recognizing symbolic information stored within xline structural elements provides no information re an id workplan.. Youve been tap dancing on trying to sell me your "big idea" tht Base structures and sugars in the Nucleic acis were akin to "Bar codes". Thats where I called you out since you had neither idea nor a clue in methodology with which you could expand on that. THEREFORE it is you who have no ******* idea about the contents and structuers and reactivity and various bonding in organic chems an prebiotic chems in the spectra of tars. you are clueless (but not lacking in opinions).To conclude that an outside intelligent agent is responsible for the myriad of reactions and chemical environments is whre Ive called your thinking precious , quaint, and flat idiotic.
Ive aked you tens of times to pick up a real organic chem and molecular biology text and just see the way reactions occur "just on their own" an what compounds are "Self replicating" and which are not. What are the support means in which reactions occur while being assisted by other neighboring elements or compounds whose structures do NOT change at all,
Then, on top of that, you mis the entire nature of the planets life and how evolution i affected by such things as oceans opening and closing, or ice sheets, or flood basalts due to incoming impactors. (not to mention available liquid water )
You seem to pick out on thing, dwell on it, fixate on it, to the total denial of the rest of tim n space. Both you and your newest frind have that in common.
I have to laugh because what you criticize me for is a result of your profound ignorance of P-chem, organic and inorganic chem.
When youve spent a medium 10 yr career like i have, among the chemical labs, produce numbers of papers and patents, Ill feel youre wotrth a thought, until then, all I can do is try to politely offer up sources from where you can learn. ive tried to do that but youre id assertions are in your head without any quality control
imagine All these dumass scientists blindly researching away and missing your obvious blinding thoughts as our " stableGenius" whose conspiracy hypotheses involve gods oversseing geology, biology, physics and chemistry.