@cicerone imposter,
Quote:The problem with intelligent agent is, who created that intelligent agent?
And there in there is where Creationists run into self-refutation. And as I explained before, anyone with a minor understanding of cognitive systems theory and information science would know that a conscious frame of reference is in itself a product of the systems in which create it. And therefore, intelligence cannot in any regard answer the question of origins. Yep, even the conscious mind is a product of existential processes of nature. I've asked those among us to answer and respond to the Paradox Existence itself brings to the concept of GOD, and it appears the best response was "That's nonsense" as an avoidance.
Essentially the concept of god is generally about higher power, and to explain origins. ID simply can't in itself answer that. Thus why I will tell them that there is no GOD, and the answer and origin to everything is literally Existence itself. I have yet to have one explain this to me without it.., hence the challenge I purpose to any theist who purposes ID must be the source of origins and higher power:
Quote:I challenge any ID proponent to explain to me Causality, Origins, Essence of Being, Mode of Existence, Life, Cognitive systems, Consciousness, function, processes, systems, force, power, law, meaning, purpose, where we came from, where we are, where we might go, or anything at all without Existence.
I challenge any theist to explain to me why I must contemplate the concept of GOD when I only need contemplate and try to understand Existence itself as the essence, mode, answer, origin, and literally the totality of all that there is?
If you ask me, the concept of GOD is completely meaningless.., and there is no ultimate power other than Existence itself for which is the Totality of Power. So even here what higher power do I need consider? None!... This is why Atheism is a logical and default position to which everyone is born as. It's further pleading that the concept of god is not innate, it's a concept that must be taught without so much as a shred of evidence, or logical and definable definition.. For it is an incoherent self-refuting obscure concept of opinion, and title of opinion to the point of utterly being moot.
So while intelligent design may exist, one must note that itself is a product and just as much a part of causality to which itself in enslaved to.