Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Mon 20 Mar, 2006 12:20 pm
wande wrote-

I should not have used the word "assert"----"imply" would have been more accurate.

Not at all.I didn't imply it either.I don't think you read my posts in any real meaning of the word "read".I know actually.But there are a lot of views and some of them might.

I simply said that the news report on DU science was meaningless from a scientific viewpoint and had other functions.I said nothing about DU science.

I also know why you object to the position I take about the social function of belief and I know which areas of life you seek to be scientific about and which areas you would rather not bother.After all,fossils and blood activity in sea creatures and such like is a bit neutral.

How much science of diet are you familiar with?Or animal experiments?Just to name a couple of easy to discuss topics.I'll bet you are guzzling down a load of shite on a daily basis.I'll also bet you've been well suckered on tobacco and participation in strenuous exercise.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 12:29 pm
I just read this on another thread-

. Throughout my career I have had the opportunity to work with a few people who were simply unteachable because any type of instruction or correction was viewed as some kind of personal attack. Many of these people also felt that they should be congratulated and rewarded for preforming the most basic and expected aspects of their job.

I know how he feels.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 12:31 pm

sorry for any misunderstanding or misreading of your posts.

i did receive the impression that you ignored the main point of the news article.

in my opinion, the main point was that recent research is addressing the "complexity issue" that intelligent design proponents often write about.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 12:35 pm
The piece you lifted from Boomer's thread was written by a she, not a he. There are those who consider attempts at instruction or correction from those who patently don't know what the hell they're talking about not to be personal attacks, but simply ludicrous and irrelevant stupidity.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 12:39 pm
The "Irreducible Complexity" absurdity has been well enough exposed for the nonsense it is even many ID-iots now back away from it. Lacking any positive argument whatsoever, ID-iots must and may only present specious objection to the conclusions necessitated by the entire assembled body of evidence. Their present apparent vigor and energy reflect not progress for their proposition, but its death-throes.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 12:58 pm
If that is true timber I anticipate a long and weary vigil by the bedside of the expiring patient and at some point,probably when the cash runs out,the life support machine will be switched off.

What time scale do you think reasonable?
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 01:07 pm
Setanta wrote-

The piece you lifted from Boomer's thread was written by a she, not a he. There are those who consider attempts at instruction or correction from those who patently don't know what the hell they're talking about not to be personal attacks, but simply ludicrous and irrelevant stupidity.

That may well be so but there are also those who row across the Atlantic in a cabbage crate wearing a Mickey Mouse kit.

But one has to assume that Boomer (apologies due) did know what she was talking about in which case her remarks remain true and recognisable to me.
Your sentence is tautological.Not knowing what one is talking about is obviously ludicrous and stupid although,if she was the boss,hardly irrelevant.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 01:12 pm
wande wrote-

i did receive the impression that you ignored the main point of the news article.

in my opinion, the main point was that recent research is addressing the "complexity issue" that intelligent design proponents often write about.

As I said wande,I thought the article had no point aside from its entertainment value at low cost.

The research at DU may well be addressing the point the instigators of it are seeking to address.Had the article sought to explain that it would probably have took up the entire newspaper and been incomprehensible to the majority of the readers.
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cicerone imposter
Mon 20 Mar, 2006 01:14 pm
"Instigators?" ha ha ha ha ha.... You are funny!
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 01:17 pm
spendius wrote:
Your sentence is tautological.Not knowing what one is talking about is obviously ludicrous and stupid although,if she was the boss,hardly irrelevant.

It would certainly help things if you could write in a more readable format.

The reference to people who attempt to instruct and correct when they patently don't know what the hell they're talking about refers to the drivel you post in this thread, when you obviously know nothing about a theory of evolution, about the Intelligent Design movement, the state of education in the United Staters and the organization of local school boards and state boards of education.

Boomer, however, is someone whom i like and respect . . .
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 01:35 pm
If you tell her that often enough and from a supine position I'm sure you will persuade her that you are the fount of wisdom and thus I am all the things you say I am.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 01:48 pm
I've never met the lady in question in person, so, could not possibly have prostrated myself to her.

It is, though, indicative of your irrational hatred of women that you attempt to divert the discussion into such channels.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 02:18 pm
An observation I have made numerous times, but, like the delusional chap he is, spendi just doesnt "get it".
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 02:51 pm
I see we have returned to Assertion City.I suppose it must be comforting in some way.

I don't even know what I don't get.Nor why what I've said is drivel.Nor how a more readable format can make sense out of drivel.Nor what I did to divert the discussion in any out of the ordinary way.
Nor why I'm delusional.Nor why I'm supposed to hate women.Nor why a hatred of women is irrational,assuming I do hate them,which I don't,when Germaine Greer has offered a rational explanation,at some length,of why all men hate women.Nor why I took her to task over saying it.Nor why one needs to be in a woman's presence to flatter her.Nor what is funny about "instigators" of research.

Why is there massive amounts of carefully drafted legislation and enormous quantities of money specifically targeted to mitigate the extreme severities of evolutionary principles in the social oganisation of modern Christian civilisation.And how would a teacher answer such a question in an educational environment exclusively devoted to teaching those principles as applying to all life forms.
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cicerone imposter
Mon 20 Mar, 2006 03:08 pm
spendi, About every other post you make are "assertions" without anything or anybody to support it. Your grandiosity knows no limits.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 03:25 pm
If you will provide me with a few examples I will study them and endevour to correct my faults in this regard.I certainly hope I have never stooped to such low and blatant ones as to be seen in your last post above.

In the meantime
Why is there massive amounts of carefully drafted legislation and enormous quantities of money specifically targeted to mitigate the extreme severities of evolutionary principles in the social oganisation of modern Christian civilisation.And how would a teacher answer such a question in an educational environment exclusively devoted to teaching those principles as applying to all life forms.

I am not the subject of this thread.This question is related to the subject I think.
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cicerone imposter
Mon 20 Mar, 2006 03:29 pm
It didn't used to be until you started to post your non-sensical opinions.

As farmerman said above
"An observation I have made numerous times, but, like the delusional chap he is, spendi just doesnt "get it".

Most posters on these threads that you participate in are of the same conclusion. "spendi just doesn't get it."
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cicerone imposter
Mon 20 Mar, 2006 03:33 pm
And here's another from another thread:

EorI wrote:
I reckon the existence of "mein kampf" demonstrates that the jack boots and iconoclasty were a means to achieving a philosophical end rather an end in themselves.

Just because your philosophy is rubbish doesn't mean you aren't a philosopher.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 03:36 pm
You don't fear this question do you and are simply seeking to bluster your way past it with more of the same and even quoting some for good measure

Why is there massive amounts of carefully drafted legislation and enormous quantities of money specifically targeted to mitigate the extreme severities of evolutionary principles in the social oganisation of modern Christian civilisation.And how would a teacher answer such a question in an educational environment exclusively devoted to teaching those principles as applying to all life forms.

I could answer it but I asked it and thus it is for you to answer.Should you fail to do so again I'm sure our viewers will take note.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2006 04:22 pm
Take your time.I'm going to the pub to get my brain working again.
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