Quote: Sure, and the theory that the universe is expanding is bogus because it was proposed by a priest.
Firt time you herd of Georges LeMaitre? Its always good when someone lerns. If youd gone back several years in this very thread youd see that the "A Clergyman proposed the Big Bang so therefore its science"
OF COURSE IT IS SILLY. Your analogy is as unhinged as one can get . We celebrate Nicolas Steno, Gregor Mendel, Nicolas Copernicus, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and many other clergy men who had provided all sorts of evidence and hypotheses that became theories in science.
Whats the Point you are trying to make??
The case in court seems to be a matter of willful obtuseness on your behalf. The Theory of Evolution was already mature when it was taken to court in louisiana, tennessee, and pennsylvania.In each case science was under attack by creation "science" or "ID science". Unless we are all unable to think strait, the local laws FORCED science teachers or students to buy into the (undeniably religious based rules of "Scientific Creationism" or "I D").
If you either deny these facts or just cant think , then you have much more reading to do.
Science itself was not being adjudicated in any of these court cases, the limits of the clauses of the 1st amendment to admit that religious beliefs about creation stories (sans evidence) are scientific.
Quote: Get a grip man, science is not settled in a courtroom
. Well, you better tell your ID colleagues becaue they are lining up again for an upcoming case in Kansas.
I believe youre only talking brusquely about ID or Creationism is because your side has lost every case when brought to the district courts orSupreme Court. (Ya think that maybe these thousands of people whove been involved were wasting their time trying to adjudicate changes to.. or protect the original clause meanings as they appear in the 1st Amendment?