Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Thu 22 Jun, 2006 04:55 am
The world's scientific community united yesterday to launch one of the strongest attacks yet on creationism, warning that the origins of life were being "concealed, denied or confused".

The national science academies of 67 countries warned parents and teachers to ensure that they did not undermine the teaching of evolution or allow children to be taught that the world was created in six days.

Walter's item, but coverage from The Independent
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 05:21 am

It has already been explained how The Grauniad and The Intwitendent and The British Bumanist Arsociation and the Diners Off The Budget are all in one of those media conspiracies you are so fond of exposing.

All you need do is study the Shituasuns Vacant columns of those newspapers and connect them up to the Demand side of the Budget. The Observer,The BBC and ITV are in along with feminism and the fascinations which embroil its mindset.

It is,of course, inevitable because there are more voters on the demand side and their primary objective is to screw the Supply side down until the pips squeak and either beg for mercy,which won't be forthcoming,or break out in a rampage of wild anger. It thus actually involves the whole media which focusses its attention on those issues which suit its purposes by sucking up to demand siders.

The Intwitendent isn't independent and the only thing the Grauniad is guarding is the well being of the chattering classes.
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 05:31 am

Blatham and Walter's source is irrelevant. I posted the same story yesterday morning from a generic news service:

News Service Version

The content of the statement and the fact that it is endorsed by science academies in several nations is relevant.
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 05:47 am

I did say-

It thus actually involves the whole media which focusses its attention on those issues which suit its purposes by sucking up to demand siders.

The "generic news service" supplies material which its customers want just like you lot cherry pick these items to suit your purposes.

I know you posted the item yesterday which is why I was surprised to see others repeating it. Possibly they can't be bothered reading all the old stuff.

In what way is


The world's scientific community united yesterday to launch one of the strongest attacks yet on creationism, warning that the origins of life were being "concealed, denied or confused".

akin to steel production,agriculture,water supply,or any other supply side activity. It is just self-generated bombast. Show me somebody who needs a plumber or a freeway rescue or a fire brigade who has the slightest interest in the origins of life or whether they are being concealed,denied or confused. You are all busy inventing and promoting your own jobs.
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 06:10 am

In various parts of the world, within science courses taught in certain public systems of education, scientific evidence, data and testable theories about the origins and evolution of life on Earth are being concealed, denied or confused with theories not testable by science. We urge decision-makers, teachers and parents to educate all children about the methods and discoveries of science and to foster an understanding of the science of nature. Knowledge of the natural world in which they live empowers people to meet human needs and protect the planet.
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 06:11 am
And while were at considering the merits of spendis thoughts (Ill give us a moment of silence to consider them, ) lets, by using his logic , remove an mention of art education, history, and, of course, literature. Its obvious that these too, serve no purpose in spendiworld where all the men are employed in trades, all the women dress like June Cleaver, and all the kids are below average.
We shall
have all the power of science, music, and language be farmed out to the Chinese.
0 Replies
Thu 22 Jun, 2006 06:16 am
You are all busy inventing and promoting your own jobs.

But that does leave a convenient opening for you to define yourself uniquely.

You might
be a socialite
with a long string of pearls but
you're going to have to choose somebody
yes you are
0 Replies
Thu 22 Jun, 2006 06:57 am
In various parts of the world, within science courses taught in certain public systems of education, scientific evidence, data and testable theories about the origins and evolution of life on Earth are being concealed, denied or confused with theories not testable by science. We urge decision-makers, teachers and parents to educate all children about the methods and discoveries of science and to foster an understanding of the science of nature. Knowledge of the natural world in which they live empowers people to meet human needs and protect the planet.


Fm wrote-

And while were at considering the merits of spendis thoughts (Ill give us a moment of silence to consider them, ) lets, by using his logic , remove an mention of art education, history, and, of course, literature. Its obvious that these too, serve no purpose in spendiworld where all the men are employed in trades, all the women dress like June Cleaver, and all the kids are below average.
We shall
have all the power of science, music, and language be farmed out to the Chinese.

I did not object to the demand side having its fun. I objected to it pretending that that's all there is to discuss.

It's just another assertion that that represents my logic. It only represents what fm wants it to represent in order to post that stuff. And this from a scientific expert who recently advised a young lady to eat cheese,butter,sausages and bacon on the health threads despite the poisonous nature,scientifically proven and peer reviewed, of these products and is guilty on his own admissions of tweeting on about whales and going fishing himself and wallows hypocritically in


(See Sunday Times article Blubbering Hypocrites by Rod Liddle)

in order that he may come over as virtuous to the knitting circle who can be garuanteed to admire his booming voice and military bearing.

Bernie wrote-

But that does leave a convenient opening for you to define yourself uniquely.

My poems speak for me. Nobody wishes to know about my daily doings as some people seem to think they wish to know about theirs and which can all be made up anyway.

I might like to drink whiskey, I might like to blow smoke,
I may have money-power or I may be broke,
I may think I'm living, I may think I'm dead,
Maybe sleeping on nails, may be sleeping in a feather bed

Version sung at Knoxville Feb 5 1980 (Changed slightly)
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 06:58 am
wandeljw wrote:

In various parts of the world, within science courses taught in certain public systems of education, scientific evidence, data and testable theories about the origins and evolution of life on Earth are being concealed, denied or confused with theories not testable by science.

It's an interesting counter-attack.

"Teach the controversy" is being sold as a balanced approach to education, when in fact it is anything but balanced because it assumes a controversy which doesn't really exist anywhere except in the minds of creationists.

It's time to take off the gloves and expose these attacks on rational thought for what they are: Attempts to conceal, deny or confuse real science with pseudo-science.
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 07:04 am
There's an old joke ros about stimulating the ego with gloves on but I'll refrain from repeating it in order not to startle the little chickadees.

It is never wise and I'm sorry to hear that you have been indulging.
0 Replies
Thu 22 Jun, 2006 07:15 am

I'm not going to get into any kind of a serious fight with you. I'm simply far too fond of your love of, and delightful skill at, weaving words around each other, regardless of whether or not you are a lunatic. I haven't a single friend with whom I do not share some passionate disagreements - who'd want such an associate? And a high percentage of those friends are as nutty as either you or I.
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 07:29 am

I don't think you are in the least nutty. I can't judge myself of course.

You seem to be a perfectly balanced and sensible example of the megalopolitan mindset one of which was born every minute in Veblen's day but it must be up to two or three by now.

Have you not seen Masked and Anonymous yet?

Give my fond regards to your best friend.
0 Replies
Thu 22 Jun, 2006 07:32 am
Im not going to reprint, but on the "evolution How" thread, the initial charge for the endorsement by the scientific academies actually began as the work of 2 profs from Brigham Young, who were somewhat surprised at a piece of Legislation entered into the UTAH hopper (SB 96). The original title ws "Divine Design" and had to do with "critical analysis of all theories of the origin and development of life on earth".

It's just another assertion that that represents my logic. It only represents what fm wants it to represent in order to post that stuff. And this from a scientific expert who recently advised a young lady to eat cheese,butter,sausages and bacon on the health threads despite the poisonous nature,scientifically proven and peer reviewed, of these products and is guilty on his own admissions of tweeting on about whales and going fishing himself and wallows hypocritically in

I plead guilty to advising a young girl to eat sausage and grits. I probably was a bit misinformed about the nutritional benefits of the ground meat and milled corn food groups. So , like any good scientist faced with overwhelming evidence, I will revise my dietary advise in accordance with the spendius program.
AS far as my taking on the appearnce of hypocrisy because I denounce "scientific" whaling but I practise bass fishing, I think that spendi is just suffering post imbibitional hallucenogenic reactions, wherein anything he says makes sense to him. Poor boy

As far as that last quote that he seems to assign to me, I have to plead ignorance It doesnt sound like my style. Id never write a Bullwar Lytton phrase like "pigs shackled in their pens" . If I did, I must enroll in a writing course immediately.
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 07:49 am
fm wrote-

I plead guilty to advising a young girl to eat sausage and grits.

Oh no fm. You advised cheese and butter and sausage and bacon and grits.

The first four are all well known in the scientific community as poisons which is why I never eat any of them. What goes into cheap sausages beggars belief. Grits,assuming that is our porrige, is excellent fare and you should be complimented for suggesting it to the young lady.

I think being "misinformed" about such important matters at your stage of life is possibly due to your being too much taken up by what happened a few billion years ago rather than on the well being of the young lady and her four friends who, if they didn't see my post, are probably fattening up on your suggestions.

I did attribute the quote if you care to look back and see for yourself.
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Frank Apisa
Thu 22 Jun, 2006 08:45 am
spendius wrote:

I don't think you are in the least nutty.

'Nuff said.

I will never trust your judgements on anything else, Spendy.

You obviously do not have the knack for it.
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Steve 41oo
Thu 22 Jun, 2006 08:49 am
from this weeks New Scientist

Sixty seven scientific acadamies arond the world have signed a statement urging governments teachers and parents not to tolerate the teaching of creationism in science classes. The InterAcademy Panel on International Issues warned on Wednesday that evidence about the origins and evolution of life is being "concealed denied or confused".

Markus Merk is a jerk, btw.
0 Replies
Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:04 am
Spendi, my advice to the young lady reflected the old US "food pyramid" which had been the dietary mainstay of the US of A for almost a half century since Carl Herlbert introduced it on his tv show. I might remind you that these food groups included

1The deliciously well marbled meat group

2The ground and spiced and packed into a casing, meat group

3The ground and re hydrolized grain group

4The fried embryo group

5 The highly salted and congealed dairy product group

6The deeply fried and salted vegetable group

7The sweetened , baked and delicious dessert group

8 All that other **** that is green and leafy and not worth mentioning and is eaten primarily by weenies like you.

9 not to forget the entire weenie group
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 11:00 am

I wouldn't eat that lot if you paid me. Almost every disease known to man is related to such a diet. If the animal products industry had got at Mr Helbert so much the worse for the American public.

Are you suggesting science is run on the brown envelope principle now?

And one couldn't expect the medical profession to do other than go along for the ride whilst rubbing their hands with glee. Even Stendhal's doctor put him on my diet 200 years ago when he wobbled and if he was a weenie I'm proud to be one too.

You've been caught out mate and it is bad manners and poor sportsmanship to even attempt to suggest otherwise and lard it up with another set of simple a crass smears.

You obviously don't know even elementary dietary science and,as everybody knows,you are what you eat.

All you need do is avoid animal products and anything off a palm tree.Another plus is that you needn't keep bits of dead animals rotting in the fridge and can therefore not be caught facing both ways on whale hunting.

And as far as I'm concerned you have had all your heads bullshitted off your shoulders on smoking and drinking in moderation by a bunch of, usually female, trouble makers.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 22 Jun, 2006 11:12 am
spendi, You worry to much. With all that alcohol that you consume daily, all the germs in those products don't have any chance of survival. ,
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Thu 22 Jun, 2006 11:20 am
It's not the germs c.i. Wherever did you get a daft idea like that from?

Proper beer is an excellent foodstuff. It is drinking the grain rather than eating it and it has an added extra.

Try lettuce at suppertime for sweet dreams but if you prefer nightmares nothing beats high class cheese.
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