The reason I would never say that someone was deluded or delusional just because I disagreed with them on an important policy direction is that only deluded people think other people are deluded.
It is obvious when you think about it for a few seconds longer than the average attention span.
Every insane person thinks that those treating him are insane.If someone can see dancing girls on the lawn with big tits,black sussies and open crotch "now you see it now you don't bloomers" it would be quite plain that he would think that those who could only see the grass and the hedge beyond as deluded.
If I were to say that anybody on this prestigious thread was deluded I would be providing objective evidence that I was deluded and I wouldn't dream of doing a silly thing like that.
So-we will try again-
Quote:Why is there massive amounts of carefully drafted legislation and enormous quantities of money specifically targeted to mitigate the extreme severities of evolutionary principles in the social oganisation of modern Christian civilisation.And how would a teacher answer such a question in an educational environment exclusively devoted to teaching those principles as applying to all life forms.
Two hours is a long time to think about such a simple question and to have dismally failed to even
make a half-assed attempt at an answer will,I am fairly sure,will have been duly noticed by our viewers.