@Frank Apisa,
Wow, this topic has lain torpid for, seemingly, several years and now seems to have zombied up to the plate.
Bills concern is valid in that Intelligent Design is purely a religious based worldview. That's all that hes said, from my reading, and,, As such, its not welcome to be taught AS SCIENCE in public schools science curricula. Youre entire discussion about whether there are, (or aren't) gods flitting about is foreign to the scientific method . Since any " value addition of gods" is NOT something that can either be tested or predicted. Therefore, it really has no basis in any system born of facts and evidence, that's all I think hes saying .
If you strongly believe in gods and therefore intelligent design, go for it. Just be aware that your bounds of freedom to sell your worldview end at my doorstep and the science departments of my school district (and public college or university)>
Its interesting that most most all religious based colleges and universities (with an exception of a precious few who are, for the most part, not even accredited to offer degrees in biology or geology or chemistry), teach their biology pretty much "god -free". Catholic colleges and universities sometimes pray to their chosen deities for guidance when they open their classes but keep them out of the curriculum syllabus for the duration of the semester.
For most of the major Christianity sects,Their "personal" god is transcendent of the whole base experience and evidence of science so the "Scientific" arguments of ID would get in the way of actual scientific research. After all, what would your direction of study be after writing on the blackboard that "Then a miracle happens"? Classes would be dismissed and everyone would begin shaking their beads.
Therefore, as a species loaded with innate curiosity, we need to dismiss the added assistance of gods in our sciences. That's all that Bill wants you to understand.
Bill is just calling your bluff by asking you to come up with any tracks by which your ID can be tested , predicted, or evidenced. So far, no one has been able to , so therefore , most of us don't want to waste any valuable class time on trying to validate the concept and even prove what the hell "Irreducible Complexity" even means. Im sure there are kids who, after biology class is over , go to a coffee house and expound on their own delvings into Transcendentalism, mostly because , again as a species, we need intellectual pursuits, but we also would really "Feel a lot better" suspecting that theres a Galactic "chain of command" in effect, and this Supreme organizer has been responsible for a set of rules of conduct.
Its philosophically difficult suspecting that we are the mere products of random bondings of molecules and dumb luck. I know that I spent a lot of time in my youth accepting this and therefore separating myself from the practices and tributes demanded by the choreographed and orchestrated worship of gods. If everyone were so disposed as many of us herein are, I would suspect that the entire lively hoods of priests and bishops would get called into question by a more sophisticated and scientifically astute laity.
Why we , then, would all have to quickly become much better versed in the concepts of "natural law".
You may now get back to your original debate . Just remember that this topic had a totally different basis of being. It was originally concerned whether or not a belief in ID could honestly be taught as science in a public schools. SInce the time that this thread was born,(in 2003) the US district court system(in 2005) and underpinned by a series of decisions by the US Supreme Court , had decided on this entire argument.(hint: ID had a very bad week)
ID, simply stated, IS a religious belief system and is not even remotely to be considered science. and our courts have repeatedly reminded us that it actually says so in our Constitution in the very first amendment of what we affectionately call our "Bill of Rights".
Consequently, we can discuss ths to our hearts content and Frank, you can go all out in demonstrating how superior your worldview remains. All I wish to remind you is that, should you walk into a high school biology class and try to, as a teacher, remand your worldview for further consideration as a SCIENCE subject, youll be told to knock it off.
SO, Im gonna say that youre probably ok here on A2K and you can have your fun with everyone. Im gonna go have a bagel and some Nutella