Public Expressions of Religion Protection Act of 2006" and contact your representative and urge support and quick passage for its House companion bill, H. R. 2679, the "Public Expression of Religion Act."

These bills would amend all federal laws with fee-shifting provisions, including the Civil Rights Attorney Fees Act 42 U. S. Code 1988, and the Equal Access to Justice Act. They would eliminate the authority of judges to award taxpayers-paid attorney fees to the ACLU, or any other organization, in lawsuits brought under the Establishment Clause of the Constitution against veterans' memorials, the Boy Scouts, or the public display of the Ten Commandments or other symbols of American history and religious heritage.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 03:29 pm
It is interesting to read the object of the legislation (no, i didn't bother to go look up the text of the proposed legislation). I suspect that if any in the Senate and the House are serious about passing this legislation (it could be a minority with an exteme religious agenda who are calling in favors and twisting arms), their object is to attempt to cripple the ability of people to bring suit against violations of the establishment clause. I can't say without seeing the text of the proposed legislation, but it seems to me dubious that any language could effectively produce that result.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 03:34 pm
You may be right about the ineffectiveness of the language, Setanta. H.R. 2679 was crafted by Rep. Hostettler who I believe is the only member of the House Judiciary Committee who has no background in law. He was a mechanical engineer before he ran for public office.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:54 pm
so maybe there is hope for Congress. SB and HB are on the Thomas pages of the Library of Congress site. My letter from the ACLU to Congress , urging that this SB be defeated or not reported out of committee is how I see it. Congress, in its zeal to propose legislation during election years, may be similarly imbued of the spirit enough to pass em.

If minor defects occur in the legislation and the Judiciary is favorably inclined, then the defects can be changed in committee without re-submittal.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2006 05:08 pm
Setanta wrote-

their object is to attempt to cripple the ability of people to bring suit against violations of the establishment clause.

Is it a charity. I'll give them a dollar.
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Sat 19 Aug, 2006 07:01 am
Set, its like any other special legislation. Youve got it right that this is an attempt to cripple any suits against actual violations of the establishment clause. While No one is prevented from mounting such suits, this Bill just makes it impossible to collect fees.
I do see a way around it, merely set the legal costs within the recompense demanded by the suit as part of "normal and punitive" damages(identified within the Bill). Where theres a law, theres a hole within which one can drive his truck.
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Sat 19 Aug, 2006 09:18 am
And truck may follow truck unless the first one stops in the door and blocks up the hole and if there is money up the hole the uniformed branch have to be deployed to direct the traffic.

But the "within" allows for them to be line abreast and then the uniformed branch can stand and watch.

Good metaphor fm.

I have heard it before though but with coaches and horses. Imagine two sturdy steeds racing along being urged on by a young lady in jodhpurs towards a tryst with the Comte de Valmont. She could drive through any hole a truck could.

All the romance has gone from life.

Many pubs in England go by the name of Coach and Horses. They have large signs outside depicting a racing coach with a light shining upon it so we can see it in the dark. But then, with anti-ID, came The Railway. Nearly every town and many villages had a The Railway. They have signs showing a puffing-billy chuffing through a scenic valley.

So, though your neat metaphor lacks originality it shows ingenuity in that it's lack of originality is well disguised by the profundity of the sentiment expressed in the sentence in which it appears.
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Sat 19 Aug, 2006 09:44 am
The tappings of spendi" still busy squeezing out a loaf " of wisdom and excreting a sluit of drivle .
All the romance has gone from life.
But apparently not the afterglow of the brewers craft
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Sat 19 Aug, 2006 10:48 am

All creative writing courses should inculcate the disgusting habits of boozing and smoking unless, of course, they are only intended to allow people to say that they are "majoring in creative writing" which does sound quite posh I must admit. What sort of a writer places a higher priority on his health than on his art?

I detect a streak of puritanism in anti-IDers. They are always chuntering away about my nightly pilgrimage to the pub in a mildly disapproving tone.

Come to think of it, fm's last avvie looked like he was sentencing someone to some dire punishment for gross moral turpitude. (An asserted 'gross' obviously.)
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Sat 19 Aug, 2006 06:56 pm
Well spendi, as someone as long of wind and short of concept as you, I hope that you arent going to try to convince me that youve taken a course in creative writing. If you did, Id really demand a refund.

Back on topic sorta--- Ann Druyan wrote that' science has helped pierce our infantile dysfunctional need to be the center of the universe, the only love object of a demanding Creator.We then see our world as the culmination of evolution, but unless were successful in destroying the biosphere, evolution's not done yet".
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Sun 20 Aug, 2006 12:29 pm
fm- I wouldn't even think of attempting to convince you of anything. You have a closed mind with stainless steel doors on it. You talk exactly like a feminist. The cliched trivial idea trotted out when bereft of an answer. Entirely defensive. Nothing but coffee morning assertions calculated to stimulate agreeable sneers from the like-minded.

You are obviously unable to appreciate the extension I did of your trite metaphor and its political interpretations. That is no doubt due to you having only one political view,namely your own, which disqualifies you from having an useful input into the education of 70,000,000 children who will mostly be alive in 2080.

Where is the shortage of concept that you assert.

There is the idea that creative writing can't be taught. That's a concept I could easily defend.

There is the concept that American education is primarily concerned with making you all feel better about yourselves and I could easily defend that.

There is the concept that creative writing is not concerned with the self but with the "other".

There is the concept that anti-IDers have a puritannical streak.

And if -

And truck may follow truck unless the first one stops in the door and blocks up the hole and if there is money up the hole the uniformed branch have to be deployed to direct the traffic.

doesn't contain an important concept I'll show my bare backside in Tiffany's shop window. Only an intolerant mind would declare that concept free because it couldn't see what it is and assumes nobody else can.

And there are others which your casual attention has failed, seemingly, to detect and you self evidently believe that anything you can't detect is not there to be detected and that is pompous, self-righteous, intransigent, stubborn arrogance. And with a "really" preceding the "demand" I hardly think anyone is going to adhere to any of your advice on literary matters unless you can show the difference between "really demand" and "demand" without stamping your foot. And anyway,what you would do is hardly a matter for me. You'll be telling me next to get a life and maybe that I should have a haircut.

An American study was carried out in 1984 on the use of words like "mankind" and "man" and its compounds to cover the human race as a whole.It was to try to show the influence of feminist criticism on writing.
It found that in the American corpus a dramatic change had occured.
The use of the "man" in these contexts fell between 1971 to 1979 from 12.3 per 5000 words to 4.3 per 5000 words. The steepest decline was in women's magazines closely followed by science magazines. The result for congressmen showed no change. Bar-rooms, military barracks and the sport's field I imagine line up with the elected representitives.Publishing staff with the feminists and scientists.

Whether one approves or not the study highlights a link between feminism and science and thus anti-ID; a link I have hinted at a number of times but which doesn't seem to have been noticed.

If I may,for once, express an opinion, I think anti-ID is linked to feminism, gay rights and abortion acceptance and the constant barrage of assertions with or without the "really"s, and the foot stamps, in attendance.

And in-

our infantile dysfunctional need to be the center of the universe,

"dysfunctional" is an assertion and an invidious one and in view of our capitalist, competitive system which in some large measure depends upon individualism and personal initiative it is objectively incorrect as is, of course, "infantile" when applied to mature adults. One assumes that Ms Druyan considers anyone infantile who does not fit in with her theories but it is just another assertion and self-evidently false.

And we are supposed to reject the idea of being the love object of a Creator in favour of-WHAT? Being a meaningless iota for scientists to manipulate as they do matter.

So we have a line up. Anti-ID, atheism, feminism, gay rights, pro abortion, get The Bible, sell media output and the goods women buy which are heavily advertised on TV which is well known to have a mainly feminist audience. That lot enters the door anti-ID is opening.

Who knows whether it is us all who should enter it. I have an open mind on that but I'm as reluctant as Woody Allen was in the ejaculation scene in his "Sex" movie.

Anybody who thinks I'm shorter than you on concepts must have their head in a thick sack and your skill at the literary game in non-existent.
You employ the emotional devices of asphalia, bdelygma, cataplexis, dyasimus, hypocrisis, ominatio and thaumasmus on the school playground level. And there's plenty more **** like that to come if you persist in thinking that that what you say is true simply because you have said it. All feminists use that bludgeon but it only works on the henpecked.
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Sun 20 Aug, 2006 02:47 pm
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Surprised Surprised Surprised Surprised Surprised Surprised Surprised Surprised Surprised Surprised Sad Sad Sad Sad Smile Smile Smile Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Shocked Shocked Shocked Confused Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Embarrassed Cool Cool Cool Cool :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

. I do believe spendis head is going to explode . His ego is beginning to reach critical pressure. Spendi, care to at lest make a tangent contribution to the topic that lies beneath the title of this thread?
Another thing that flames ol spendis nozzles is when you criticize his verbal meanderings as the flatulence they are.
0 Replies
Sun 20 Aug, 2006 02:49 pm
So we have a line up. Anti-ID, atheism, feminism, gay rights, pro abortion, get The Bible, sell media output and the goods women buy which are heavily advertised on TV which is well known to have a mainly feminist audience. That lot enters the door anti-ID is opening.
You are so full of **** that Ill bet your eyes are brown.
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Sun 20 Aug, 2006 03:01 pm
fm wrote:
... Spendi, care to at lest make a tangent contribution to the topic that lies beneath the title of this thread? ...

Tangent would be good, cogent even better, merely coherent would be a most welcome change.
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