The dictionary only gives definition of common usage, not a "Universal" definition... To point:
Quote:Pantheism is the belief that the universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity,[1]
The New Oxford Dictionary Of English. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1998. p. 1341. ISBN 0-19-861263-X.
Now we note that your source cites a creator of the "Universe", however one cannot create the "Universe".. Why? Universe is actually another term for "Existence" as is "Reality". Universe is defined as "all that exists".
Quote:The universe is commonly defined as everything that exists.[1] It includes all kinds of physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies, and all the contents of space.[2][3]
1. Webster's New World College Dictionary. Wiley Publishing, Inc.. 2010.
2. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed.). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. 2010.
3. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
This is not to be confused with "The Observable Universe", and is not something in which can be created for one cannot create that which itself requires to exist. This falls under set theory in where the Universe is the Universal set of all sets, and something like a being or the observable universe are subsets of the universal set "The Universe", or for a better word "Existence". And to express this, I cite the following videos:
We can essentially rule out any concept suggesting they are the creators of the Universe as the Universe cannot be created. We can however say that any emergent thing such as a conscious state, the observable Universe, life, us ect..., are emergent properties of the Universe itself, or Existence itself to which is without question the essence, origin, and totality of all that exists. The Universe is a self-generating system from itself. It is not a divine being even though beings such as ourselves are much a part of it as products from it. Yes we can say some sentient life or beings are more powerful than others, but under such criteria we would ourselves be gods. It's such a flawed concept that if falls apart under its own premises.
Furthermore, and to express why the concept of GOD is incoherent, is that it makes no sense for one part of Existence to worship another part of Existence as "GOD".. That would be Existence worshiping itself not only monotheistically, but polytheistically as Existence is every mind, religion, belief, or non-belief for that matter. Hence again Existence itself shows why the concept is inherently incoherent. This ignoring the Paradox in that stating the Universe (Existence) as GOD would make the concept entirely moot.. So if Existence is god, so are you, me, and everything / everyone else in and of Existence. If Existence is not GOD, then there isn't any such thing since Existence is all that exists.
So where does the definition you provide make the concept anymore meaningful in light of the problems and Paradoxes that essentially make it moot and meaningless? Where in this do we ever need consider the concept that is inherently self-refuting?
Lastly, if we were to compare and contemplate concepts of GOD, what GOD could ever be greater than Existence itself? What is GOD without Existence?
I'm sorry, but the concept is nonsensical and meaningless... It cannot logically be established as a coherent concept worth consideration.