Yeah I'm testy. Life outside of the forum is a little stressful sometimes. The problem is this. When you run the clock and the second law of thermal dynamics backwards eventually you come to a perfect universe. That agrees with the bible and physics but not mainstream cosmology. Science has created a cosmology where the second law of thermodynamics does not flow consistently. (Like when they use gravity to create matter in neutron stars but matter is necessary for gravity to exist.) By ignoring that fact, science created a cosmetology where the second law of thermodynamics does not follow from the beginning to now in a consistant way. They Try to explain that away by saying universe is cyclical and eternal and, maybe matter always existed, or our universe is part of a bigger universe than what we see Where there's enough disorder in the part of the universe we can't see to allow for the order we observe here. but, those are things that we cannot observe or test and must take on faith. And I believe you irreducible complexity rules that out anyway. (And please don't say they've already figured out a way around the irreducible complexity, because they haven't. everything they use requires some sort of complex system created before the irreducible complexity problem came up they are just kicking the can down the road. And besides the structure of space is so complex it can happen spontaneously anyway.)
Biblical scholars on the other hand try to shoehorn a perfect God into the cyclical universe of cosmology, Or come up with some young earth stuff that doesn't fit science at all.
The truth is the universe is millions or billions of years old. Once we get past millions of years our ways of measuring time are questionable but probably not worth arguing about right now. So that throws the young earth IDpeople out right away. But they're the only ones doing any scientific work from the ID side.
A Catholic priest discovered the math that leads to inflation and the big bang. That makes it look like the Catholic Church supports the big bang theory as the initiation of the universe. But what if the big bang is just when the universe started deteriorating? what if it existed before the big bang just more compact and perfect? The Borde Guth Viliken Inflation theory provides math to allow for that. Guth said This allows for the big bang to be a transition to a perfect universe which would then require a quantum creation event to create matter. Guth said he was going to spend the rest of his life proving that option wrong. But that option fits perfectly with the first part of Gen 1 of the biblical story of God creating a perfect universe and some event in Gen 2 messing it up. ( once again, Guth showed a bias against ID).
so how is this transition event covered in the Bible ? How do we get from a universal perfection with eternal existence everywhere in everything to a universe that is dying according to the second law like we observe today? Can we make the biblical narrative of the universe being created through a quantum creation event that results in a perfect universe that isn't dying and then transitioning throuhg a big bang Transition event that leads to a dying universe we observe now? And can we make that biblical narrative match scientific cosmology And observation? ( can we even get a cosmologist or atheist geologist to consider it? )I believe we can but that takes a very good understanding of the Bible and physics and an open mind that can tie these two up to now unrelated fields of study together. Are you open Minded enough to even have the conversation?
I don't think there's too many theologians or physicists that think this is possible or are willing to try. The Catholic hierarchy either doesn't believe in the God of the Bible or are too cowardly to search for him scientifically (I don't think they want to know because, it leaves the door open to their own interpretation). And the Catholic Laymen in the scientific community fear the loss of their job if they take an intelligent design approach.
Hopefully it's not up to me to do the research and write the papers because I kind of suck at writing. But Ideas are pretty clear in my head and my notes. ( wish doesn't do anybody else a whole hell of a lot a good )