The old argument of the RNA "world" have been looked at in terms of the fossil record (sppecifically from Greenland and, even more relevant, the microfossil finds at Shark Bay australia.
The combination of geochem and "evo.Deco" reseqrch has found that , since RNA can act to stimulate reactions and act as a enzyme and a nucleic acid , weve looked at sites where the precursors like isoprenes (for the "big bag hypothesis" and acetylene and Formaldheyde.. These last two can spontaneously react to screate at least 2 of the structural nucleotides in RNA. (Arguments of the acetylene formalin hypothesis have been stymied because these are two rather complex molecules to begin with)
Now, the formation of several of RNAs compounds have been found to form (also spontaneously) in the presence of an acidix cyanide and H2S medium stimulated by energy (heat of reaction, vulcanism, and uV light.
The argument seem to be how these rising compounds would first exist (And where). Using those "fossil molecules", researchers (recent , not 40 and 50 year old stuff) have disovered several other "havens" of geochemistry qhere , apparently there was a geologic facies that demonstrated deep deposits of sulohitic clays associated with minor oceanic ridge vulcanism. There , at several of these " vulcanic vents and clays" weve found strands of what appear to be micro -fossils in a possible "kick start" of life scenario.
Right now there are about 6 sites where several different styles of "microfossils" occur, Several of these seem to occur and dont seem to have any attended "follow-on " life evidence. They came and prhaps just became extinct. THat we dont know.
The search for the origin of life IS , I must say more of a fdorensic search using increasing amounts of circumstantial evidence. Noone says that "we know for certain". but research seems to indicate that life was founded in a cosmic gamblke and some conditions pyed off to allow earliest of life to become sustainable . It doesnt appear , FROM ALL the fossil record that the concept of "intelligence" everpresents a serious argument. It appars that life has always been a "victim" of environmental circumstances, not that which demonsrates some cosmic directed path to "white men".
(Sorry but Ive been participating in a thread about whether Edgar Rice Burroughs was a racist.).
Im kind of excited about how these recent studies are going (2014 till now). Although , even tentative conclusions MUST not be drawn without years more of checking and experiment and more discoveries of the Hadean fossil record.
It appears that the chemistry is becoming the easy part. We can create simple RNA from simple tools and even simpler compounds that we KNOW were being created in in the environment of the early earth (Acidic oxygen free waters, Sulfur rich volcanic ****, and organic acids like Cyanic and sulfitic). AND, as Ive been saying to you till Im exhausted, Chemistry of the chemical bond (s) is not a mystery, its the way things work and you can line all the chemists of the Discovery Institute up against the wall and ask then to deny that this is so. If they are honest they cannot.
You should visit your Univesrity libraries and get an-"on-line" library card and visit the foiles of NAture and SCience to follow on the real argumenst left in the discovery of life.
OR, you can buy into the "Intelligence first" folks at DI , armed with NO resarch of thir own and relying upon early Holocene science research.
The dificulty of the ormation of RNA and precursors int a"we dont understand how it could happen", Its more a , where do these conditions and " mud pools next to a volcano" exist in our geologic record.
WEVE found several nd so far, NOBODY has found any fish fossils or primates in the "soup pot".