Dont talk dumb. CI is ntitled to his opinions. I agree with many and disagree with many. This is one with which I disagree.
If a case involving infractions to our Constitution is brought up for adjudication (THROUGH THE SYSTEM FROM LOWER TO HIGHER COURT), should it be IGNORED and let the one side fold its tents??
Tht aint the way our system works.
What was being adjudicated was whether Freedom of (and from) religion was just an empty phrase, or something that should be defended. BOTH SIDES FELT THEY HAD RIGHT ON THEIR SIDE. Youre just whining cause your selected side got drubbed in every single case since Dqyton Tennessee.
I get tired of repeating this tuff to obviou deniers like you, but remember, the laws governing the public school sciences in the early 20th century were based upon Biblical Inerrancy. EVOLUTION WAS A HERESY , and to teach it, (hqd this been an earlier century) exposed you to fines and even prison. Ive said this over and over, One of my hobbies has been to collect and use in the class, the old textbooks in sciences that were used in chools bacl in the last two centuries. The books were primarily Fundamentalist, Racist, Information limited and just fuckin WRONG.
NOW, if you wanna go back to that world in educational thinking, be my guest. Go join the Snake Handler sects or the Beach Amish or Lubovitzer Jews. Be my guest. There are many home schooled kids whose parents took their kids away from public schools because they eschewed "Modernist thinking". I prefer to be part of the wave of new findings and honest discussion and experiment to see what sticks to the wall. Apparently you do not. (I really care little about what ID can do to science, Ive just been hammering to you guys that if you believe as hard as you do, try to cobble up some evidence to challenge truly natural selection and rndom mutation, or even working out some kind of evidence that the planet had to be "engineered by an unknowable intelligence"
We have no where to even begin a discussion as it stands now. I can pretty much quote from where and when sciance has derived its present stqnce on creation and subsequent evolution . All I here from you and BJ is"It evident that this is all a designed bar code"