@cicerone imposter,
I think they just go to far with it... Hence there is nothing in science that will say there can't be an intelligence involved. For all we know, there may have been an intelligent agent just prior to the big bang. For all we can say, what better designed system than that which creates itself without the need of micromanagement? A self-generating work of art, not perfect, but not without it's beauty either.
So where creationists go wrong is when they start asserting things we know are wrong to uphold a narrative in which is contradicted by every aspect of the world around them. You know they are desperate when they seek the need to engage, promote, and breed woeful and dishonest ignorance in order to maintain their position and beliefs. They thus resort to entire spectrum of informal and formal fallacies that stem right into self-refuting arguments and concepts. And some like Ken Ham feed on it like a commodity to be sold for profit. And I will say this, I don't believe for a second that Ken Ham actually believes in any of this nonsense. He's a crank...