@Frank Apisa,
Quote: Why are so many of your type as close-minded as the "the Earth is 6000 years old" people? And considering that you are, why are you so scornful of those others?
Wherever evidence exists, its easy to reject the old stories with which we all grew up and once accepted.
Its like being shown that the moon IS NOT made of green cheese.
IMHO-Theistic evolution is a final holdout position of someone who was shown the pile of evidence that science has in its cabinet, but still desires a nice story with which to identify.
That the pile of evidence clearly shows that various environmental changes account for natural selection and that drift also accounts for evolution without nat selection and that even a bit of Lamarkian thinking is creeping back into science (what with the possibility that a parents "bad habits" are heritable to its offspring), Most reasonable thinking people with a little savvy in this field really dont spend any time trying to "do a best fit" with our old stories of a Supreme Being in charge.
Even most biological scientists who DO profess being "believers" have gone over to a transcendent supreme being.
When its possible to see things evolving due to man made barriers to a species "free ranging" , or seeing evolution responding to continental drift or global warming, its hard to keep coming up with special cases where a supreme being would have any input to these natural situations (Unless of course you feel that everything that happens is under somethings control).
That position, IMHO is just a waste of anyones time .
Your "possibility" of ID keeps shrinking away in relevence as science identifies the specifics of "how" evolution workks.
Still, if all you wish to do is stand around yelling at people without any details besides some blank assertion , you are, I suppose you know, starting to sound like Quahog .
I think your "possibilities" of ID need as much convincing evidence to support as does "interference free" natural election . Standing around name calling without anything deeper is really an easy position. All youve been doing for about 10 years is to take this "copout position" without defending it. No wonder many people think that your just all vines and no grapes.