snood wrote:Setanta wrote:Those who support the "intelligent design" viewpoint have coined the term themselves.
I never said otherwise - liberals may have
coined their own moniker, as well. But no one intellectually honest would dispute that certain terms are used with perjorative undertones.
I dispute it immediately. Those who are not fooled that "intelligent design" is creationism wrapped in different garb scorn contentions to the contrary. That in no way authorizes a contention that "intelligent design" is used as a pejorative, which is precisely why i have pointed out that the expression was coined by those who subscribe to the idea.
Quote:And, just so my original point doesn't get buried beneath a buncha meaningless hooey
Your point with that nasty little swipe is to demonstrate your superior debating technique? Or to demonstrate your superior moral position? Perhaps to demonstrate that your vision is clear, unlike those with whom you disagree? I submit it was just nastiness, to no purpose.
Quote: - xprmnpr2 simply posted evidence that some not-so-lightweight intellects have concluded that there is intelligent design, and from that you somehow got that he holds the idea of intelligent design as more religion than science.
What xprmntr2 has in fact done is take remarks from some individuals who have never been known to support a contention of intelligent design in the debate about evolution, taken the remarks out of context, to suggest that these people support an intelligent design model, when in fact that cannot be said with certainty. Other of the quotes which xprmntr2 used were from those who have created the "intelligent design" dodge in an attempt to revive the creationist assault on evolutionary theory.
Quote:You were jumping to non sequitur conclusions; I was stating a fact.
Once again, how superior your vision. The conclusion at which i arrived is based upon xprmntr2's consistent responses in this and other threads based upon a dogmatic religious point of view. Quoting people who are not known to support "intelligent design" in the context of evolutionary research as though those individuals did in fact support such a contention is an exercise in propagandizing for religious purposes. Your contention that my response is a non sequitur does not on the face of it make that so, and it ignores the larger context of the contributions xprmntr2 has made to this thread and these fora, such as the pointless remarks made above about atheists.
Quote:When I said (and I hold this to be pretty self-evident) that some folks use the term "intelligent design" in a purposely denigrating context, you replied with something so irrelevant that it almost begs a question as to whether you're intentionally obfuscating.
When you contend that "intelligent design" is used a pejorative, but there is no evidence that this is so other than your bald assertion to that effect, it is not at all inappropriate to point out that those who believe that angle have created the term. It isn't irrelevant, it is very much to the point. If you think that i am engaged in obfuscation of some vital point, have the courtesy to explain exactly how that works in this exchange. I don't think we have any evidence that intelligent design is used as a denigrating term on any other basis than your assertion to that effect. Were it true, it could only have resulted from the proponents thereof having made a sufficient hash of their efforts as to have brought their own proposition into disrepute.
Quote:Try to follow what's actually being said, oh thou of olympian
I can follow these things at least as well as you do, and your snotty tone and puerile attempts to insult do you a disservice, while they have no effect on me. I am disgusted by the pathetic attempt, however, as i have, heretofore, always treated your posts with a courteous respect, despite the knowledge that we disagree on some basic questions. If you continue in this vein, i will conclude that treating you with courtesy is not worth the effort.