wande quoted-
"discard the bones!!!"
In Darwin Day pigeon pie.
What a toss-pot,half-baked,spragged-up ritual this is with the bones being "discarded".
The pigeons bones were Darwin's pride and joy.By carefully measuring the lengths of all the bones after the flesh had been discarded,after Darwin had throttled them, with scientific instruments of the very latest up-to-date design he satisisfied himself,and many others,including the elite participants to this thread,that we are all monkeys going hopping about accompanied by all the other little mannerisms monkeys have,and explained the discrepancy between our feats and those of monkeys by simply saying that we just are very,very,good at it.
One presumes he smiled.
Discarding the bones seems to completely depart from any semblance of real spirit in a celebration of the great man's birthday or death day,I've forgot which.
Maybe it's only some of us who are descended from monkeys.Monkeys would discard the bones so they could never get round to measuring any of them to prove they were monkeys which they might have felt was un-necessary anyway.
Those of us who slid down a rainbow would insist that the bones be ground to a paste,mixed with some castor oil and poked down the gizzards of the diners with a stick.
A proper religious occasion would demand at least that otherwise it might look like another piss-up courtesy of the tax-payers.