Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Mon 14 Aug, 2006 09:24 am
ros wrote-

The discussion of whether ID was science or religion was answered from a scientific point of view very early in the thread, and then the legal case was confirmed by a judge. This case was closed almost before it started.

We all knew that. Do you think the thread ought to have stopped then rather than racking up 90 odd thousand views?

Is what you think of as science science ros.

Have you anything of significance to say about phenylethamine concentrations taking a dive once the honeymoon is over and in many cases well before. The virgin bride idea is a feeble attempt to counteract the effect.

I'll quote you a short passage from Professor Pomeroy (Hunter College and City University NYC).

"The fact (sic) that modern women are frustrated by being forced to choose between being an Athena--an intellectual asexual career woman--or an Aphrodite--a frivolous sex object--or a respectable wife-mother like Hera shows that the Greek goddesses continue to be archetypes of female existence."

Anybody up for giving the classroom science to deal with this little subject.
I bet you don't even understand the concept of the archetype and its modes of variation in different cultures. Ever heard of Pandora's box boys?

Noises off eh? Oh yeah!!

Plenty of judges have been overturned. You don't seriously think one judge can be allowed to determine the education policy for 300 million people do you. Dover is miniscule.

It's a compliment to be compared to an "A1 phrase generator" though I must say. I know who generates my phrases. You lot can suit yourselves. The viewers can too.
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 09:33 am
It's a compliment to be compared to an "A1 phrase generator"

If you understood what Timber was regerring to, you wouldnt be feeling so full of yourself. Most AI phrase generators produce gibberish, produced mostly to fool .

If you freely admit that what yove been gracing us with is gibberish, then we can agree on something at least.
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 09:53 am
fm wrote-

If you understood what Timber was regerring to, you wouldnt be feeling so full of yourself. Most AI phrase generators produce gibberish, produced mostly to fool .

What that has to to do with me I can't imagine. I don't run my thoughts around timber's fantasies. Talk to him about that-not me.

Are you unable to even try to address the points. What you are presenting are simple variations of heckling. Exceedingly simple.

Intelligent anti-IDers must tear their hair out watching you lot discredit the cause. Who wants their kids educating by a bunch of tantrum mongers? You should take up knitting it seems to me. You're not serious players.
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 09:59 am
Without doubt, spendi's most endearing quality is his seemingly inexhaustible capacity for inflicting irony upon himself. I suspect strongly that is calculated, consciously, intentionally employed for effect, as opposed to innocent, disingenuous, unwitting blundering.
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 10:08 am
spendius wrote:
Are you unable to even try to address the points.... You should take up knitting it seems to me. You're not serious players.

Isn't there anyone out there who will take spendi seriously? He has issues that have not been addressed!
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 11:20 am
And then some.

And so have the adolescents.

Besides Prof. Pomeroy and Homer and Ovid and Shakespeare, a mere 15 years before this new research into female sexuality and the phenylethamine coefficients there is this from the author of A Clockwork Orange-

"Infidelities are a search for novelty, and dongiovannismo is more properly a woman's disease than a man's. {....}.Women thrive on novelty and are easy meat for the fashion industry. Men prefer old pipes and torn jackets. Women love gifts and, given the chance, they love the amorous variety. The dissatisfaction of wives unable to find it has become, since Flaubert, one of the stock themes of fiction."

Right wande-- never mind the easy jibes

Let's get down to some science which 16-18 year olds will pay attention in class to. What about this phenylethamine business then? Biology in action. Coursing through their viens.

That sounds scientific enough to me. The Aphrodite option justified by the Darwinian approach.

And you could follow that up with the science of arteriosclerosis and the cholesterol stuff.

Just for starters. We don't want parents and meat industry spokespersons beating the school gates down do we?

Sperm counts relating to men getting into the fashion business and stopping smoking their tobacco is another mild subject which might interest the late grades.

Let's get some real science into those IDiotic classrooms.

It's not me who has the issues--it's you lot. You want to do your type of biology like any self respecting Presbyterian. No wonder you have lost the kids and have resorted to arguing among yourselves.

You're way out of date. You should never have let Elvis do a below the belt dance like the fundies told you not to do. You saw the girls go nuts with your own eyes didn't you. And then the Mums in Vegas grabbing at his sweat towels. Grandmums too. What sort of science do you want?

And what's all this age of consent at 18 stuff. They are over the hill at 20 as any Pope will tell you if you ask him. They are Heras and Athenas by then with the Aphrodities missed out.

Don't do Wilhelm Reich though. Don't even think about it.

Keep your eyes tight shut wande like all your posts do.
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 01:01 pm
when your head explodes spendi, and it will, all I have to say is,may I watch?
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 01:18 pm
Another head-in-the-sand reflex assertion.

Obviously no answers are forthcoming.

Anti-ID is a mere whimsicality.An abstract idea to browbeat lowbrows with.

Nothing I have written on this thread so far is even slightly mind-blowing to those who are up to date and have erased Puritanism from their heads.

The phenylethamine stuff is in yesterday's Sunday Times main paper section. All the rest the spiders have deserted due to the dust.

Meanwhile viewers grow apace and it can't be to read these repetitive and meaningless assertions otherwise other threads would show the same sort of figures.

Have you now transformed yourself into a cheap psychiatrist fm?
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 01:29 pm

I previously posted about H.R. 2679 (Public Expression of Religion Act) which has not yet been voted on by the House of Representatives. The Senate now has its own version of the proposed legislation:

Title: A bill to amend the Revised Statutes of the United States to prevent the use of the legal system in a manner that extorts money from State and local governments, and the Federal Government, and inhibits such governments' constitutional actions under the first, tenth, and fourteenth amendments.
Sponsor: Sen Brownback, Sam [KS] (introduced 7/20/2006)
Latest Major Action: 8/2/2006 Senate committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held.

Source: Library of Congress
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 02:10 pm
wande quoted the higher reaches of national life as saying

extorts money

My discretion forbade me using such terms at the start of the Dover pickpocket fiasco. I circumlocuted as you will see if you check back.

Were I a Dover resident might head might well have exploded as fm "thinks" it is on the point of doing.

Anyone wishing to see what anti-IDspeak, a type of Newspeak, looks like has only to read the last few pages of this thread to get the general idea.

And wouldn't they just love to be able to enforce it in the interest of scientific discipline. One can almost sense the saliva running down their chins at the prospect.

Academic freedom is the thing and look to your recruitment procedures.

The ones who used "extort money", a euphemism for theft, have been elected haven't they. And are responsible.

Media elects its own by a method too cliched to discuss. Why does media want anti-ID?

Answers on a postage stamp. The shorter the better.
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 02:14 pm
farmerman wrote:
Timber-Your thought had occured to me also. The spendid one often lays out what sounds like stuff out of an AI phrase generator.

Yeh, I thought exactly the same thing at one time. Smile Spendi's posts remind me a lot of an updated version of that clunky old psychology bot called Elisha (or whatever it's name was).
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 02:22 pm
See what I mean dear viewers.

ros's posts remind me of shite that had got stuck half way down the exterior bathroom wall due to the evaporation effects of the sun's radiations.

Hey!-it's good this. Dead easy. No effort required. No brains. Just a gob.
I could get a taste for it. Anti-ID speak is growing on me by the millenium.

It is on topic isn't it. It does contribute to the debate on future education policy for 300 million people doesn't it?
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 02:53 pm
I propose that we take up a collection to buy something for spendi. What could he use most?
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 02:55 pm
Mittens (to prevent typing) and a gag.
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 02:56 pm
something inflatable so that he can use his breath in a different way?
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 02:57 pm
I was thinking more in the order of a "clue"
, but, on second thought...
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 03:12 pm
Hey folks-

a gag.

There goes the anti-IDspeak version of academic freedom and in front of an adult audience too.

Now there's a recipe for wars.
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 09:40 pm
farmerman wrote:
I propose that we take up a collection to buy something for spendi. What could he use most?

The only thing Spendi wants is an audience, and we've given him that.

spendius wrote:
See what I mean dear viewers.

The only thing better would be a beer and an audience, which explains...

spendius wrote:
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Mon 14 Aug, 2006 10:23 pm
spendius wrote:
... racking up 90 odd thousand views? ...

... You lot can suit yourselves. The viewers can too.

spendi, I gather it is your impression this thread's tally of views is remarkable, and that your contributions have some impact on the volume of views this thread recieves. Just provide you with a bit of perspective, the rough mean ratio of "Views" to "Posts" for threads on this website is about 14 or 15 - to - 1; a dozen or so "Views" to every post in a thread. This particular thread has a ratio of 13.8 - to - 1 ... not very extraordinary. For comparison, This Thread has a ratio of 23.8 - to - 1, and This One has a ratio of 677.4 - to - 1.

You claim to be workingly familiar with science; you do the math.
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Tue 15 Aug, 2006 05:14 am

I don't need to do the sums, or arithmetic if you prefer. It's hardly "mathematics". When the times table and sums is called mathematics it flatters students, parents and teachers into thinking better of themselves.

It's obvious. There are other variables.

But no matter. Be comforted if you wish.

fm wrote-

I propose that we take up a collection to buy something for spendi. What could he use most?

There's nothing I want. But as the four horses I have tipped on these threads have all won (2 Grand Nationals and 2 Derbys) how about you finding me a winner. I do like taking money off the bookies even though I have no use for it. Don't you know yet that spending money is harder work than making it? Veblen called it the "night shift".

Have you all really nothing to say about the Aphrodite/Hera/Athena trilogy? Can you not lend a hand to entertain our readers? It is entertainment after all. I bet you don't even know that there's a link to this thread with that trilogy and to Dover and to media.
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