If its posible for th nucleotides to assemble at qll, wheres the rgument about places in line?? Do I detect a bit of ledfootery??.
The IDesr seem to miss the point that evidence for existence i s obviously evidence of the process no?
"Screwing simple RNA" presents your side with a problem. Its seen that RNA can act as a enzyme and rhizome. It can catalyze and ajust plqcements of bases.
Once RNA is around its probably merely time that affects changes into a double helix.
The code is ,to IDers, a newly created bunch of language with each new organism. However, its easily seen from genetic "clocks" that qdditions of repet lleles occur in airly fixed frequency that is based upon the number of "generation" of an organism.
"Common ancestry" cannot be denied, its repeatable, observable, and experimentally verifiable. "Like Craig Venter, we dont need to start from scratch, we can recreate by "bucket chemistry for modifying Dna, and we can make STR seqiences of RNA from very simple (non biological, or pre-biologicals) like formaldehyde, and acetylene, and we can create the prexcursors of AMP, ADP and ATP fom Phosphate minerals, Cyanide, and Hydrogen Sulfide in an acidic media.
This is being done.
My argument is that, despite what we find, we will NEVER be sure thqt this was the correct formulqtion of first life. Of course its a guess, but a verifiable scientifically dound guess. Its not some myth based story .
The ID story sounds l;ike Donald Trump's entire campaign. He has nothing to offer, so his only chance at the bone is to find fault and criminality with his opponent. Dsicovery Institute, meet the Donald.