timber wrote-
Quote: that some people feel science has lost relevance to them stems wholly from religion -
I don't agree with the "wholly" at all.People don't understand science.They are nervous about its methods and conclusions.They feel powerless and alienated by its inhumanity.Agreed they crave also its benefits.They have a schizophrenic relationship to it.It's messages are mixed.They are often told that this or that drug is a wonder cure only to be told when they've been taking it for a few years that it might do them in or turn them into cabbages or somesuch. They pay for a weapons system and then find out it's useless in action. They worry about its capacity to befuddle them in advertising tricks.
It isn't wholly the result of religion.
"Advertising signs that con you
Into thinking you're the one
That can do what's never been done
That can win what's never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you."
It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding).Bob Dylan.
How much "ignorant absurdity" do you see?I hope you don't think "ignorant absurdity" is confined to religious beliefs.
You must think our institutions are very fragile if you think fundamentalists can undermine them.Not a chance.Threats to our society come from elsewhere. Television for example and the greed and self absorption it generates.
You're only talking about the science you know about or have been persuaded to accept by various campaigns. Passive smoking has been invented to explain why some people get lung cancer who never smoked and thus take the heat off other causes such as welding or chemical dusts or anxiety.
80 a day people are used to scare 10 a day people.
Have you engaged with Medical Nemesis by Ivan Illich or Food Is A Wonder Medicine by Neal Barnard,M.D.
Illich claims that the medical profession seeks to generate sub-lethal disease in order to have a growing number of long-lived customers who are allowed to die only when their cash runs out or funds from the government to support their treatment is refused.
In Masked and Anonymous a character says that they are building more hospitals to treat the diseases they are creating.
And all done with science's magic mirrors.
There's enough "ignorant absurdity" exposed in that lot to try anybody's patience. You are using religion as a scapegoat.It's too easy. There's no need to think.That's the function of scapegoats.
What do you know about Sexual Stasis:The Source Of Energy Of The Neurosis?There are labs all over the place studying that stuff.
How about Pavlow and stimulus response theory 100 years down the line from his simple studies.He was before the Wright Brothers.Don't you believe in synergy.