Lynch has said that the "pandaptationists and workers in the field" say that nat selection accounts for all evolutionary change.
There is not one scientist in this field that I know, who states this (let alone believes it).
even in these fora weve discussed the roles of sexual selection, genetic drift, ring evolution, the significance of species "lines"and even the very concept of where "neutral theory was born" from C Darwin himself.
I think Id actually enjoy discussions with you if youd allow yourself the luxury to read your clips for understaning, rather than reading for "quote mining".
Quote:Natural selection is just one of several evolutionary mechanisms, and the failure to realize this is probably the most significant impediment to a fruitful integration of evolutionary theory with molecular, cellular, and developmental biology.It should be emphasized here that the sins of panselectionism are by no means restricted to developmental biology, but simply follow the tradition embraced by many areas of evolutionary biology itself, including paleontology and evolutionary ecology (as cogently articulated by Gould and Lewontin in 1979). The vast majority of evolutionary biologists studying morphological, physiological, and or behavioral traits almost always interpret the results in terms of adaptive mechanisms, and they are so convinced of the validity of this approach that virtually no attention is given to the null hypothesis of neutral evolution, { THIS is total bullshit by one who thinks his writing signals a "paradigm shift"}
despite the availability of methods to do so (Lande 1976; Lynch and Hill 1986; Lynch 1994). For example, in a substantial series of books addressed to the general public, Dawkins (e,g., 1976, 1986, 1996, 2004) has deftly explained a bewildering array of observations in terms of hypothetical selection scenarios. Dawkins's effort to spread the gospel of the awesome power of natural selection has been quite successful, but it has come at the expense of reference to any other mechanisms, and because more people have probably read Dawkins than Darwin, his words have in some ways been profoundly misleading. To his credit, Gould, who is also widely read by the general public, frequently railed against adaptive storytelling, but it can be difficult to understand what alternative mechanisms of evolution Gould had in mind and Gould's own writing style was his own worse enemy
Could it be that Kimura was dead wrong. That his hypothesis does NOT conflict with Darwin?
Find a clip that maybe refutes that proposal. K/
(Since you stealthily ignore very one of my questions while claiming I dont answer you. Pwrhaps Ive got you at a disadvantage. I seem to have picked your direction of preaching.