You make the same phony excuses all the supporters of war criminals/terrorists make.
There are international laws that define war crimes and the US meets those in myriad cases.
"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg. And Nuremberg means Nuremberg and Tokyo. So first of all you’ve got to think back as to what people were hanged for at Nuremberg and Tokyo. And once you think back, the question doesn’t even require a moment’s waste of time."
- Noam Chomsky
Quote:In past historical times raping and pillaging were considered to be the benefits accorded to conquering soldiers, and not war crimes. The concept is rather modern.
Correct. Modern international law is defined by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals, largely a construct of the USA. These things are war crimes, of that there is no doubt. That US soldiers engaged in these rapes is well known and well documented.
Quote:Whether or not Nixon and Kissinger committed was crimes depends on you definition. The certainly committed crimes against the Americans who died as a result of their procrastination for political reasons.
Here we go again - the whining about how Americans have suffered in light of the tens of millions the US has slaughtered.
Nixon and Kissinger are war criminals as defined by international law. Go back to the beginning and read.
It's despicable to make excuses for evil.