Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Mon 19 Jun, 2006 01:49 pm
spendius wrote:
Oh-BTW wande-

Who owns the KCS? Is it part of a series of ownerships ending up in a magalopolis?

There is no way of knowing this unless Bob Dylan decides to write a song about them. Smile
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Mon 19 Jun, 2006 02:36 pm

I'm amazed. Whenever the Sunday Times refers to anything at all to do with another of Mr Murdoch's companies they always remind readers that The Sunday Times is a subsidiary of News International. That they feel the necessity to do that is a clear demonstration of the importance they attach to the connection from the reader's point of view.

Associated Newspapers own through various subsiduary companies about 80 daily provincial evening papers and it shows in the editorial style of those papers. Most newspapers in England are owned in London and they don't keep it secret. I don't know of one evening paper in a significant town which is not owned in London.

The bottom line argument is City v Country. And the City view would dominate this thread but for my goodself and I'm a country boy born and bred. Farm Aid and all that and Dylan's fantastically brave speech at Live Aid.
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Tue 20 Jun, 2006 06:49 am
Churches offer World Cup half-time services

World Cup visitors can pray for divine intervention if their team is losing in special half-time religious services.

Two Berlin churches, the Berlin Cathedral and the Kaiser-Wilhelm Memorial Church, will be holding 15-minute half-time services throughout the tournament.

The services will feature football related sermons and hymns that resemble team anthems allowing worshippers of the World Cup to pray for victory.

Bernhard Felmberg from the Kaiser-Wilhelm Memorial Church said: "We don't want to fight against the World Cup, we want to use it to support our message."

You could claim that is ID and then discredit ID on the back of it.
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Tue 20 Jun, 2006 05:24 pm
In the pub tonight the England v Sweden game was on three plasma screens to a very noisy house.

After the match the News came on and I was keeping my eye on it as I always do, but not my ears. I couldn't hear a word. They were celebrating England topping the group and thus having to play some no hopers in the next round. A lot of cash is at stake.

There was an item about Iraq.

Some soldiers getting killed.

There was only me watching.

This kid's photograph came up. A good looking lad. Not very Waspy.

Underneath it there was what I presumed was part of his last message home.

It said- "I love my country. I love God"

What a feewking ID-iot eh?

He's in love,or used to be, with an "imaginary friend" according to some posters on this thread and he is,or was, a superstitious and frightened fool according to some intellectuals who are sat safely in front of their TV screens,3 to 5 stone overweight and eating a delicious pizza, concocting theories which are specifically designed to present them in,as Kenny Everett used to say, "the best possible light".
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Frank Apisa
Tue 20 Jun, 2006 05:34 pm
spendius wrote:
In the pub tonight the England v Sweden game was on three plasma screens to a very noisy house.

After the match the News came on and I was keeping my eye on it as I always do, but not my ears. I couldn't hear a word. They were celebrating England topping the group and thus having to play some no hopers in the next round. A lot of cash is at stake.

There was an item about Iraq.

Some soldiers getting killed.

There was only me watching.

This kid's photograph came up. A good looking lad. Not very Waspy.

Underneath it there was what I presumed was part of his last message home.

It said- "I love my country. I love God"

What a feewking ID-iot eh?

He's in love,or used to be, with an "imaginary friend" according to some posters on this thread and he is,or was, a superstitious and frightened fool according to some intellectuals who are sat safely in front of their TV screens,3 to 5 stone overweight and eating a delicious pizza, concocting theories which are specifically designed to present them in,as Kenny Everett used to say, "the best possible light".

Ease off on the suds, Spendy...you are losing it big time.

As for the "supserstitious and frightened fool"...I certainly have mentioned that I think a great deal of what passes for religion these days...is nothing more than a superstitious way of dealing with the fears some people have of the unknown.

I don't sit in front of the TV very much...I get plenty of exercise...and I weigh, at 70 years of age, what I weighed when discharged from my time in military service back in 1957.

How about you, Spendy? You in good shape?
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Tue 20 Jun, 2006 05:50 pm
Yeah Frank-

I'm in pretty good shape too considering what I've been through.
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Tue 20 Jun, 2006 06:08 pm

You are a man of the world I know so could you explain this to me.

I was leaning on the bar after the match and this boring old fart who had been talking to two ladies in their mid forties, a guess I'll admit, came over to talk about the football on which subject I am an expert.

After listening to his tripe for a minute or two, I am a very understanding person, I asked him if the two ladies were with him.

He replied -"They would be if I wanted them".

Then he went back to talk to them for the next hour.

Now-the question is-why would two good looking ladies of a certain age with cleavage on display spend their precious time socialising with a boring old fart who didn't want them.That seems to run counter to Darwinian sexual selection theory or am I missing something?
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Tue 20 Jun, 2006 06:43 pm
My guess would be you missed his designer-furnished, trendy-neighborhood flat, his Mercedes, his Rolex, and his Amex Card.
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Frank Apisa
Tue 20 Jun, 2006 06:52 pm
spendius wrote:

You are a man of the world I know so could you explain this to me.

I was leaning on the bar after the match and this boring old fart who had been talking to two ladies in their mid forties, a guess I'll admit, came over to talk about the football on which subject I am an expert.

After listening to his tripe for a minute or two, I am a very understanding person, I asked him if the two ladies were with him.

He replied -"They would be if I wanted them".

Then he went back to talk to them for the next hour.

Now-the question is-why would two good looking ladies of a certain age with cleavage on display spend their precious time socialising with a boring old fart who didn't want them.That seems to run counter to Darwinian sexual selection theory or am I missing something?

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Spendius, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...and many of 'em deal with the bizarre shyt that motivates the fair sex."

Franklet...Act 1
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cicerone imposter
Tue 20 Jun, 2006 07:16 pm
spendi, The answer is quite obvious to even those who have heard of this over a2k; do some soul-searching if you are capable.
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Wed 21 Jun, 2006 03:55 am
Sounds like none of you have a clue or maybe don't care to explore these things too deeply.

The incident wasn't a one off--it happens all the time.

You can forget the designer-furnished, trendy-neighborhood flat, his Mercedes, his Rolex, and his Amex Card. You don't seriously think I would have asked you men of experience this simple question had that been the case.

Gee c.i. - it's hard to know how to respond to your "answer" it is so pitiful.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Spendius, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...and many of 'em deal with the bizarre shyt that motivates the fair sex."

I don't have any philosophy Frank. Explain what you mean. I know what I thought about it and I was seeking to hear alternatives.

Obviously you are all quite shy of this sort of subject so if you want to drop it I'll understand.

What I mean is that I think I know possible scientific explanations but I wondered if there might be any religious ones or ones deriving from religion.
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Steve 41oo
Wed 21 Jun, 2006 04:26 am
I've followed the last few posts with some interest, mainly on the football side of things, but am motivated to respond...

Lets see two women and a bloke in a bar watching England. What religious motivation could there be? Well we've all seen the poster of the New Messiah Rooney, arms outstretched and covered in a bloody red cross...so they could be Swedish. Or at least protestant. If the women were showing a fair acreage of cleavage and drinking pints of beer, its unlikely they are Sihks or even Muslims. Were they eating olives? This is probably the answer. Wishing to annoint the Blessed Fourth Metatarsal with Holy Oil but unable to do so, they decided to have some fun with a punter.
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Wed 21 Jun, 2006 04:45 am
School fight is over 'B.C.'
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Wed 21 Jun, 2006 06:21 am

So the date on top of your post is "incorrect" is it?

Steve-you missed the point mate and I would have to do a Proust to explain why.

BTW- Opening price Czech Rep. 17--20

Price today -8--11.

Opening price England 31--34

Price today--39--42. I can sell now at 5 profit and I'm toying with the idea. They don't look so hot to me.If they beat Ecuador their next game is against the winner of Match 4 which is the winner of Group D (Mexico or Portugal,possibly Angola) v 2nd in Group C (Argentina or Holland).

Using a football analogy I discovered a method of explaining how metaphysics can be made to have a useful function after thinking about Sweden's second goal and the manner of their celebration. Unfortunately,to do it justice it would be a lengthy explanation and require threaders to hold a large number of disconnected ideas in their heads at the same time which, as you probably know, is an unlikely possibilty.

Did you notice anything?
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Steve 41oo
Wed 21 Jun, 2006 07:13 am
No, I didnt notice the manner of the Swedish celebration. I would sell england. With Owen crocked (btw cruciate ligament !!!!...it could finish his career) Rooney likely to do a Gazza, and Theo Walcott not old enough to stay up for night matches, I would say buy Germany and Czech Republic...at that price.

I still have not managed to pull together a metaphysical experiment involving England's georgeous girl supporters and religion, or indeed rooting for swedes. Or Proust.
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Frank Apisa
Wed 21 Jun, 2006 09:21 am
spendius wrote:
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Spendius, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...and many of 'em deal with the bizarre shyt that motivates the fair sex."

I don't have any philosophy Frank. Explain what you mean. I know what I thought about it and I was seeking to hear alternatives.

Obviously you are all quite shy of this sort of subject so if you want to drop it I'll understand.

What I mean is that I think I know possible scientific explanations but I wondered if there might be any religious ones or ones deriving from religion.

Sorry, Spendy...I was playing on the words of the bard, Shakes Beer, and I thought you would get a kick out of it.

Lemme be more blunt then.

I have absolutely no idea of what motivates women to enjoy the company of some men over others...but I am ever so thankful that so many have been so nice to me over the years. As for the ones who have looked at me as though I were an acne pimple about to burst...I say: Fuk 'em. They missed out on a good time.

Hope that comes closer to what you were looking for.
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Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:37 am
Nobody can say your not a trier Spendi, that's for sure. I have been reading a number of your posts on these pages in particular, not because I thought they were good, they actually read awful, consequently it is no difficult matter in seeing how our American colonial friends have been rounding on you.

So what is the clown up to I ask myself, is he assembling a code, a Spendi Code?

Give us a clue, it has to mean more than you are twaddling on face value.

God or no God, we can get along playing with a God Spendi, like the politicians do, they don't believe either, but the masses in general need a God, and as long as he's a requirement of society we must keep him or her elevated in a prime slot.

You can teach a big silver back to pick up a pint of ale and down it in one, but he's smarter than you mate, he doesn't pay for it. Your paying an average of £2..00 a pint for coloured water just to give yourself a buzz. Not very bright is it?

Frank knows the score, I wouldn't have thought he was 70 (you look well mate, whatever your doing and I bet its not downing pints, keep it up and good luck to you) I admire your approach too, at one time I thought you were bloody bolshie, we both know that, but at your young age and in that condition, you can say what the hell you want. :wink:

Just one more thing Spendi, the women in the bar with the exposed breasts? I would have thought every England fan would be wearing an England shirt last night, if they weren't fans they wouldn't go to the pub to sit amongst a couple of hundred fans swilling ale and watching the game on the big HD screens. I rather think you were looking at a couple of Micks in string vests they wouldn't wear England shirts. Wasn't it Walt that mentioned you need to see an optician?
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Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:51 am
Evolution: World science academies fight back against creationists
(AFP News Agency, June 21, 2006)

A declaration signed by 67 national academies of science blasted the scriptural teaching of biology as a potential distortion of young minds.

"In various parts of the world, within science courses taught in certain public systems of education, scientific evidence, data and testable theories about the origins and evolution of life on Earth are being concealed, denied or confused with theories not testable by science," the declaration said.

"We urge decision-makers, teachers and parents to educate all children about the methods and discoveries of science and to foster an understanding of the science of nature.

"Knowledge of the natural world in which they live empowers people to meet human needs and protect the planet."

Citing "evidence-based facts" derived from observation, experiment and neutral assessment, the declaration points to findings that the Universe is between 11 and 15 billion years old, and the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago.

Life on Earth appeared at least 2.5 billion years ago as a result of physical and chemical processes, and evolved into the species that live today.

"Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin," it said.

Signatories of the declaration include the US National Academy of Sciences, Britain's Royal Society, the French Academy of Sciences and their counterparts in Canada, China, Germany, Iran, Israel and Japan and elsewhere.
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Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:26 am
I'm sorry Mathos but I am very poor with spaghetti.

I have been told though that to get out of a maze all you need do is walk with your left hand touching the side all the time.

Have you been reading ladies magazines?

wande quoted-

"We urge decision-makers, teachers and parents to educate all children about the methods and discoveries of science and to foster an understanding of the science of nature.

I could only agree with that so long as certain contentious areas of nature's bounties are excluded.
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cicerone imposter
Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:31 am
spendi wrote:
Gee c.i. - it's hard to know how to respond to your "answer" it is so pitiful.

spendi, You probably still haven't noticed it, but you're the center of gravity of jokes poked at your posts. Your boozed up brain just can't see what is so obvious to the rest of us reading your incoherent trash - over 50 percent of the time. "Pitiful" about your posts is just too lenient.
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