Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Wed 17 Dec, 2014 03:38 am
That is complete babble-speak there. The sort of thing that one expects from happy-horseshit Buddhists and drugged-out hippies.

Then you shouldn't have a problem explaining The Universe, origins, causality, essence of being, life, where you are, how you got here, what you are a part of, consciousness, laws, mode, morality, or even who you are without Existence.

This issue has nothing to do with Buddhism other than it may be a tenant held in Buddhism as it is in Pantheism. But what is clear in your post is you think your argument through the usage of informal and formal fallacy somehow makes what I said "Complete babble-speak" when in fact it doesn't. Ad Hominems are not refutations Setanta.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 03:42 am
What is it in the nature of energy which appalls one? What is it in the nature of gravity that makes it hopeless? Why should one despair at the thought of distances?

Setanta, did you even watch the video? I suspect not giving if you had, you would know the context in which he was inferring to regarding religion. And that wasn't the part I was specifically inferring to, it's rather the part we realize we are of the Universe, and the Universe is us.. But you knew that before making this incoherent response didn't you?

Dude, i am definitely not you nor the cosmos.

No you are not me, we are two relative minds of the cosmos to which is both of us.. And yes you are of the cosomos..., of the Universe, of Existence itself. You cannot exist otherwise as there is no existence outside of Existence (The Universe) to be of or in. And by the way, you have no idea if you're just a solipsistic projection of my mind, or anyone else's.. Hence you may just be a figment of someone's imagination and nothing more. So yes, and despite your proclamation otherwise, you could very well be me, or someone else of existence..
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 03:47 am
Your use of the verb "infer" is quixotic. I'm not sure what you mean when you use it. No, i usually don't waste my time on videos, especially in the face of babble-speak such as you quoted. Hope is not a characteristic of gravity. If one is appalled by energy, or despairs at distances, that is a statement of the mental state of the person involved and not of the cosmos. None of us is the cosmos, while all of us are parts of the cosmos. It is very easy to sound wise if one abandons any real meaning in what one says. Languages only function for communication when there is a consensual set of defintions in operation.

How dare you, you arrogant bastard? My response was not only not incoherent, it was the very soul of coherence compared to that word salad.
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 03:56 am
Hope is not a characteristic of gravity

If you watched the video, you would realize he wasn't being literal with this statement. Oh that's right, you rather look like an idiot commenting on a video you didn't bother to watch. And I see you are unable to answer my question and chose instead to take the internet troll approach. But hey, yay for strawman arguments!

Languages only function for communication when there is a consensual set of defintions in operation.

Clearly you are unable to deal with the definitions given.. All you are saying here is that you don't want to play within the context presented as if it some how invalidates the context and definitions used because you don't give your consent.. You basically just said you have no actual argument, but rather a discontent for the context argued and definitions being used. And you Ironically talk about arrogance? Oh I think we have a clever one here.. O.o
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 04:12 am
You are one snotty son of a bitch. I was not commenting on the video, i was commenting on the idiotic passage which you quoted. What question was it that you allege you asked and which i did not answer? I said i had not watched the video. There is no straw man fallacy, because i commented directly on the quoted passage.

I don't want to "play" at all. I have pointed out the silliness in the passage, and you seem to be the one who has a hard time dealing with my response. Far from saying i have no argument, i clearly presented an argument against the meaningless babble-speak which was quoted, and which purports to be wisdom. I see no wisdom in just stringing words together to attempt to allege that there is some spiritual significance to be found in one individuals awe at the contemplation of the cosmos. We are none of us significant on a cosmic scale. I am not dismayed by that, nor impressed with phony-baloney attempts to argue for a spirituality which i have no reason to believe exists.
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 04:47 am
You are one snotty son of a bitch

One should not project one's own behavior onto others

I was not commenting on the video, i was commenting on the idiotic passage which you quoted.

You do realize the passage is an excerpt from the video correct? You are essentially commenting on a excerpt of the video you did not watch. And you do realize I quoted the passage to which at it's end is making the point I was referencing correct? You seriously are woefully dunce aren't you?

What question was it that you allege you asked and which i did not answer?

Someone clearly has no attention span. You should try and go back a few posts as I need not waste my time having to repeat myself.

I said i had not watched the video.

Captain Obvious, could you be more obvious?

There is no straw man fallacy, because i commented directly on the quoted passage.

Do you know what the definition of Strawman is? Oh let's help you out here:

A straw man is a common type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on the misrepresentation of an opponent's argument

Oh you most certainly did.

I don't want to "play" at all.

Someone this invested in discourse can hardly be said to not wanting to play.

I have pointed out the silliness in the passage, and you seem to be the one who has a hard time dealing with my response.

Now there is no "silliness" in the passage, and of course I have a hard time with a nonsensical response from someone that doesn't comprehend it wasn't literal, and hasn't watched the video to understand he was poking at religion and how religion often views such things. But you would know this if you had bothered to watch the video. This is worthy of what is a Godzilla Face Palm:


I see no wisdom in just stringing words together to attempt to allege that there is some spiritual significance to be found in one individuals awe at the contemplation of the cosmos. We are none of us significant on a cosmic scale. I am not dismayed by that, nor impressed with phony-baloney attempts to argue for a spirituality which i have no reason to believe exists.

Clearly you have not watched the video.. The closest to spiritualism being expressed here is Naturalism:


And just because we are not significant on a cosmic scale, doesn't mean we are not a part of it. And that alone is significant in itself, that to which is the point. It doesn't make you not special as you can still be special even if you may not be on the grandest of scales. He's not arguing what you think he is, but since you don't like watching videos while commenting on excerpts, I'm guessing there is no hope of you engaging in meaningful discourse here. I am curious if you understand that video is about science education and even attacks spiritualists pulling the same **** religion does.

Now I quoted from Alan Watts to make a point about that we came from the Universe to which we are of. That is not gobbly goop.. , it is not woo.
Frank Apisa
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 07:05 am
TheJackal wrote:

Anyone who asserts "there are no gods" IS asserting a guess.

Not when the concept is meaningless...

Whether the concept is meaningless or not...

...anyone asserting "there are no gods"...IS asserting a blind guess.

Hence there is no definable definition of a "GOD"..., or more specifically what makes something as such.. It's inherently an incoherent concept, and only requires opinion alone to verify there is no such thing since the concept itself is at its best a concept and title of opinion.. Lastly, and since I for example do not consider Existence GOD, there can be no god in or of Existence by consequence. Existence after all is what determines if there is or isn't a GOD, that is what any theist pleads for... So in reality, either everything and everyone is GOD, or there is none at all.. Take your pick because it's a literal dichotomy. No probability calculation argument need apply here.

My response is either yes, no, maybe, or I do not know...depending upon what you were trying to say here.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 01:22 am
That was no projection. I responded to the quoted material and you came along to accuse me of willfully misrepresenting the meaning of what was written. In my book, that makes you a snotty son of a bitch.

Now you're calling me "dumb" (which, of course, means incapable of speech, Perfesser), you snotty son of a bitch. I don't have to watch your idiot video to comment of the idiocy of the quoted material. I have not the least interest in the inept literary pretensions of the author. While we're at it, your English is pretty damned lame to, bright boy. ". . . I quoted the passage to which at it's end is making the point I was referencing . . . " is very nearly incoherent--something of which you accused me when i had in fact clearly stated my case--you snotty sone of a bitch.

Don't "waste" your time. Whether or not you get answers to questions which satisfy you is a matter of indifference to me.

I did not misrepresent anyone's "argument." I pointed out the ludicrous use of language in the quoted passage. That you cannot understand clear, direct statements in English is not evidence that i have misrepresented anything. Gravity cannot have the quality of hopelessness. Whether or not the author experiences fear and despair at the contemplation of energy and distance is a matter relevant only to the author's personal feelings--it tells us nothing about the cosmos.

I'm not playing, you precious idiot--i'm slamming you left and right for your ineptitude in English and your misrepresentations of what i have written. I don't play with idiots or self-deluded fanatics.

The passage was full of phony-baloney evocations of some spiritual epiphany which the author experienced. Epiphanies have no meaning to anyone other than the one who experiences them. Spirituality exists only in the perceptions of individuals who are prepared to allege the existence of a quality for the reality of which they cannot provide any evidence. I fully understood that it was a lame attempt at the metaphorical evocation of the author's epiphany--i was not impressed either by the literary effort or the false spiritual conclusion.

I fully understand that we are a part of the cosmos--i made that point in my own post. The claim that we are the cosmos, or that the cosmos is us is nothing but gobbledygook, it is babble-speak, and it is to that which i objected. You have no idea what i think he is arguing, because i didn't address any argument, i addressed his hilariously lame use of the language. You're even worse than he is. As for Alan Watts, i have no respect for him, he was a snake-oil salesman peddling the navel-gazing, self-congratulatory and essentially selfish "philosophy" of the East--as though there had ever been any single philosophy of the East.

Describing one's personal epiphany as it appears in the quoted passage certainly has nothing to do with science. It was also certainly an evocation of the kind of phony-baloney spiritualism that that old bullsh*t artist Watts was fond of peddling.

Your English sucks, and so does your comprehension of the English language. I did not watch your lame video and i only commented on the quoted text. Get over yourself.
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 02:05 am
I read your posts to the little dog, and she just laughed and laughed. We're going for a walk now. Here's a video for you to watch:

Thu 18 Dec, 2014 03:02 am
That was no projection. I responded to the quoted material and you came along to accuse me of willfully misrepresenting the meaning of what was written. In my book, that makes you a snotty son of a bitch.

You did however misrepresent the context... Like I said, you should try watching the video before commenting on excerpts from it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out he's inferring to what religious nutters fear, and what they are appalled by.


Now you're calling me "dumb"

At this point I surely am.

I don't have to watch your idiot video to comment of the idiocy of the quoted material.

Someone has anger management problems and needs to learn what is intellectual integrity, and learn some comprehension skills. You can't make a coherent comment on that excerpt taken from a wider body of context. Yes, you're an idiot.

is very nearly incoherent--something of which you accused me when i had in fact clearly stated my case--you snotty sone of a bitch.

Sone? What is as snotty sone? Furthermore, "I" should be capitalized. Careful with the hypocrisy.

I pointed out the ludicrous use of language in the quoted passage.

There was no such "ludicrous" usage. However, we seem to have a ludicrous internet troll committing hypocrisy like a complete and utter idiot. You thought yourself clever, and yet you have failed in epic fashion.

Gravity cannot have the quality of hopelessness

Sure it can..., he's inferring to gravity so strong there is no hope of escaping it's pull. The video of a black hole wasn't presented during his statement about hopeless gravity for no reason. You are clearly not a genius, and nor a scholar.

Whether or not the author experiences fear and despair at the contemplation of energy and distance is a matter relevant only to the author's personal feelings--it tells us nothing about the cosmos.

It's not about the Author experiencing fear and despair, and the video does tells us something about the Cosmos. For **** sake, and you wonder why you're being inferred to as an idiot?

i'm slamming you left and right for your ineptitude in English and your misrepresentations of what i have written. I don't play with idiots or self-deluded fanatics.

We call this Irony, and you might want to learn how to capitalize a pronoun before you go around telling people about their supposed "English ineptitude".

I fully understand that we are a part of the cosmos--i made that point in my own post. The claim that we are the cosmos, or that the cosmos is us is nothing but gobbledygook, it is babble-speak, and it is to that which i objected.

You sure do love refuting yourself. We are the Cosmos simply because we are literally a part of it.. There is no statement saying we are the entirety of the Cosmos. Furthermore, the Cosmos is entirely us because we are from it, a part of it, and because we are literally made of it. But hey, if you want to object to what you agreed with, then have at it. O.o


i was not impressed either by the literary effort or the false spiritual conclusion.

There is that "I" problem again. Also, the author made no spiritual claim or conclusion. Like I said, the closest you could even come to such, should you imply such, would at best be naturalism. As in that we are one with nature because we are literally a product and part of it. There is no gobbly goop there, that's just stating a cold hard fact. And to point, the author stated the following:

That night under the Milky Way, I who experienced it cannot call the experience a religious experience, for I know it was not religious in any way. I was thinking about facts and physics, trying to visualize what is, not what I would like there to be. There’s no word for such experiences that come through scientific and not mystical revelation. The reason for that is that every time someone has such a “mindgasm”, religion steals it simply by saying, “Ahh, you had a religious experience.” And spiritualists will pull the same ****. And both camps get angry when an atheist like me tells you that I only ever had these experiences after rejecting everything supernatural.

Again this is why I, without a doubt, consider you a complete idiot. You keep making a straw-man argument about the author as if he's trying to profess some spiritual epiphany when he's doing no such thing.

You have no idea what i think he is arguing, because i didn't address any argument, i addressed his hilariously lame use of the language.

"I"rony ? Oh one's lame use of "the language". It is clear however that you have no idea what it is he is arguing. I dare say, the author is far more educated than you are.

You're even worse than he is. As for Alan Watts, i have no respect for him, he was a snake-oil salesman peddling the navel-gazing, self-congratulatory and essentially selfish "philosophy" of the East--as though there had ever been any single philosophy of the East.

You don't need to respect him to address a point being made. Ad hominems have no intellectual value, and the more you use them to try and give yourself credulity you don't have, the less credulity will be attributed to you by the common rational observer. We are not addressing Alan Watt's himeself, we are addressing something he said in a lecture. All you have managed to accomplish here is to make yourself look like a classical internet troll, and nothing more. You speak to the point of ad nausea, and you bring forth no meaningful discourse. You speak of ineptitude whilst you display it at every level, almost worthy of an Olympic gold medal in both irony and hypocrisy.

Your English sucks, and so does your comprehension of the English language. I did not watch your lame video and i only commented on the quoted text. Get over yourself.

I do sincerely wonder if you can me tell why it is that I am laughing at your rant here. O.o

Thu 18 Dec, 2014 03:11 am
You continue to butcher English. You continue to maunder about context after i have repeatedly pointed out that i was commenting solely on the quoted passage. I don't give a rat's ass about your idiot video, or your idiot thesis. Have a lousy day, be sure not to write
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 03:21 am
I love it!
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 03:23 am
You continue to butcher English. You continue to maunder about context after i have repeatedly pointed out that i was commenting solely on the quoted passage. I don't give a rat's ass about your idiot video, or your idiot thesis. Have a lousy day, be sure not to write

Proper English includes capitalizing "I". Don't tell people how to write in proper English when you can't manage to do so yourself. Please, in your own words, have a lousy day, and be sure not to write.

pointed out that i was commenting solely on the quoted passage.

Yes you made such a claim, but yet you did much more than that. You are in no position to be commenting on an excerpt out of it's context. Now you asked how can energy be "appalling" , well, have you asked yourself what it is you are made of? Furthermore, and when reflecting on that question of what it is you're made of, do believe yourself or others around you can be appalling?

Thu 18 Dec, 2014 03:23 am
Oh, and "i" should be capitalized? Grammar nazi, which is rich coming from someone whose English is so poor.

Ad hominems have no intellectual value, and the more you use them to try and give yourself credulity you don't have, the less credulity will be attributed to you by the common rational observer.

After all of the name-calling in which you have indulged, tell us again about hypocrisy, you snotty son of a bitvch.
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 03:26 am
That's a great one, isn't it?
0 Replies
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 03:29 am
Capitalization is a convention, it is not "proper" or "improper" English. When i criticize your butchery of the English language, it's for drivel such as this:

TheJackass wrote:
It doesn't take a genius to figure out he's inferring to what religious nutters fear, and what they are appalled by.

"Inferring to what?" Do you think that makes any sense in English? I suspect that you don't really know that the verb infer means.

You snotty son of a bitch.
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 04:08 am
Capitalization is a convention, it is not "proper" or "improper" English. When i criticize your butchery of the English language, it's for drivel such as this:

The English language is a convention, it is not "proper", or "Improper". When I criticize your butchery of the English Language, it's for drivel such as this. That is literally how laughable your statement just was. You also failed at proper grammar, this in where you had failed to place a comma in several your long strings of incoherent banter.


"Inferring to what?" Do you think that makes any sense in English? I suspect that you don't really know that the verb infer means.

Watch the video, and yes it does make sense for anyone who has bothered to watch the video. The religious nutters he's inferring to, those who are anti-science, are appalled by the very science that tells them about the very thing they are made of, and that being energy. Hence he's inferring to those who find science and the natural forces of energy appalling, and this context is what underlines much of the video. I suspect you're not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 04:15 am
So it is obvious that you don't know what the verb infer means. This:

You also failed at proper grammar, this in where you had failed to place a comma in several your long strings of incoherent banter.

. . . is another example of how poor your English is. The use of commas is also a convention, and the trend over the last 30 or 40 years is to use them less and less often. You apparently also don't know what the word banter means. There is nothing playful or friendly about the manner in which i address your idiocy.

Come back to talk to me when you will have mastered the English language. Right now, in addition to being incoherent, you're boring.
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 04:19 am
After all of the name-calling in which you have indulged, tell us again about hypocrisy, you snotty son of a bitvch.

I wasn't calling you a name, I was classifying you based on your arguments. For it is not a name I assigned, but rather a classification of what you are. And learn how to spell "bitch" Wink


Oh, and "i" should be capitalized? Grammar nazi, which is rich coming from someone whose English is so poor.

English Nazi, which is rich coming from someone whose English grammar and spelling is so poor. And you wonder why I am placing you under the classification of an idiot.
Thu 18 Dec, 2014 04:19 am
One does not "infer to" anything. One might infer from something, but not to it. Look up the definition of the verb infer. Your English sucks.

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