Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Thu 18 Aug, 2016 04:07 pm
@Leadfoot Quote:
"Thank you for so quickly demonstrating the truth of my prediction"

Your "prediction" is over 50 years old, know that?
All you are doing is parroting Edwards v AGuillard and Dover v Kitzmiller

Yeah, and you still have not come up with a single counter argument to the points made in the link I posted.

But go on, I love to hear your clairvoyant views about my lack of "real science".
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 04:14 pm
Not necessarily. The counter arguments under diccussion are pointing out the deficiencies of the theory, which in this case is abiogenesis and evolution.

They are saying, the theory does not adequately explain what it claims to, not proposing another theory.
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 05:34 pm
Wow. "I don't believe you" is now a scientific argument in your mind.

Making claims you don't believe in the science while at the same time leaving out much of the science to make that claim is certainly not science. It is voodoo BS.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 05:36 pm
Please point out the "deficiencies" on the theory of abiogenesis and evolution.

Thu 18 Aug, 2016 05:45 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Have your link talk to my link for those deficiencies.
cicerone imposter
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 07:15 pm
0 Replies
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 07:22 pm
Im no longer rading link to tach people. You quote wht you understan from your buds at DI and Ill counter them with the state of evidence. Im rather fed up with the No-theory xcept gawd guys.

I know severql pof the shamwows at the DI and hqve been involved in the censure letter to one of them who actully lied to the Geological Society of Americ by posing a field trip to discuss "Sedimentary processes in the grend Canyon" qnd then took a field trip (attended by mostly students)to Mt Hvasu and proceeded to "preach" about evidence for the Noadic Flood.

Thi guy had earned a pHD in geo chem and was in the research end before he flipped out and finally showed his real badkground of Evangelic Christiqnity of the Fundamental Type. (It appears he was a full-on Creationist//IDer his entire life and just played the role (A waste of a talent and a gift).
Fortuntely, some grad students pointed out several Glaring inconsistencies of his "sermon on the Mount".
rguments for science can only be carried out point by point whereas the IDers like to "Hop all over the map" drawing a fact here and trying to join it up with another yet totally unrelated an even non dimensionally equivalent fact. They are a trying bunch that use fraud, lies, and attempts at drawing in other disciplines to cover their weknesses of qrgument.

If you doint see the inconsistencies then all I can say is that you havent really studied up on anything except what the ID guys are saying .
You must learn to become analytical and require mounds of vidence.
NOW where do you want to start wrt to your DI link. Just read the points an Im not saying Ill hqve the lwt word, but I know lots of people in the fields,an Im sure I can at least find thecorret answers in short order.

cicerone imposter
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 07:28 pm
Trying to fight the ID guys at the geology level is a waste of time. Geologists already proved there never was a world flood. Until that's settled, everything that follows is so much BS.
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Thu 18 Aug, 2016 07:33 pm
I love to hear your clairvoyant views about my lack of "real science".
Im not being "clairvoyant at all" You are the one who's doing the praching out loud, Ive but to listen and respond to what youve just said.
I unserstand youre pissed off but , thats a step forward if you do something about it .
Maybe read ?? There is a really good and well reasoned book in the ..."For Dummies Series">>> Its Biochemistry by Rich Langley, hes a biochemist whose a part time rockhound an hes quite good biochem teacher teacher and makes a dense subject appear undertsandable (sorta like measuring distances to stars from several methods-)
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Thu 18 Aug, 2016 08:01 pm
I'm not sure if that post was an offer to actually look at the arguments but if so, here is one that I've attempted to make several times before. Looking forward to what you think is the 'correct answer'.

Problem 2: Unguided Chemical Processes Cannot Explain the Origin of the Genetic Code

Let's assume, again, that a primordial sea filled with life's building blocks did exist on the early Earth, and somehow it formed proteins and other complex organic molecules. Origin of life theorists believe that the next step in the origin of life is that -- entirely by chance -- more and more complex molecules formed until some began to self-replicate. From there, they believe Darwinian natural selection took over, favoring those molecules which were better able to make copies. Eventually, they assume, it became inevitable that these molecules would evolve complex machinery -- like that used in today's genetic code -- to survive and reproduce.

Have modern theorists explained how this crucial bridge from inert nonliving chemicals to self-replicating molecular systems took place? The most prominent hypothesis for the origin of the first life is called the "RNA world." In living cells, genetic information is carried by DNA, and most cellular functions are carried out by proteins. However, RNA is capable of both carrying genetic information and catalyzing some biochemical reactions. As a result, some theorists postulate the first life might have used RNA alone to fulfill all these functions.

But there are many problems with this hypothesis.

For one, the first RNA molecules would have to arise by unguided, non-biological chemical processes. But RNA is not known to assemble without the help of a skilled laboratory chemist intelligently guiding the process. New York University chemist Robert Shapiro critiqued the efforts of those who tried to make RNA in the lab, stating: "The flaw is in the logic -- that this experimental control by researchers in a modern laboratory could have been available on the early Earth."15

Second, while RNA has been shown to perform many roles in the cell, there is no evidence that it could perform all the necessary cellular functions currently carried out by proteins.16

Third, the RNA world hypothesis does not explain the origin of genetic information.

RNA world advocates suggest that if the first self-replicating life was based upon RNA, it would have required a molecule between 200 and 300 nucleotides in length.17 However, there are no known chemical or physical laws that dictate the order of those nucleotides.18 To explain the ordering of nucleotides in the first self-replicating RNA molecule, materialists must rely on sheer chance. But the odds of specifying, say, 250 nucleotides in an RNA molecule by chance is about 1 in 10150 -- below the universal probability boundary, or events which are remotely possible to occur within the history of the universe.19 Shapiro puts the problem this way:

The sudden appearance of a large self-copying molecule such as RNA was exceedingly improbable. … [The probability] is so vanishingly small that its happening even once anywhere in the visible universe would count as a piece of exceptional good luck.20

Fourth -- and most fundamentally -- the RNA world hypothesis does not explain the origin of the genetic code itself. In order to evolve into the DNA / protein-based life that exists today, the RNA world would need to evolve the ability to convert genetic information into proteins. However, this process of transcription and translation requires a large suite of proteins and molecular machines -- which themselves are encoded by genetic information. This poses a chicken-and-egg problem, where essential enzymes and molecular machines are needed to perform the very task that constructs them.

The Chicken and the DVD

To appreciate this problem, consider the origin of the first DVD and DVD player. DVDs are rich in information, but without the machinery of a DVD player to read the disk, process its information, and convert it into a picture and sound, the disk would be useless. But what if the instructions for building the first DVD player were only found encoded on a DVD? You could never play the DVD to learn how to build a DVD player. So how did the first disk and DVD player system arise? The answer is obvious: a goal directed process -- intelligent design -- is required to produce both the player and the disk at the same time.

In living cells, information-carrying molecules (e.g. DNA or RNA) are like the DVD, and the cellular machinery which reads that information and converts it into proteins are like the DVD player. Just like the DVD analogy, genetic information can never be converted into proteins without the proper machinery. Yet in cells, the machines required for processing the genetic information in RNA or DNA are encoded by those same genetic molecules -- they perform and direct the very task that builds them.

This system cannot exist unless both the genetic information and transcription / translation machinery are present at the same time, and unless both speak the same language. Biologist Frank Salisbury explained this problem in a paper in American Biology Teacher not long after the workings of the genetic code were first uncovered:

It's nice to talk about replicating DNA molecules arising in a soupy sea, but in modern cells this replication requires the presence of suitable enzymes. … [T]he link between DNA and the enzyme is a highly complex one, involving RNA and an enzyme for its synthesis on a DNA template; ribosomes; enzymes to activate the amino acids; and transfer-RNA molecules. … How, in the absence of the final enzyme, could selection act upon DNA and all the mechanisms for replicating it? It's as though everything must happen at once: the entire system must come into being as one unit, or it is worthless. There may well be ways out of this dilemma, but I don't see them at the moment.21

Despite decades of work, origin-of-life theorists are still at a loss to explain how this system arose. In 2007, Harvard chemist George Whitesides was given the Priestley Medal, the highest award of the American Chemical Society. During his acceptance speech, he offered this stark analysis, reprinted in the respected journal, Chemical and Engineering News:

The Origin of Life. This problem is one of the big ones in science. It begins to place life, and us, in the universe. Most chemists believe, as do I, that life emerged spontaneously from mixtures of molecules in the prebiotic Earth. How? I have no idea.22

Similarly, the aforementioned article in Cell Biology International concludes: "New approaches to investigating the origin of the genetic code are required. The constraints of historical science are such that the origin of life may never be understood."23 That is, they may never be understood unless scientists are willing to consider goal-directed scientific explanations like intelligent design.

But there is a much deeper problem with theories of chemical evolution, as well as biological evolution. This pertains not just to the ability to process genetic information via a genetic code, but the origin of that information itself.
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 11:36 pm
Leadfoot wrote:
Not necessarily. The counter arguments under diccussion are pointing out the deficiencies of the theory, which in this case is abiogenesis and evolution.

They are saying, the theory does not adequately explain what it claims to, not proposing another theory.

They aren't merely pointing out the deficiencies of the Theory of Evoloution, the Discovery Institute proposes their ID theory, which isn't scientific. In that regard they have absolutely nothing, and you're being disingenuous.

Leadfoot, quoting the Discovery Institute wrote:
For one, the first RNA molecules would have to arise by unguided, non-biological chemical processes. But RNA is not known to assemble without the help of a skilled laboratory chemist intelligently guiding the process.

Where's the scientific evidence for this intelligently guided process that they're alluding to?

Thu 18 Aug, 2016 11:47 pm

This guy is miffed because ID isn't allowed to be taught as science in schools and equates that to Nazism. For being a scientist, this position is severely lacking in rationality and is rife with logical fallacies. It seems this guy merely pays lip service to science.
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 03:53 am
At the same time he shows that the IDers/Creationists have NO way to make the claims they do, "As they seem to go back and forth with 40 year old research and dont realize that much has been accomplished since that period"
0 Replies
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 04:29 am
The old argument of the RNA "world" have been looked at in terms of the fossil record (sppecifically from Greenland and, even more relevant, the microfossil finds at Shark Bay australia.
The combination of geochem and "evo.Deco" reseqrch has found that , since RNA can act to stimulate reactions and act as a enzyme and a nucleic acid , weve looked at sites where the precursors like isoprenes (for the "big bag hypothesis" and acetylene and Formaldheyde.. These last two can spontaneously react to screate at least 2 of the structural nucleotides in RNA. (Arguments of the acetylene formalin hypothesis have been stymied because these are two rather complex molecules to begin with)
Now, the formation of several of RNAs compounds have been found to form (also spontaneously) in the presence of an acidix cyanide and H2S medium stimulated by energy (heat of reaction, vulcanism, and uV light.

The argument seem to be how these rising compounds would first exist (And where). Using those "fossil molecules", researchers (recent , not 40 and 50 year old stuff) have disovered several other "havens" of geochemistry qhere , apparently there was a geologic facies that demonstrated deep deposits of sulohitic clays associated with minor oceanic ridge vulcanism. There , at several of these " vulcanic vents and clays" weve found strands of what appear to be micro -fossils in a possible "kick start" of life scenario.

Right now there are about 6 sites where several different styles of "microfossils" occur, Several of these seem to occur and dont seem to have any attended "follow-on " life evidence. They came and prhaps just became extinct. THat we dont know.

The search for the origin of life IS , I must say more of a fdorensic search using increasing amounts of circumstantial evidence. Noone says that "we know for certain". but research seems to indicate that life was founded in a cosmic gamblke and some conditions pyed off to allow earliest of life to become sustainable . It doesnt appear , FROM ALL the fossil record that the concept of "intelligence" everpresents a serious argument. It appars that life has always been a "victim" of environmental circumstances, not that which demonsrates some cosmic directed path to "white men".
(Sorry but Ive been participating in a thread about whether Edgar Rice Burroughs was a racist.).

Im kind of excited about how these recent studies are going (2014 till now). Although , even tentative conclusions MUST not be drawn without years more of checking and experiment and more discoveries of the Hadean fossil record.
It appears that the chemistry is becoming the easy part. We can create simple RNA from simple tools and even simpler compounds that we KNOW were being created in in the environment of the early earth (Acidic oxygen free waters, Sulfur rich volcanic ****, and organic acids like Cyanic and sulfitic). AND, as Ive been saying to you till Im exhausted, Chemistry of the chemical bond (s) is not a mystery, its the way things work and you can line all the chemists of the Discovery Institute up against the wall and ask then to deny that this is so. If they are honest they cannot.

You should visit your Univesrity libraries and get an-"on-line" library card and visit the foiles of NAture and SCience to follow on the real argumenst left in the discovery of life.
OR, you can buy into the "Intelligence first" folks at DI , armed with NO resarch of thir own and relying upon early Holocene science research.
The dificulty of the ormation of RNA and precursors int a"we dont understand how it could happen", Its more a , where do these conditions and " mud pools next to a volcano" exist in our geologic record.

WEVE found several nd so far, NOBODY has found any fish fossils or primates in the "soup pot".
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 04:33 am
Unguided Chemical Processes Cannot Explain the Origin of the Genetic Code
The problem is LIFE, not a component of it. There are "Nourishment/respiration firsters" and "genetics firsters"

If life, when it started could be dictated in its tenacity to survive, could not basic chemical bonds actually serve as a primodial "genetic code"??

I think thats where DR Sutherland's work has been going
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Fri 19 Aug, 2016 04:56 am
That's what I saw in that as well. Much like Leadfoot, he state clearly that he simply doesn't believe there is no guiding hand. Then he larks along claiming that there is insufficient evidence in every example and filling any cracks with his God of the Gaps.
0 Replies
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 06:42 am
Problem 2: Unguided Chemical Processes Cannot Explain the Origin of the Genetic Code

No science concerning evolution in that statement. No science concerning evolution in what follows it. There is nothing there but criticism of hypothesis that has nothing to do with evolution.
0 Replies
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 07:41 am
Leadfoot wrote:
"Not necessarily. The counter arguments under diccussion are pointing out the deficiencies of the theory, which in this case is abiogenesis and evolution.

They are saying, the theory does not adequately explain what it claims to, not proposing another theory."

They aren't merely pointing out the deficiencies of the Theory of Evoloution, the Discovery Institute proposes their ID theory, which isn't scientific. In that regard they have absolutely nothing, and you're being disingenuous.

They subject is not the DI, it's these arguments from Casey Luskin's book that they reprinted. Yes, I'm well aware that DI advocates the ID theory, but that is not the issue. Yes, they use these arguments as reasons for looking at alternative theories just as recognized authorities in evolution are calling for looking at alternatives (albeit not ID). This is mentioned in the excerpt in the link. And that isn't 40 year old news as farmer implies.

LeadFoot, quoting the Discovery Institute wrote:
"For one, the first RNA molecules would have to arise by unguided, non-biological chemical processes. But RNA is not known to assemble without the help of a skilled laboratory chemist intelligently guiding the process."

Where's the scientific evidence for this intelligently guided process that they're alluding to?

As I said, these arguments are not presented (by me anyway) as arguments for ID, these are merely reasons to consider other alternatives. Maybe science will come up with data that explain these shortcomings in abiogenesis, but so far it has not.

I'm not trying to prove God here, I have said how I would recommend going about that in more appropriate threads. ID is not the reason I believe God exists.
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 08:02 am
It appears that the chemistry is becoming the easy part. We can create simple RNA from simple tools and even simpler compounds that we KNOW were being created in in the environment of the early earth (Acidic oxygen free waters, Sulfur rich volcanic ****, and organic acids like Cyanic and sulfitic). AND, as Ive been saying to you till Im exhausted, Chemistry of the chemical bond (s) is not a mystery, its the way things work and you can line all the chemists of the Discovery Institute up against the wall and ask then to deny that this is so. If they are honest they cannot.

The chemistry is indeed the easy part. Screw simple RNA, Ventner is fabricating fully functional DNA from basic chemicals, it even works when placed in a cell.

Our disagreement on this issue revolves not around whether these molecular bonds can occure naturally, it is THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY ARE ASSEMBLED. There is no natural explanation for the order in which the nucleotides assemble other than random chance. The whole argument revolves around whether random chance can assemble a molecule capable of reproduction And passing along its genetic code.

AFAIK, no one is trying this experimentally because scientists ARE aware of the enormous odds against success, even under carefully controlled laboratory conditions.

Ventner has sort of done that in the lab but he used existing code.

The mystery is in the code, not the chemistry.
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 08:14 am
rosborne979 wrote:
Here's another bit of writing from James Tour. I'll let it speak for itself.


UltraBlue replied:
This guy is miffed because ID isn't allowed to be taught as science in schools and equates that to Nazism. For being a scientist, this position is severely lacking in rationality and is rife with logical fallacies. It seems this guy merely pays lip service to science.

Don't know where in that link you draw those absurd charges from but I think the visceral responses ros, farmer and now you give on this issue, are because rational educated men like James Tour don't go along with the 'evolution explains everything' mantra.

If you accepted what he says as valid, It means you might have to re-think your long held beliefs - a painful process which most people avoid.

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