@DNA Thumbs drive,
my kids often have presented some youtube stuff and theyd discuss it after class. I don't hve much time left in my life to hear the same stories go on and on. Ive got all of Mike Behes books and have read em . In each case, his arguments have been taken apart by those in closely related fields of biochem that occupies most of Behes waking hours . (Remember, hes not only a tenured faculty at Lehigh, hes a sustaining scholar at the Discovery Institute.
Did he come out of the ID closet after he was tenured, because LEhigh includes a broadside in its bio department page about BEhe saying that,
I paraphrase
"While Dr Behe is certainly free to epress his opinions (re his worldview). Lehigh University nd the dept of Biology state emphatically that e don't share his views"
(If they did, they could be in danger of having theoir regional accreditation put under review)
Behe has not done his scientific reputation ny good when he testified on bhalf od the Defense in the Dover case. He testified that science will include Astrology as a real discipline.
The problem with ID proponents is that there are (t least) 2 schools, the deity cetered intelligences and the "Non-deity" centered. They seem to discount the panspermiasts back at the home office but most of the Non-deity centered IDers(at least to me) appear to lean heavily on panspermia and alien intervention.
Ya know e don't hve any argument about that , all we can do is wait for any new evidence and then readjust the rudders. While nat selection wont go away , evidence againct abiogenesis, will be stronger or even the rules that govrn it ould need to change
Sir Francis Crick was a pnsprmiast, as was Lynn Margulis and D Clark, (the scientists among em have done some remarkeable work in assessing data which is only being revealed at great cost within national space programs).
Several of the IDers try to muscle in that the entir earth and its geology was didled with piodically to then insert new strains of life.(This becomes the argument that surrounds the "Intelligent Muddler").
Im willing to wait ince, either way, theres really no argument to science. Natural selection still seems to go its way in its own time schedule and is mostly adaptive to events occurring on,(and to) the plnet.