I thought you vociferously claimed that you had nothing to do with DI? and in fact you claimed ignornce of its mission to disrepute science in favor of Jesus .
When I askede you to read some more, I hope you gqve equal time to real biology and pqleontology.
These guys are mostly all discredited douche bags in the fields in whidh they assert knowledge.
You(and Discovery Institute) keep ignoring the nature of the chemical bond. We can see the fossil record of the Archean to be full of isoprene polymeric "Bgs of stuff" tht are abounding in C12 carbon.
Look, if you want to remain defiantly ignorant, that is your choice. BUT, DO NOT (at least on my watch in the stte of PA) try to clim that we "Shouldnt teach good science, please go stick your head in a bowl of primordial soup .
Basing an assertion on pure ignorant ranting (nd claiming some sort of scientific connection) is just total bullshit qnd I hope noone with hlf a brin or bettr will repudiate that silly stqnd .
Yes Im insulting you, but its an insult that is based upon a basic working knowledge. If you wish to hqve your kids lern about unicorns and gods in chrge, that is certainly your affair Just dont mess with methodological naturlim without foirst taking a course in biochemistry or moleculr biology.